Bernie Leads 2020 Field in Private Jet Spending

Bernie Leads 2020 Field in Private Jet Spending. We guess since Greta said we only have 10 years left that Commie Bernie wants to live it up. Remember this next time this hypocrite talks about the New Green Deal or global warming.

The Bernie Sanders campaign spent just under $1.2 million on private jet travel last quarter, outpacing the entire 2020 Democratic presidential primary field.

The most recent filing from Sanders reveals $1,199,579 in spending during the final three months of 2019 to Apollo Jets, LLC, a “luxury private jet charter service.” The campaign spent an additional $23,941 for transportation to Virginia-based Advanced Aviation Team.

Shots Fired at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida after Black SUV Breaches Checkpoints — Hannah Roemhild — UNHINGED BERNIE SUPPORTER!

Shots Fired at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida after Black SUV Breaches Checkpoints — Hannah Roemhild — UNHINGED BERNIE SUPPORTER! More proof you have to be mental to vote for Bernie.

Project Veritas: Bernie Sanders Field Organizer Suggests Gulags to Help ‘Nazified’ Trump Voters

WATCH: Project Veritas Video Exposes Bernie's Campaign Organizers As PRO-Gulag And PRO-Reeducation

Project Veritas: Bernie Sanders Field Organizer Suggests Gulags to Help ‘Nazified’ Trump Voters. Well, well, well. We hope someone brings this up at the Democrat debate tonight.

Sanders White House Campaign Hit with Federal Labor Complaint

Sanders White House Campaign Hit with Federal Labor Complaint. Bernie advocates $15 per hour pay, but when it comes to him paying that he’s a cheap fuck.

The July 19 complaint to the National Labor Relations Board, filed by an unnamed individual in Indiana, was posted to the agency’s website late July 22. It comes as tense negotiations between the Sanders campaign and the union representing staffers recently boiled over publicly. The Washington Post reported July 23 that unionized organizers for the campaign had won a pay raise and reached a compromise to reduce the hours of some workers.

MEDIA SILENT: Mueller Report Showed That Russia Backed Bernie Sanders

MEDIA SILENT: Mueller Report Showed That Russia Backed Bernie Sanders. Yet another reason we hate the media.

One thing that the media is deciding not to talk about is that on page 23 of the report, Mueller clearly states that the same company that attempted to collude with the Trump campaign, also supported Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

Sexual harassment complaints threaten to derail Bernie Sanders’ bid for president in 2020

Sexual harassment complaints threaten to derail Bernie Sanders’ bid for president in 2020. Talk about ‘grab them by the pussy.’

More than 24 former campaign staff have requested a meeting with Sanders to discuss sexual violence and harassment during the 2016 campaign.

Bernie Sanders Holds Up New York City Mayor As Model For The Trump Opposition

Bernie Sanders Holds Up New York City Mayor As Model For The Trump Opposition. Dear Democrats, Please let Bernie keep running his mouth. With help like this Trump may not even need a campaign in 2020.

Giuliani: There Is Enough Evidence Now For A RICO Case Against Clinton Foundation For “Racketeering”

Giuliani: There Is Enough Evidence Now For A RICO Case Against Clinton Foundation For “Racketeering.” Where the hell is Eliott Ness when you need him?

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Supports Beat Each Other…Until They Realize They’re All Bernie Supporters

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Supports Beat Each Other…Until They Realize They’re All Bernie Supporters. Never overestimate the intelligence of Bernie voters.

At least 20 arrested following violent protests after Southern California Trump rally

At least 20 arrested following violent protests after Southern California Trump rally. Notice you don’t see conservatives acting out like this. These are the people criminals who support Hillary and/or Bernie.

More than 60,000 disgruntled Pennsylvania Democrats switch parties

More than 60,000 disgruntled Pennsylvania Democrats switch parties. It appears that the Democrats have swung too far to the left for a lot of people and they’re tired of political correctness and special snowflakes.

Sanders: ‘Of course’ Sandy Hook victims should be able to sue gun manufacturers

Sanders: ‘Of course’ Sandy Hook victims should be able to sue gun manufacturers. Based on this Bernie must think if some moron deliberately drives their car into a wall at 100 MPH the family should be able to sue the automobile manufacturer. If you were even remotely entertaining voting for this idiot, don’t.

Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month

Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month. We can all guess who this traces back to. You can bet their pledges and rules are just plausible deniability for when they start breaking shit and injuring people.

  1. We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.
  2. We will maintain an attitude of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions.
  3. We will not destroy or damage any property.
  4. We will carry no weapons or any means of physical defense, including shields.
  5. We will not wear masks or otherwise conceal our faces or identities.
  6. We will exercise personal and collective responsibility to ensure that all participants adhere to this agreement.

Bernie to Sheriff Joe Arpaio: ‘Watch Out,’ If I’m Elected

Bernie to Sheriff Joe Arpaio: ‘Watch Out,’ If I’m Elected:

“It’s easy for bullies like Sheriff Arpaio to pick on people who have no power, but if I’m elected president, the president of the United States does have the power,” said the Democratic presidential candidate.

It’s easy for bullies like Bernito Sanders to pick on the people he assumes have no power. To marginalize people that produce things. To dismiss the people that just want to make their decisions without the involvement of a bureaucratic oligarchy subverting their choice. To attack the people that assume the government works for the citizens and not the other way around. And if this economic fascist gets elected we will be watching out. And with good cause. This bully Sanders will most surely be using the police power of the state to steal from the makers to buy votes from the takers.

Surprised American Muslims are feeling the Bern? You must not understand our priorities

Surprised American Muslims are feeling the Bern? You must not understand our priorities. Read the article and what do you notice is absent that draws just about every of Bernie’s voters to him? Free stuff.

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