This is one Associated Press story you won’t see reported on CNN


Small town radio stations, too poor to field their own reporters and writers, are famous for reading the news straight off the pages of their local newspaper.

Now the Associated Press is accusing CNN of doing the same sort of thing on a much larger scale.

AP has the devious details:

CNN Worldwide President Jim Walton told staff in June that the network was dropping its contract with the Associated Press and would provide its audience with content that is “distinctive, compelling and, I am proud to say, our own.”

But the AP has been closely monitoring CNN’s coverage and claims that the network routinely uses the wire service’s reporting, according to internal memos obtained by The Upshot. CNN, the memo states, “continues to rely heavily, and apparently systematically, on AP breaking news, exclusive enterprise and in-depth reporting.”

… AP spokesman Paul Colford, while not commenting on the memos, summed up the news organization’s problem with the network’s coverage. “CNN continues to make extensive use of AP’s original reporting, even though they no longer pay us for it,” Colford said. “We are monitoring it very closely, and are considering our options.”

CNN. The most trusted name in news. Even if it’s someone else’s news.

Source: Associated Press

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


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