2016 New Hampshire Primaries

2016 New Hampshire Primaries. It ain’t over ’til it’s over but with ony 12% of the vote in many are declaring it over. Hillary’s already about to concede.

You can use the link to update. As an aside, Jim Gilmore, you should hang it up when “Other” gets more votes than you do.


Donald Trump 13,797 votes (–) 34.0%
John Kasich 6,483 votes (-7,314) 16.0%
Ted Cruz 4,841 votes (-8,956) 11.9%
Jeb Bush 4,728 votes (-9,069) 11.6%
Marco Rubio 4,266 votes (-9,531) 10.5%
Chris Christie 3,204 votes (-10,593) 7.9%
Carly Fiorina 1,797 votes (-12,000) 4.4%
Ben Carson 996 votes (-12,801) 2.5%
Other 493 votes (-13,304) 1.2%
Jim Gilmore 21 votes (-13,776) 0.1%


Bernie Sanders 24,922 votes
Hillary Clinton 16,632 votes (-8,290) 39.7%
Other 332 votes (-24,590) 0.8%

Cruz wins Iowa Republican caucuses, Fox News projects

Cruz wins Iowa Republican caucuses, Fox News projectsWith 99% of the votes in, Huckabee has suspended his campaign and Martin O’Malley has suspended his campaign.  Clinton has 50% vs. Sanders 49%. Probably close enough Hillary needs a underwear change. There should be a lot more Republicans packing it in after this.

  1. Ted Cruz 28%
  2. Donald Trump 24%
  3. Marco Rubio 23%
  4. Ben Carson 9%
  5. Rand Paul 5%
  6. Jeb Bush 3%
  7. John Kasich 2%
  8. Carly Fiorina 2%
  9. Mike Huckabee 2% – He’s suspended his campaign,
  10. Chris Christie 2%
  11. Rick Santorum 1%
  12. Gilmore 1%

And the award for Front Page of the Day goes to the Newark Star-Ledger

The largest newspaper in New Jersey came up with a striking image for Monday’s front page. What a contrast. What a brilliant side-by-side comparison of the strong and the weak.

The largest newspaper in New Jersey came up with a striking image for Monday’s front page.

What a contrast. What a brilliant side-by-side comparison of the strong and the weak. The bold and the timid. The conservative and the liberal. The reformer and the problem. The doer and the talker. The fat and the emaciated (sorry, that last one just slipped out).


H/T: The Weekly Standard

Chris Christie’s Greatest Hits: One minute and 32 seconds of Chris Christie-induced tingles up the leg

This video features America’s bluntest governor challenging his New Jersey political opponents, Snooki, the god-awful Jersey Shore TV show, Chuck Schumer, and anyone else who gets in his way.

This video features America’s bluntest governor challenging his New Jersey political opponents, Snooki, the god-awful Jersey Shore TV show, Chuck Schumer, and anyone else who gets in his way.

This is clearly a man who enjoys throwing his ample weight around.

Christie on negotiating with unions: “I love collective bargaining. Let me at them.”

Once again, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie points out the obvious that everyone else has ignored:

Collective bargaining is no bargain if both sides are on the same side.

Once again, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie points out the obvious that everyone else has ignored:

Collective bargaining is no bargain if both sides are on the same side.

As Christie says, someone has to represent the taxpayers. And that’s a role he relishes.

Cot with their pants down: Chris Christie challenges state Democrats on government shutdown

The Rotund One explains what he would do if the Democrats in the state legislature decide to shut down the state government. And, of course, he does it in his usual hilarious, take-no-prisoners manner.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie revels in confronting Democrats and pointing out the foibles of his predecessor. In this clip The Rotund One explains what he would do if the Democrats in the state legislature decide to shut down the state government. And, of course, he does it in his usual hilarious, take-no-prisoners manner.

“Take a look at me. You think I’m sleeping on a cot? It’s not happening.”

In other words, “When you’re hot, you’re hot. And when you’re cot, you’re not.”

Chris Christie goes where others fear to tread: Tells police that their union contracts are “obscene”

Here’s Christie talking about police salaries, pensions and layoffs during a town hall meeting in Middletown, New Jersey. He faces down an angry cop and tells him what’s what.

