Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day: “I’m too fast for ‘em.”

Just when you thought our last Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day could never be topped, the calendar page turns and the Reverend proves you wrong.

Just when you thought our last Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day could never be topped, the calendar page turns and the Reverend proves you wrong.

We’re not sure what to make of this one. So we’ll just say watch it for yourself.

And be prepared to laugh.

Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day: Could you repeat that question?

We’re pretty sure Al lost track of where he was going about twenty seconds and three clauses into this question, yet continued to press forward.

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton is a quick learner. In just a matter of weeks he has mastered the fine art of asking interminably long, convoluted questions that end with the host’s exhaustion rather than with a question mark, something that has taken Chris Matthews years to perfect, and an area in which we are demonstrating our skill with the construction of this sentence?

We’re pretty sure Al lost track of where he was going about twenty seconds and three clauses into this question, yet continued to press forward, completely undeterred by the confusion in which he was enveloped.

It would have been a perfect Al Sharpton Moron Moment of the Day if only his guest had said, “Could you repeat the question?”

Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day: EPA stands for Environmental “Projection” Agency

Al Sharpton is an idiot. We just have to remind ourselves to keep reminding you that MSNBC has hired someone dumber than Ed Schultz.

Al Sharpton is an idiot.
Al Sharpton is an idiot.
Al Sharpton is an idiot.
Al Sharpton is an idiot.

We just have to remind ourselves to keep reminding you that MSNBC has hired someone dumber than Ed Schultz.

Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day: “The Dow was down 630%!”

Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day is that special moment that makes the Reverend’s MSNBC show worth watching.

Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment of the Day is that special moment that makes the Reverend’s MSNBC show worth watching, that moment when the shameless charlatan’s incoherent thoughts come together with his inability to read a Teleprompter to create entertainment magic.

Take our word for it, at least one of these moments is guaranteed to take place each and every day on the Reverend’s show.

Let’s go to the tape.

Al Sharpton, the greatest entertainer in the history of television

We find ourselves tuning in nightly just to see what Al will screw up beyond all recognition.

We’re beginning to think that the guy who hired Al Sharpton at MSNBC is a genius because he recognized when others didn’t that the good Reverend is the greatest entertainer of all time. His is the first MSNBC show that can legitimately be described as “must see TV.”

We find ourselves tuning in nightly – and we can imagine that millions of others will soon join us – just to see what Al will screw up beyond all recognition. He’s guaranteed to have at least one such moment every single night.

We invite you to watch that moment from Tuesday night’s show. And we challenge you (a) to figure out what the hell he’s saying, and (b) not to laugh out loud.

Without further delay, here’s Al Sharpton’s Moron Moment for Tuesday, August 9.

Pot, meet kettle: MSNBC’s Al Sharpton calls the Tea Party “a monster” that “will destroy you”

The guy makes Chris Matthews look terse, makes Rachel Maddow look conservative, makes Ed Schultz look rational, and makes Lawrence O’Donnell look like a brilliant interviewer.

In a case of the pot calling the kettle black, the Reverend Al Sharpton has called the Tea Party “a monster” that “will destroy you.” Oddly enough, we are of the opinion that Sharpton is a monster that will destroy MSNBC.

The guy makes Chris Matthews look terse, makes Rachel Maddow look conservative, makes Ed Schultz look rational, and makes Lawrence O’Donnell look like a brilliant interviewer.

Need proof? (You probably don’t, but we’re going to provide it anyway.) Here’s the Reverend doing what now passes as an interview with Lee Fang from Think Progress.


Lunacy: Al Sharpton says Newt Gingrich is trying to “suppress the black vote” by appealing to black voters

The topsy turvy world of black politics now defines a white candidate seeking black votes as an attempt to suppress the black vote.

Just as saving the lives of black babies is now called racism, the topsy turvy world of black politics now defines a white candidate seeking black votes as an attempt to suppress the black vote.

And that’s not us editorializing, it’s a direct quote from the preeminent arbiter of all things racial, the Reverend Al Sharpton. reports the racial revisionism:

Sharpton, who spoke to host Cenk Uygur yesterday, explained his outrage against Gingrich for telling Republicans to “have the courage” to sell their ideas to the most Democratic African-American voting block. Sharpton argued that black people received “disproportionate injury from Republican policy” that was so obvious it was offensive for him to promote those policies at all. In doing so, he argued, Gingrich “assumes that we’re stupid,” or “is trying to throw something out at the media to cover up the fact that his campaign is falling apart.”

