FBI Dragged Catholic Family From Home at Gunpoint Over 15-Year-Old Son’s Memes

FBI Dragged Catholic Family From Home at Gunpoint Over 15-Year-Old Son’s Memes. Don’t worry, it’s just the Deep State doing some housecleaning of religion. They can’t have anyone with actual morals running about.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly used force to remove a traditionalist Catholic family from their home and place them in a locked van after their 15-year-old child posted “offensive memes” online.

The boy’s father alleged that his minor son had fallen into a trap set by the FBI as part of their exposed targeting of so-called “radical traditional Catholics.”

First Amendment Victory: Supreme Court Sides With Praying Football Coach

First Amendment Victory: Supreme Court Sides With Praying Football Coach. Conservative SCOTUS is on fire. After 50 years of liberal biased decisions, we’re glad the wrongs are finally being righted.

Continuing its string of decisions on hot-button issues, the Supreme Court has handed down a win for the First Amendment.

The court ruled 6-3 in favor of former football coach Joseph Kennedy in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School District.

Kennedy, a former football coach for a high school in Washington state, had been placed on paid leave amid controversy over his decision to kneel in prayer at the football field’s 50-yard-line after games.

Kroger sued for allegedly firing workers who refused to wear rainbow symbol

EEOC Sues Kroger After Store Allegedly Fires Two Employees for Not Wearing Rainbow Heart Apron

Kroger sued for allegedly firing workers who refused to wear rainbow symbol. Pandering can be expensive.

Kroger, one of the country’s largest supermarket chains, is being sued in federal court after two former employees claimed they were wrongfully terminated for refusing to wear an apron with a rainbow symbol.

The ex-employees, who identify as Christian, cited religious objections in their refusal to wear what they believed was an “endorsement of the LGBTQ community,” according to the lawsuit.

So why can’t we go to church in California? Huh?

So why can’t we go to church in California? Huh? Well, because Governor Hair Gel has it listed as verboten.

Justice John Roberts screws the pooch again

Justice John Roberts screws the pooch again. One would think that with a supposedly conservative majority on the Supreme Court, the First Amendment would be a no-brainer. Throw in allegedly conservative Justice Roberts and throw out freedom of religion. Below is Justice Gorsuch’s righteously indignant dissent.


Supreme Court allows religious exemption for employers opposed to contraceptives

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Supreme Court allows religious exemption for employers opposed to contraceptives. Buy your own condoms.

The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Wednesday that nonprofit employers with religious or moral objections do not have to help provide insurance coverage for contraceptives.

The ruling brings to a close a longstanding battle by the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious groups that wanted nothing to do with providing birth control coverage. The court’s decision upholds a Trump administration policy allowing for both religious and moral exemptions.

Supreme Court strikes down state ban on taxpayer funding for religious schools

Supreme Court strikes down state ban on taxpayer funding for religious schools. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts gets one right for a change.

In the 5-4 ruling, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court essentially backed a Montana tax-credit scholarship program that gave residents up to a $150 credit for donating to private scholarship organizations, helping students pay for their choice of private schools. The state’s revenue department made a rule banning those tax-credit scholarships from going to religious schools before the state’s supreme court later struck down the entire program.

“A State need not subsidize private education. But once a State decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious,” Roberts wrote in the court’s opinion.

Cuomo, de Blasio wrong to limit worship services, condone mass protests: federal judge

Cuomo, de Blasio wrong to limit worship services, condone mass protests: federal judge. About time these two were reigned in. Who’s next California Governor Hair Gel or Governor Wicked Witch of Michigan?

A federal judge said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “exceeded” their executive limits by limiting worship services and condoning mass protests as the state continues to reopen from coronavirus restrictions.

U.S. District Judge Gary L. Sharpe issued a preliminary injunction Friday on behalf of two Catholic priests — Steven Soos and Nicholas Stamos — and a trio of Orthodox Jewish congregants — Elchanan Perr, Daniel Schonborn, and Mayer Mayerfeld — in Brooklyn, represented by the Thomas More Society.

Federal Court Rejects Lawsuit Accusing Newsom Of Violating Religious Freedom

Federal Court Rejects Lawsuit Accusing Newsom Of Violating Religious Freedom. The most overturned court in the nation, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, are up to their dog and pony show tricks again usurping the Constitution.

Judges Jacqueline Nguyen and Barry Silverman, appointed by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, respectively, ruled against the lawsuit. Judge Daniel Collins, appointed by President Donald Trump, dissented, writing:

“By explicitly and categorically assigning all in-person ‘religious services’ to a future Phase 3 — without any express regard to the number of attendees, the size of the space, or the safety protocols followed in such services — the State’s Reopening Plan undeniably “discriminate[s] on its face” against “religious conduct.”

In West Virginia, Mayor Set Off a 3-Day War Over a Christmas Parade

In West Virginia, Mayor Set Off a 3-Day War Over a Christmas Parade. Yes you guessed it folks. Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin is yet another Democrat screwing with the USA. We hope she gets a lump of coal in her stocking, if she has one.

The first shot was fired in the middle of the afternoon in early October, back when the Appalachian leaves had barely turned orange and store shelves were lined with Halloween candy.

It came in the form of a nondescript event announcement on the city’s official Facebook page.

“The Charleston Winter Parade will begin at the corner of the Kanawha Boulevard and Capitol Street,” the post read.

For years, the city has put on an old-fashioned “Christmas Parade” each December in downtown Charleston. Marching bands, firetrucks, Shriners in their tiny cars and Santa in his red sleigh wind through the city streets with children chasing candy flung from floats decked out in holiday themes. Now, without any notification of a name change, officials were calling it a “Winter Parade.”

Charleston’s 72-hour war on Christmas was on.

CA bill would dictate to churches what can be preached about LGBTQ ideology. Calling it sin is ‘harmful.’

CA bill would dictate to churches what can be preached about LGBTQ ideology. Calling it sin is ‘harmful.’ The ‘brain trust’ in Sacramento just love the separation of church and state until it suits their ideology.

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