Harry Reid Is A Moron, Part CCIX: “The court of appeals is where law is made”

Goodwin Liu was nominated for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by President Obama. Liu’s such an extremist that even a considerable number of Democrats opposed the appointment. As a result, Liu’s nomination went down in flames on Wednesday.

The majority leader in the United States Senate doesn't understand what his duties are

Let’s go to Senate majority leader Harry Reid for a comment via NetRight Daily:

Liu was nominated by Obama in 2010 and again in 2011for a seat on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Senate Judiciary Committee had approved him by a vote of 10-8. Had Liu been confirmed by the Senate, many expect that he would have eventually been promoted to the Supreme Court.

As Harry Reid noted of Goodwin Liu after meeting with him, “The court of appeals is where law is made, and we need the finest minds in the world for that.”

We’re looking for volunteers. Who’d like to tell Harry that the courts are supposed to interpret the law and the legislature is supposed to make it?

You know, the legislature. The part of the government in which Harry Freakin’ Reid has served for 25 years.

What a moron.

Source: NetRight Daily


View Comments (33)

  • This is campaign commercial fodder extraordinaire! I just wonder if there is a Republican with the testicular fortitude in NV to use it. Hope you get him next time, Ms. Angle.

    • Angle seemed to be a person with the right principles, but no ability to campaign. No people abilities. The indelible mark of her campaign last year was a video shown on TV where she was walking away from the camera with her husband, saying over and over "No comment." No comment? WTF!? Lady, you're running for office against the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate! When you see a man with a camera, stop and walk TOWARD the camera!

  • Given the brilliance evidenced by our political leaders and our media, is it any wonder our kids are completely ignorant? Too sad. Such WONDERFUL examples they provide. I want to go back to where the delinquents were not the heroes and the goal at school was to do as well as possible. I honestly wonder why ANYONE (even kids) go to school anymore. It is clear they aren't learning anything and we are paying a fortune for babysitting.

  • Is that a Gin Blossom or WHAT????

    Reid being reelected is why every state needs to have voter ID laws.

  • Most of the dip-shits in both houses of Congress have no idea what our government is comprised of, the branches and their duties, the fact that we aren't a "Democracy", (rather are supposed to be a Democratic Republic), etc.
    I am not surprised by this rocket scientist's take on how our government works-he and his son have engaged in so many illegal activities in Nevada it is sick.
    He has never had a real job in his life-outside politics-yet is a multi-millionaire. Go effing figure how that works.
    Tar/Feather him, and put him in stocks right on the strip for all to come by and pelt him with various rotten foods!

  • Guess Harry didn’t pay attention in civics class, law school and he sure as hell has not paid attention to the US Constitution. This statement alone should be enough for a recall election for the people of Nevada.

    The court of appeals is to review lower case rulings and determine if there where errors in the judges rulings and findings. However, if you are a senile old senator from Nevada or a communist member of the Democratic Party then you want the courts making laws that you can not get passed through the legislator.

  • BTW sweet pic to accompany the story....I wonder if he flicks or eats.

    My gut tells me he's an eater.

  • “The court of appeals is where law is made, and we need the finest minds in the world for that.”

    Well this comes as no surprise. The biggest threat to liberalism is elections and when you shift law making power from elected officials to unelected officials it allows for the rampant implementation of ideology without consent of the American people. All the elected officials have to do is pass vague laws and allow them to be interpreted by their stacked courts in a way that fits their agenda. Constitutional or unconstitutional, it does not matter.

    This is another example of why it's not just about putting Republicans in office, but rather putting people in office that will fight to give power back to its rightful owners, the American people.