Well, yes, the Gingrich campaign is falling apart, but that’s about the only thing Sharpton got right. But hold on just a goldanged minute, because the Reverend hasn’t run out of stupid yet.

Sharpton went further to propose that it was possible that Gingrich was also “hoping to suppress the black vote” by speaking ill of President Obama such that those that voted for him in 2008 and would never vote Republican would simply stay home. That theory aside, Sharpton was still outraged. “The audacity of even saying something like that,” he argued of Gingrich’s attempt to court the black vote, “is something that insults us.” It was not exclusively the idea of a Republican courting the black vote that outraged him, however, but what he perceived as Gingrich’s hypocrisy in using language such as “the food stamp president” and citing President Obama’s “anti-colonial, Kenyan” views in order to, according to Sharpton, court the racist vote as well.

A white politician reaching out to black voters? The audacity! The horror! The outrageosity!

When will those uppity white politicians learn their place in life?


Al Sharpton rants: More lunacy and more racism than you could expect in one 4-minute clip

Crazy comments from Reverend Al during a panel discussion at the National Action Network Spring Dance and Race Baiting Conference.

Let us enumerate the crazy comments from Reverend Al during a panel discussion at the National Action Network Spring Dance and Race Baiting Conference:

(1) Construction sites with no black workers should be shut down, (2) Black students should only be taught by black teachers, (3) Barack Obama is losing ground with blacks because of a media conspiracy, (4) Sharpton beat back Glenn Beck, and (5) The Tea Party is racist.

Somebody alert the Guinness boys: This may be an all-time record for packing in the most racism per minute.

Al Sharpton: You can’t be for civil rights and for states rights

Contrary to what Sharpton has to say, we’re pretty sure you can be for states rights and civil rights. But odds are you’ll be against civil rights scammers.

Here’s race con man Al Sharpton at the NAACP State Convention:

“My point is that they are advocating states rights which they are, immigration, they want Arizona to be able to supercede federal law and in other areas. States rights has always been the enemy of civil rights. The idea of the civil rights movement was for the federal government to protect citizens, not leave them alone. So that the basis of the Tea Party is antithetical to civil rights.”

Contrary to what Sharpton has to say, we’re pretty sure you can be for states rights and civil rights. But odds are you’ll be against civil rights scammers.

Good lord: Reverend Al Sharpton owes $3.7 million in taxes

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has vowed to clean up his fiscal house, has a new tax lien to pay. Sharpton owes $359,973 to the IRS for 2009 personal income tax.

There’s a line in James Michener’s Hawaii about the Christian missionaries who came to save Hawaiian souls and ended up owning most of the islands: They came to do good and they did very well. The same can be said for the charlatan Reverend Al Sharpton

al sharpton
The Reverend Al Sharpton ministering to the needs of one of his flock

The New York Post has the details of Sharpton’s deficit:

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has vowed to clean up his fiscal house, has a new tax lien to pay.

Sharpton owes $359,973 to the IRS for 2009 personal income tax, according to documents on file with the city.

Public records show he owes a total of $3.7 million in city, state and federal taxes, including penalties, dating to 2002. But Sharpton’s spokeswoman, Rachel Noerdlinger, said that he had paid back “well over seven figures” as part of agreements with the state and IRS and that the liens remained on the books as “a matter of bureaucracy.”

Sharpton made $250,000 as head of the nonprofit National Action Network in 2009, a year that ended with the group owing $1.1 million in taxes and having just $36,397 cash on hand.

The organization also pays for first-class or charter travel for Sharpton and other NAN staff, according to its 2009 tax return. Noerdlinger declined to say for whom.

Apparently doing the Lord’s work is very taxing.

Sourc: New York Post

Al Sharpton ends the year on a high note: “Imagine the arrogance of allowing people to say what they want”

Al Sharpton continued his on-going jihad against Rush Limbaugh. He wants government regulations to stop the world’s highest rated talk show host from saying those horrible things Sharpton imagines that he says.

You put Al Sharpton in front of a camera with Ed Schultz and it’s inevitable that something stupid will be said (again).

Sharpton didn’t disappoint in his remarkably unsuccessful, yet on-going jihad against Rush Limbaugh. He wants government regulations to stop the world’s highest rated talk show host from saying those horrible things Sharpton imagines that he says.

Sharpton: Well, first of all, we’re not talking about censorship. We’re talking about standards. [R-i-i-i-g-h-t.] And there are already standards in place. We’re saying those standards ought to include those that in an explicit or even an implicit way practice racism or sexism or homophobia on the airwaves. And can you imagine the arrogance of saying federally-regulated airwaves should not be subjected to federal public hearings, so they should just grant licenses, allow people to say what they want?