Save your comments. We know that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s no social conservative. But the way we look at it, nothing social conservatives care about will matter if the country goes bankrupt.

We say keep the house from burning down, then worry about whether the firemen trampled your shrubs.

Here’s Christie talking about police salaries, pensions and layoffs during a town hall meeting in Middletown, New Jersey. He faces down an angry cop and tells him what’s what.

Is there another politician in this country with the balls to take on his harshest critics face-to-face?

Balls the size of musk melons: Chris Christie invites Illinois companies to move to New Jersey

Illinois’ state legislature’s budget solution is to increase taxes by 66%. So Chris Christie is running radio commercials in Illinois that invite the state’s businesses to pack up and move to New Jersey, where he promises no new taxes.

The Governor of New Jersey has balls. Big balls. Balls the size of musk melons. He needs to have his pants specially-tailored just to accommodate them.

Illinois has spent its way to the edge of the fiscal abyss and the state legislature’s solution is to increase taxes by 66%. So Chris Christie is swooping in like a buzzard on roadkill and running radio commercials in Illinois that invite the state’s businesses to pack up and move to New Jersey, where he promises no new taxes.

Warning: Do not stand at the state border. You may be trampled in the stampede.

Chris Christie says, “I’m not arrogant enough to believe that after one year as governor I am ready to be President”

Hmmmmm. That seems subtle. Wonder who he’s talking about. Who’s been elected President recently without enough experience to handle the job? We just can’t put our finger on it, damn it.

Hmmmmm. That seems subtle. Wonder who he’s talking about. Who’s been elected President recently without enough experience to handle the job? We just can’t put our finger on it, damn it.


The Hill reported Christie’s candor:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) brushed off a Zogby poll from earlier this month that showed him leading a pack of hypothetical GOP 2012 contenders, adamantly stressing that’s not in his plans.

“The president can rest easy because the only guy who beats him in that poll isn’t running,” Christie said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I have a commitment to my state,” he said, adding that he’d only been governor for a year and New Jersey’s problems still need fixing.

“You have to believe in your heart that you’re personally ready to be president and I’m not there,” Christie said. “I am not arrogant enough to believe that after one year as governor … that I am ready to be president of the United States.”

“So I’m not going to run,” the governor said.

Yeah, we know. We’ve heard all the complaints that Christie really isn’t a real conservative, but we still love the guy.

The other way to interpret Christie’s statement is that he thinks he will be ready to be President after he’s been Governor for some as yet unspecified period of time.

Can you say 2016?

Source: TheHill.com

Huckabee rips Chris Matthews: “I’d rather be a fat, effective, conservative governor than a talk show host with no viewers”

Mike Huckabee, a former fat man himself, did not take kindly to Chris Matthews’ comments about Chris Christie being too fat to be President. Not kindly at all.

Mike Huckabee, a former fat man himself, did not take kindly to Chris Matthews’ comments about Chris Christie being too fat to be President. Not kindly at all.

“If Governor Christie somehow decides he wants to lose weight, he can. I’m thinking that talk show host — not matter how much he wants to — can’t change the meanness and the callousness of his own character.

So I’d rather be in Governor Christie’s shoes — an effective governor doing a good job, proving that solid, conservative governing principles really do work even in a state like New Jersey than I can a person whose talk show probably gets about as many viewers as Governor Christie will shake hands with on any given day in New Jersey.”

Huckabee exaggerates. Matthews’ show doesn’t get anywhere near that many viewers.

Now you’ve done it, Chris Matthews. You’ve gone and pissed off Neil Cavuto.

Don’t know if we’ve ever seen Neil Cavuto attack a host on another news network. Well, he made up for lost time with this one.

Don’t know if we’ve ever seen Neil Cavuto attack a host on another news network. Well, he made up for lost time with this one.

Matthews said Chris Christie couldn’t be president because he was too fat. Matthews points out that if we can have a black president and if both parties can put up creditable female candidates, then the concept of a guy who shops for his suits at Ed’s Big & Tall Shop shouldn’t surprise anyone.

OK, well, he didn’t exactly put it that way, but that’s what we heard.

He also didn’t say, “Chris Matthews is a pathetic schumuck,” but we heard that, too.

Considering the ratings of their respective networks, we assume more people heard Matthews’ comments on Cavuto’s Fox show than heard the original comments on MSNBC.

