Behind closed doors during one of John Roberts’ most surprising years on the Supreme Court

Behind closed doors during one of John Roberts’ most surprising years on the Supreme Court. Sorry, it’s CNN, but if you want to find out what this traitor has been up to behind closed doors, this is it for now.

Roberts also sent enough signals during internal deliberations on firearms restrictions, sources said, to convince fellow conservatives he would not provide a critical fifth vote anytime soon to overturn gun control regulations. As a result, the justices in June denied several petitions regarding Second Amendment rights.

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules. Yet again the 9th Circus gets overturned. We hope some of Califonia’s goofy gun laws get the same treatment.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg down and out

Ruth Bader Ginsburg down and out. She fell and is in the hospital with three broken ribs. No doubt she will eventually return because she does NOT want Trump nominating her replacement but at 86 she won’t be hopping out of bed real quick. This might be a good time to reexamine a few issues like abortion, gay marriage, and Obamacare… while it’s a five to three majority.

Lone NJ Man Gets Second Amendment Case To the Supreme Court, Will They Hear it?

Lone NJ Man Gets Second Amendment Case To the Supreme Court, Will They Hear it? Please read if you care about your gun rights and please sign the petition.

Sen. Mark Kirk: Obama’s Supreme Court pick deserves fair hearing in Senate

Sen. Mark Kirk: Obama’s Supreme Court pick deserves fair hearing in Senate. Here’s a new target. When he loses reelection he may be one cog in getting the Democrats a Senate majority. Way to go Republicans.

Hatch: Don’t block vote on SCOTUS nominee

Hatch: Don’t block vote on SCOTUS nominee. The RINO circus is starting. Prepare to bend forward and grab you ankles. It’s becoming obvious the Republicans do not want to win this election. What better way to do it than piss off almost every Republican in the country by giving something to Obama he doesn’t deserve?

Schumer in ’07: ‘We Should Not Confirm Any Bush Nominee to the Supreme Court’

Schumer in ’07: ‘We Should Not Confirm Any Bush Nominee to the Supreme Court.’  Now Senator Beelzebub is telling the Republicans not to use this.

Mitch McConnell stands at the crux of U.S. history

Mitch McConnell stands at the crux of U.S. history.

This is perhaps the most important judicial appointment in the history of the United States.

We’re already seeing rumors of Mitch McConnell folding on Obama’s new SCOTUS nominee, something Mitch and much of the GOPe seem to be professionals at.

Democrats including Obama, the Clintons, Sanders, Schumer, Reid and a host of others smell blood and the pressure is on to get McConnell to cave in and let Obama have his way again.

What they’re trying to foist upon everyone including McConnell is that the Senate must act on Obama’s candidate, there’s only a limited amount of time, they must hold a hearing and vote, none of which is correct. They know the  Senate is under no constitutional obligation to do anything with any appointee but they’ll keep the pressure on.

McConnell has two choices. He fold or he can man up, cross his arms, tell Grassley to shut up about hearings and simply tell Obama “NO!” This is what puts McConnell at the crux of U.S. history.

The latter means Obama will not be making any lame duck appointments and could provide an opportunity for a new Republican president to appoint a new conservative justice. The worst case is that Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will make an appointment that could still be somewhat controlled if a Republican majority with some backbone still holds the Senate.

Think about things like: if you like gay marriage you’ll love people marrying their pets, parents, brothers and sisters. You’ll love billions of  new “immigrants,” free everything, living in Soviet style cement housing with 5 families to an apartment, Sharia Law, no Constitution, the death of Christianity and gulags. When they run out of other people’s money the fun will really begin. (Think Venezuela)

A lot of Republicans stayed home during the last election. If Mitch folds, watch the number of ticked off Republican voters who will stay home increase by millions. There will be no need to vote because it won’t matter whether you vote for Trump, Bush, Kasich, Carson, Rubio or Snoopy, it’s over.

So Mitch? Do you want to go down in history as Senate Leader by actually leading? Or do you want to go down in history as Obama’s Bitch Mitch, destroyer of the Republic?

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations.  Old Chucky will be squealing like a stuck pig when the Republicans hold up Obama’s nominees.

“Pssst. Hey, Elena. This is really a big f%$&# deal.”