Just wondering, Al, would those new regulations stop you and Ed Schultz from saying the things you say?

Nah, we didn’t think so.

You know Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton have no sense of decency. Now they prove they have no sense of humor.

Rush Limbaugh made a joke. A pretty funny joke. The set up is that the media always positions any criticism of President Obama as racist. So when Democrats criticized his tax compromise, Rush turned the tables and said they must be racists, too.

Rush Limbaugh made a joke. A pretty funny joke. The set up is that the media always positions any criticism of President Obama as racist. So when Democrats criticized his tax compromise, Rush turned the tables and said they must be racists, too.

Here are Rush’s exact words:

Rush: Man, oh, man, oh, man, ladies and gentlemen. The left, what a bunch of racists. I mean they’re all over MSNBC. They are all over the New York Times, the Washington Post. I have never seen such a collection of racists, all these liberals criticizing Obama on this compromise on the tax bill. Well, every bit of criticism of Obama’s always been said to be racist, hasn’t it?

Proving that he’s just as dense as his critics claim, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz didn’t get the joke. Neither did his guest, the esteemed Charlatan Al Sharpton.


The following very serious, very outraged discussion ensued.


Shocking news: Al Sharpton is a crook

This news has us pretty upset. Why, we tell you, the Al Sharpton is the last person we ever thought would be crooked. He just seems like such a fine, upstanding, respectable sort of chap. After all, he’s a reverend, you know.

This news has us pretty upset. Why, we tell you, the Al Sharpton is the last person we ever thought would be crooked. He just seems like such a fine, upstanding, respectable sort of chap. After all, he’s a reverend, you know.

Remember that America hates them because they're black, not because they're a crook and a socialist

The New York Daily News has the details that have us so depressed:

The Rev. Al Sharpton paid himself a six-figure salary for the first time last year – even as his civil rights group drowns in red ink and his tax bill hit nearly $1 million.

After back-to-back years in which he took no compensation from the National Action Network,Sharpton pulled down $250,000 last year, the organization’s federal tax filings show.

The payday comes even as his group, a Harlem-based nonprofit organization, lists $1.1 million in unpaid city, state and federal payroll taxes as of Jan. 1, the group’s auditor told the Internal Revenue Service.

At the same time, the reverend has three outstanding warrants totaling $988,000 in unpaid personal income taxes from 2002 to 2007, the state Department of Taxation and Finance says.

Well, we suspect that you are just as shocked by this revelation as we are. In fact, we’re sure you’ll agree that this is just some phony baloney scheme cooked up by whitey to keep the black man down.

We’re behind you all the way, Reverend Al. All the way.

Source: New York Daily News

Revolution on the Democrat plantation: Black caller calls out Reverend Al Sharpton

One can only hope that black voters are looking around at the current batch of exciting, young, black Republican candidates and saying, “Hmmmm. The Democrats haven’t really done much for me in the last 50 years….”

One can only hope that black voters are looking around at the current batch of exciting, young, black Republican candidates and saying, “Hmmmm. The Democrats haven’t really done much for me in the last 50 years….”

Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe a recent caller to Al Sharpton’s radio show is a sign of things to come.

The Radio Equalizer has the audio:

Caller: Reverend Al, I’ve been following you since the eighties ever since Tawana Brawley. Brother, you’ve had a place in my heart that is special.

But I’m from Chicago and the Democrats here can’t stand on their record, Reverend Al. That’s why the people are not coming out to vote, because they’ve been abused and misused. And I would just like to end with this that the Democratic Party has controlled the state government for at least ten or fifteen years.

The Democratic Party has controlled Chicago for at least 50 years and the blacks in Chicago and the blacks in the State of Illinois are worse off here, Reverend Al. You should come to Chicago so that you can see how bad they treat the people and now you gonna ask the people that you’ve been beaten down smacked up for ten or fifteen years to vote for me?

I’m not that ignorant, Reverend Al. I’m not going to keep expecting different results doing the same thing. Love you, brother. Out of here.

We assume this audio was cut off just before Reverend Al said, “Ah, crap. Looks like my scam is starting to unravel.”

H/T: RadioEqualizer

Sharpton rally mostly black. Why doesn’t the media hint that it was racist?

The clear implication of the liberal media was that most of the people who attended Beck’s rally were white, therefore the event must have been racist. What about Al Sharpton’s rally?

The clear implication of the liberal media was that most of the people who attended Beck’s rally were white, therefore the event must have been racist.

