Justice Jackson Says 1st Amendment Is “Hamstringing The Government” In Efforts To Censor Speech

Justice Jackson Says 1st Amendment Is “Hamstringing The Government” In Efforts To Censor Speech. Well, esteemed dummy, this is exactly how the Founding Fathers intended the Constitution to work. It was designed to restrict the government, not us. Someone should explain to her not only what the Constitution is but also what the definition of a woman is. This country is in deep shit.

Oh, you can thank the 3 moron GOP Senators who voted to confirm her, Mitt Romney (Utah), Susan Collins (Maine), and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska).

First Amendment Victory: Supreme Court Sides With Praying Football Coach

First Amendment Victory: Supreme Court Sides With Praying Football Coach. Conservative SCOTUS is on fire. After 50 years of liberal biased decisions, we’re glad the wrongs are finally being righted.

Continuing its string of decisions on hot-button issues, the Supreme Court has handed down a win for the First Amendment.

The court ruled 6-3 in favor of former football coach Joseph Kennedy in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School District.

Kennedy, a former football coach for a high school in Washington state, had been placed on paid leave amid controversy over his decision to kneel in prayer at the football field’s 50-yard-line after games.

Behind closed doors during one of John Roberts’ most surprising years on the Supreme Court

Behind closed doors during one of John Roberts’ most surprising years on the Supreme Court. Sorry, it’s CNN, but if you want to find out what this traitor has been up to behind closed doors, this is it for now.

Roberts also sent enough signals during internal deliberations on firearms restrictions, sources said, to convince fellow conservatives he would not provide a critical fifth vote anytime soon to overturn gun control regulations. As a result, the justices in June denied several petitions regarding Second Amendment rights.

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