H/T: HotAir.com

Chris Christie takes on teacher tenure

As New Jersey Governor Chris Christie asks, “Why should teachers be guaranteed lifetime employment after three years on the job?” We have a slightly different question. Why do teachers get tenure at all?

As New Jersey Governor Chris Christie asks, “Why should teachers be guaranteed lifetime employment after three years on the job?”

We have a slightly different question. Why do teachers get tenure at all? We mean other than the fact that their unions demanded it and no one was willing to stand up and say, “Are you insane?”

What’s the logic behind teachers and college professors getting tenure? Are there any other professions that get tenure?

We’re asking. Start telling.

Today’s Chris Christie-ism: “All Senator Frank Lautenberg knows how to do is blow hot air”

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie seems to be good for at least one pithy quote a day. Tuesday’s quote was a classic about New Jersey’s Democrat Senator Frank Lautenberg, but could be applied just as well to damn near any politician.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie seems to be good for at least one pithy quote a day. Tuesday’s quote was a classic about New Jersey’s Democrat Senator Frank Lautenberg, but could be applied just as well to damn near any politician.

We don't care what Chris Christie says, we believe Frank Lautenberg has been dead since early 2004

The Hill reports Christie’s bon mot (we’re not sure that it really qualifies as a bon mot, but we like saying the words bon mot):

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is not particularly fond of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), saying in a recent interview that he is full of “hot air.”

The new governor said he did not appreciate Lautenberg’s criticism of his decision to cancel an $8.7 billion rail tunnel project that has been planned for more than a decade.

“All he knows how to do is blow hot air,” Christie said in a profile published in New York Magazine. “So I don’t really care what Frank Lautenberg has to say about much of anything.”

We’re actually surprised to learn that Frank Lautenberg is still alive. Despite Christie’s comment, we’re not convinced he is. We’re pretty sure New Jersey Democrats have been doing a Weekend At Bernie’s routine with Lautenberg since before he was elected.

Source: TheHill.com

Hilarious: Chris Christie explains why he’s impatient with the New Jersey legislature

Chris Christie points out, before leaving on vacation, the state legislature found time to pass new laws on sterilizing stray dogs, destroying tobacco contraband, regulating foreign-made dentures and illegal lock picking.

New Jersey Governor Christie, the guy all conservatives wish was the governor of their states, held a town hall meeting at Monmouth Junction, New Jersey on October 26.

He noted that while he’s impatient for a whole series of reforms, the state legislature doesn’t seem to share that impatience.

But let’s cut the New Jersey legislature some slack. They may not have done diddly squat on reform, but undoubtedly because they were so busy taking care of other vital matters. As Christie points out, before leaving on vacation, they found time to pass new laws on sterilizing stray dogs, destroying tobacco contraband, regulating foreign-made dentures and illegal lock picking.

Why we want to have Chris Christie’s baby

Christie held a town hall meeting and was confronted by a school teacher who got on Christie’s wrong side. After dressing her down, he gave a brilliant ad libbed explanation of what’s wrong with New Jersey’s teachers union and public employee unions in general.

Sure, we’re manly men. Perhaps the manliest men you’ve ever met. But damn, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie makes us hot in a way no women has ever been able to. A pure, beautiful, conservative way we’ve never felt before.

Christie held a town hall meeting and was confronted by a school teacher who got on Christie’s wrong side. After dressing her down, he gave a brilliant ad libbed explanation of what’s wrong with New Jersey’s teachers union and public employee unions in general.

Take us, Governor Christie. We’re yours.

H/T: Breitbart.tv

Pot calls kettle fat: Ed Schultz calls Chris Christie fat

This is what debate has come to on MSNBC. Ed Schultz can’t argue with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s success, so he resorts to calling him fat.

This is what debate has come to on MSNBC. Ed Schultz can’t argue with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s success, so he resorts to calling him fat. Yes, Ed Schultz, the round mound that expounds, had the guts to call someone else fat.

The opening graphic of his banal report read, “Battle of the Bulge” and was followed by Noel Coward-ish bon mots such as:

“This morning, Beckster [Glenn Beck] had some sizeable praise for the job-cutting governor.”