Here are just a few of the many examples:

“Beck says he and his overwhelmingly white followers ‘are the inheritors and protectors of the civil- rights movement.’” — Ben Adler, Newsweek

“Conservative commentator Glenn Beck and tea party champion Sarah Palin appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall to help restore traditional American values and honor Martin Luther King’s message.” — Associated Press

“Many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward to insist that they are not racists and to note that the crowd was courteous, despite heat and density.” — James Hohmann, Politico

Yet, the liberal media scrupulously avoided terming Sharpton’s rally racist, despite the fact that most of those in attendance were black.

For example, here are photos of Sharpton’s rally from the Washington Post. Nary a white face to be found. Hmmmmmm.

sharpton march

sharpton rally

And here’s coverage from PBS. Not a lot of white faces shown in that march, yet two of the three people interviewed by PBS in this clip were white. Seems raaacist to us.

And then there’s this lunatic making this outrageous comment:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yeah, right. That’ll never happen. The race mongers and liberal media won’t let it.


Ed Schultz tells dozens at Sharpton rally that he supported civil rights when he was a conservative

Sharpton only gave Schultz three minutes, which is all that’s left of his 15 minutes of fame after the liberals are done taxing it.

Four observations about Ed Schultz’ speech at Al Sharpton’s anti-Beck rally on Saturday:

Sharpton only gave Schultz three minutes, which is all that’s left of his 15 minutes of fame after the liberals are done taxing it.

The media is estimating 2000-3000 attended Sharpton’s counter rally, but swear to god, doesn’t it sound more like 50-100?

The “Yes We Can” chant is beginning to sound a bit pathetic.

Schultz says he’s glad he made the decision as a young man to “get on the bus with the brothers.” Since he was a conservative Republican until the 1990s and didn’t officially become a Democrat until 2000, that would mean he was “on the bus with the brothers” when he was a conservative.

Sorry about the sideways video, but that’s the way it was shot with someone’s camera phone.

Shocker: Al Sharpton’s listeners support Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court gun decision

Surprise. Al Sharpton and his listeners overwhelmingly support the Supreme Court decision upholding the right to bear arms.

You’d expect Al Sharpton’s response to the Supreme Court gun decision would be to dust off one of his old speeches blaming whitey for the violence in the black community blah-blah-blah.

Surprise. Sharpton and his listeners overwhelmingly support the decision.

The Radio Equalizer has Sharpton’s shocking statement:

Sharpton: I would say 90% of the calls I received yesterday were in support of the Supreme Court and people say they want to bear guns. They’re tired of the violence and it’s very very interesting. I have had a few on both sides today, but yesterday was overwhelming, it was stunning to me.

I just told Attorney Lou Meyers, lady stopped me last night; I did the commencement address at Boys and Girls High. She said I listen to your show Reverend and I want you to know I’m saved sanctified by feel of the Holy Ghost, but if they come in my house I’m going to drop them right where they stand. So, and she looked like she was in her eighties.

Sharpton probably isn’t too worried about guns in the black community. But what does scare him to death is the concept that his listeners may finally figure out that the Democrats don’t really represent their points of view.

H/T: RadioEqualizer

Can we all please agree now that the Democrats are socialists now?

Al Sharpton, one of the most vile race mongers America has ever known, has been legitimized by President Obama. He’s officially been designated as Obama’s conduit to “the streets.” On Sunday, Sharpton told a black congregation in Connecticut, “The dream was to make everything equal in everybody’s house.”

Al Sharpton, one of the most vile race mongers America has ever known, has been legitimized by President Obama. He’s officially been designated as Obama’s conduit to “the streets.”

On Sunday, Sharpton told a black congregation in Connecticut, “The dream was to make everything equal in everybody’s house.”

This from a guy sporting a $100 haircut, a Rolex on his wrist and a $2000 suit on his back.

Ain’t socialism great?


Pat Robertson is insane, but not for the reason you think

Pat Robertson brought conservatives and liberals together in a way that Barack Obama has failed to do. Both sides agree that his comments about Haitians’ “deal with the devil” were pretty wacky. But, we trust, no wackier than his belief in anthropogenic global warming.

Pat Robertson brought conservatives and liberals together in a way that Barack Obama has failed to do. Both sides agree that his comments about Haitians’ “deal with the devil” were pretty wacky. But, we trust, no wackier than his belief in anthropogenic global warming.

Here’s Robertson discussing it with noted negro and lunatic Al Sharpton.