Damn straight it’s a big f-ing deal. The introduction of Elena Kagan as Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee was the first time Joe Biden’s been allowed back in public since the day the President signed the ObamaCare bill.

Joe Biden Elean Kagan

Damn straight it’s a big f-ing deal. The introduction of Elena Kagan as Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee was the first time Joe Biden’s been allowed back in public since the day the President signed the ObamaCare bill.

The President move a muscle as Biden approached Kagan. We think he was paralyzed with fear.

Life imitates Seinfeld III: White House upset that Solicitor General called gay.

For some inexplicable reason, the White House is upset that the Solicitor General Elena Kagan has been identified as gay. Very upset.

For some inexplicable reason, the White House is upset that the Solicitor General Elena Kagan has been identified as gay. Very upset.

The Washington Post reports:

The White House ripped CBS News on Thursday for publishing an online column by a blogger who made assertions about the sexual orientation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, widely viewed as a leading candidate for the Supreme Court.

Ben Domenech, a former Bush administration aide and Republican Senate staffer, wrote that President Obama would “please” much of his base by picking the “first openly gay justice.” An administration official, who asked not to be identified discussing personal matters, said Kagan is not a lesbian.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Elena Kagan nominated to Supreme Court – May 10, 2010.

Source: Washington Post

Obama disses Supreme Court, Justice Alito disses
him right back

Once again, President Obama has done the unprecedented. During last night’s State of the Union Address, he attacked the Supreme Court.

Once again, President Obama has done the unprecedented. During last night’s State of the Union Address, he attacked the Supreme Court.

“With all due deference to separation of powers,” Obama said, “last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates to special interests including foreign corporations to spend without limit in our elections.

At that point Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito frowned, shook his head, channeled South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson and mouthed the words, “That’s not true,” which is highly-complex legal terminology that means “You lie.”

“I don’t think America’s elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests. Or worse, by foreign entities,” Obama continued. “They should be decided by the American people. And I’d urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps correct that.”

You’re right about that, President Obama. We wouldn’t want those evil foreign entities determining American elections.

So we’re sure you’ll do everything you can to make sure George Soros butts the hell out. And while you’re at it, maybe you can convince all those Chinese waiters to stop giving cash to Hillary.

Obama says Sotomayor wants a do-over on her “wise Latina” comment

She said it then and meant it then, but he said she wouldn't say it now and wouldn't mean it now. No, seriously.
She said it then and meant it then, but he said she wouldn't say it now and wouldn't mean it now. No, seriously.

“President Barack Obama on Friday personally sought to deflect criticism of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor…‘I’m sure she would have restated it,’ Obama flatly told NBC News, without indicating how he knew that.”

While we’re at it, Joe Biden wants to restate a bunch of stuff he said, too.

Source: Associated Press

Headline of the Day:
“First President in US History to Have Voted to Filibuster a Supreme Court Nominee Now Hopes for Clean Process”

Day in and day out, ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper seems to be the only guy asking the tough questions and pointing out the Obama administration’s incredible hypocrisy.

Source: ABC News

Harry Reid says Obama’s supreme court selection will be as good as his cabinet selections. That’s what we’re afraid of.

Harry Reid is apparently pissed off that people think Joe Biden is the stupidest man in Washington, DC. He wants to win the title back. So he fired off this gem.

What does this mean, Harry? They will not have paid their taxes? They employed illegal aliens. They are illegal aliens?

“Hillary: The Movie” – Will the Supreme Court give it thumbs up or thumbs down?

The Supreme Court has agreed to review a case involving “Hillary: The Movie.”

“The outcome of this case,” producer David Bossie said, “will dictate how we’re able to make films and educate people about them.”

Bossie’s movie was released while Hillary Clinton was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. He wanted to run TV commercials in key states during the primaries and show the movie on cable TV. But federal courts said no and said “Hillary: The Movie” violated campaign finance regulations because it was nothing more than an attack ad.

Bossie’s group, Citizens United, appealed to the Supreme Court, saying the film is a documentary comparable to TV news programs such as “60 Minutes.”

This could wreak havoc on President Obama’s stimulus plan. Sure, there’s plenty of money to bail out the banks, no one can afford nine tickets to the movies these days.

Source: Fox News

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