“On his radio program, Laura Ingraham backed him up with this hefty endorsement.”

“Christie’s couch-potato lifestyle.”

“Chris Christie is a guy who makes the middle-class, the poor and schoolkids pay for his fat-cat buddies to keep their living high on the hog lifestyle.”

“To say he’d be a good president? That would be some pretty hefty Psycho Talk.”

Do you think Ed understands tht you can’t score points by making fun of someone who already makes fun of his own weight.

Fat chance.

Oh, look, we’re almost as funny as Ed Schultz.

H/T: NewsBusters.org

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie aborts $7,500,000 in funding for Planned Parenthood

These are dark days for abortionists in New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie has vetoed a bill that would have given $7.5 million to “family planning” clinics.

These are dark days for abortionists in New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie has vetoed a bill that would have given $7.5 million to “family planning” clinics.

“State spending has been reset to levels the taxpayers can afford,” said Christie in a message to New Jersey’s Democrat-dominated legislature. “Supplemental spending that would return to the unchecked spending and out of control budget shortfalls of the past will not make it past the Governor’s desk.”

chris christie planned parenthood
The big man has big cojones

Marie Tasy, executive director of New Jersey Right to Life, applauded Christie’s veto.

“The taxpayers of New Jersey are under no obligation to fund the radical and failed social agenda of Planned Parenthood,’’ she said. “We commend Governor Christie for his steadfast opposition to restoring these funds.”

Christie seems to have sucked the life out of New Jersey’s Democrats, which, considering that we’re talking about abortionists, seems only fair.

H/T: Weasel Zippers

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie doesn’t get mad, he gets awesome!

We like this guy. We like this guy a lot. In fact, we like this guy so much that if we could only do one of two things and one of those two things was vote for him and…

Chris Christie. We like this guy. We like this guy a lot. In fact, we like this guy so much that if we could only do one of two things and one of those two things was vote for him and the other of those two things was hang out with Meghan Fox for an afternoon and apply suntan lotion to her all-over and then pretend to be her personal trainers and then hand feed her banana and strawberry fruit smoothies while she lovingly stroked our hair, we would vote for him.

OK, so maybe we don’t like him that much. But we do like him. And a performance like this gives us great hope for the future of the Republic.

Christie 2012? Christie 2016?

Get the smelling salts! New Jersey Governor Christie gets Democrats to agree to cut spending.

We love new New Jersey Governor Chris Christie so much that we want to have his pudgy little baby. Not only is he doing exactly what he said he’d do during the campaign – slash spending – but he has somehow managed to get the state’s top Democrats to back his actions.

We love new New Jersey Governor Chris Christie so much that we want to have his pudgy little baby.

Not only is he doing exactly what he said he’d do during the campaign – slash spending – but he has somehow managed to get the state’s top Democrats to back his actions.

Even more startling, the first bills he’s signing reduce benefits to public-sector pensions. And instead of doing it behind closed doors and away from the cameras, he’s holding big, public ceremonies and then posting the videos YouTube.

How much is Christie saving the citizens of New Jersey? As he says in this video, “On Senate Bill 2, over the next 15 years, $3 billion. On Senate Bill 4, $5 billion dollars over the next 15 years and most immediately about $315 million for the upcoming fiscal year for local governments and school boards. And on Senate Bill 4, capping some of the abuses that have really outraged the public regarding sick leave and other issues that finally we’ll be getting to put a cap on those things that have so angered the public and made them think that government was not really working to their benefit but working for someone else’s.”

Way to go, Governor Christie. You appear to be everything that lying sack of excrement Arnold Schwarzenegger told Californians he was going to be.

One of those rare videos that’s capable of bringing
you to tears

In a scene that will soon be repeated across the fruited plain, a maintenance man in the New Jersey capital shows up at the governor’s office to scrape off the name of the Democrat incumbent and to apply the name of new Republican Governor Chris Christie.

Every once in a while you run across a video that nearly brings you to tears. This is one of them.

In a scene that will soon be repeated across the fruited plain, a maintenance man in the New Jersey capital shows up at the governor’s office to scrape off the name of the Democrat incumbent and to apply the name of new Republican Governor Chris Christie.

Gotta go now. We’re going to watch the video again. We’re tearing up just thinking about it.

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