Source: National Review

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer thinks all blacks look alike

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer introduced her guest by saying, “Joining me now to talk about this and the nation’s real problem of joblessness, the Reverend Al Sharpton.” Unfortunately for Brewer, she was interviewing Jesse Jackson.

This really is hilarious.

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer introduced her guest by saying, “Joining me now to talk about this and the nation’s real problem of joblessness, the Reverend Al Sharpton.”

Unfortunately for Brewer, she was interviewing that other race baiting black reverend, Jesse Jackson.

“I’m Rev. Jesse Jackson,” he said.

“Right. I’m so sorry,” Brewer said. “The script in front of me said Reverend Al Sharpton. I’m looking at your face. I know who you are, Rev. Jackson, we all do. I’m sorry.”

Can you imagine the howls of outrage that would have gone up if someone at Fox had made this mistake.

“It’s an indication of the raaaaaacism that pervades Fox,” Reverend Jackson would have said. Or maybe it would have been Reverend Sharpton. We can never tell those two apart.


Sharpton calls for postage stamp honoring accused child molester

Reverend Al showed up at South L.A.’s First A.M.E. Church on Sunday and demanded a U.S. postage stamp honoring Michael Jackson. And while he was on a roll, he demanded a national day of mourning, too.


Here’s a mathematical formula that’s as accurate as Pythagorean Theorem: Black person in news + TV cameras = Al Sharpton must be around here somewhere

Which brings us directly to the recently departed accused child molester Michael Jackson.

Reverend Al showed up at South L.A.’s First A.M.E. Church on Sunday and demanded a U.S. postage stamp honoring Michael Jackson. And while he was on a roll, he demanded a national day of mourning, too.

This one will be harder to pull of than Tawana Brawley’s bra, because the U.S. Postal Service says commemorative stamps can’t even be considered until five years after the subject passes on to their greater reward.

There is one exception, but that won’t help the accused child molester. Deceased U.S. Presidents have traditionally been honored with a stamp released on their birthdays following the date of their deaths.

Prior to issuing the Elvis Presley stamp back in the early 90s, the US Postal Service held a nationwide vote to determine if the public wanted the stamp to show the fat Elvis or the skinny Elvis.

They’ll probably hold a similar competition with the Jackson stamp, but it will be far more complex. Do you want the black Michael or the white Michael? Curly hair or straight hair? With chimpanzee or little boy?


Al Sharpton to Jackson kids: “Wasn’t nothin’ strange about your daddy.”

“Wasn’t nothin’ strange about yo’ daddy,” Sharpton said to Jackson’s children at yesterday’s Michael Jackson Memorial Service. “It was strange what yo’ daddy had to deal with.”

What’s strange to you may not be strange to someone else. But surely we can all agree that Al Sharpton’s comments at yesterday’s Michael Jackson Memorial Service & Three-Ring Circus were very damn strange.

“Wasn’t nothin’ strange about yo’ daddy,” Sharpton said to Jackson’s children. “It was strange what yo’ daddy had to deal with.”

Bubbles the chimpanzee was unavailable for comment.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s warm greeting to Al Sharpton

Maricopa County prisoners model the latest fashions from famed Italian designer Joe Arpaio.
Maricopa County prisoners model the latest fashions from famed Italian designer Joe Arpaio.

You gotta love Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. If he’d been around in the old west, he probably would have just pulled out his six shooter and solved problems with a little lead. These days, he has to use more civilized means.

Race monger Al Sharpton announced that he was going to lead a protest against Arpaio in an attempt to force his resignation. We’re not sure why Sharpton’s upset, but we don’t really care.

Here’s one paragraph from Arpaio’s hilarious letter to Sharpton:

Letter from Sheriff Joe to Al Sharton..
Letter from Sheriff Joe to Al Sharton. Click to read in larger image.
“Your public proclamation leads me to the conclusion: not only do you not understand Arizona; you also do not understand democracy. As the elected Sheriff who, so far has been elected to five consecutive four-year terms, I answer to the four million residents of Maricopa County. I do not answer to the whims of the media, or locally and nationally elected officials who want open borders and who have their own agendas. Nor do I answer to a publicity hound outside interloper who has demonstrated no interest in looking for the truth before making loud uninformed noises.”

And Sheriff Joe was just getting started. Read the entire kick ass letter for yourself by clicking the thumbnail on the left.

We pray that Sharpton breaks some law while he’s leading a protest in Phoenix. He’d look a lot better in one of Sheriff Joe’s pink jumpsuits than he does in those $2,000 suits he usually wears.

Source: via

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