Cruz wins Iowa Republican caucuses, Fox News projects

Cruz wins Iowa Republican caucuses, Fox News projectsWith 99% of the votes in, Huckabee has suspended his campaign and Martin O’Malley has suspended his campaign.  Clinton has 50% vs. Sanders 49%. Probably close enough Hillary needs a underwear change. There should be a lot more Republicans packing it in after this.

  1. Ted Cruz 28%
  2. Donald Trump 24%
  3. Marco Rubio 23%
  4. Ben Carson 9%
  5. Rand Paul 5%
  6. Jeb Bush 3%
  7. John Kasich 2%
  8. Carly Fiorina 2%
  9. Mike Huckabee 2% – He’s suspended his campaign,
  10. Chris Christie 2%
  11. Rick Santorum 1%
  12. Gilmore 1%
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