Bobby Ghosh and Chuck Todd: Ignorance x ignorance = another typical day at MSNBC

Turns out mainstream journalists aren’t fighting the Judeo-Christian worldview – they simply don’t have a clue what “Judeo-Christian” means.

Many people wonder why mainstream journalists seem to be at war with Western civilization. Now we have the answer. Turns out they aren’t fighting the Judeo-Christian worldview – they simply don’t have a clue what “Judeo-Christian” means.

Chuck Todd, filling in for Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, interviewed Time Magazine’s World Editor Bobby Ghosh, who tried to make excuses for Muslim murder rampages in the wake of the Florida Koran burning by explaining that burning the Koran is more “inflammatory” than burning a Bible:

“The Bible is a book written by men. It is acknowledged by Christians that it is written by men. It’s the story of Jesus.”

Actually, only the New Testament is the story of Jesus, Bobby, and the Bible is considered the Word of God, although Christians and Jews are open-minded enough to admit physically putting the words on paper. And by the way, Bobby, the Muslims apparently agree about the Word of God thing, because they borrowed most of the Old Testament for their Koran.

“If you’re a Muslim, the Koran is directly the word of God, not written by man. It is transcribed, it is directly the word of God. That makes it sacred in a way that it’s hard to understand if you’re not Muslim. So the act of burning a Koran is much more… potentially much, much more inflammatory than than if you were to burn a … burn a Bible.”

Naturally, the brain-dead Chuck Todd enthusiastically agreed, repeatedly interjecting the phrase “Directly attacking God, uh-huh, uh-huh” while Ghosh spoke.

While it’s mind-boggling that Time’s World Editor could be this ignorant about Christianity, the religion of one third of the world’s people, and that an American MSNBC reporter could be so uneducated about his own culture, even more mind-boggling is that they used the word “inflammatory” in a discussion about burning Korans and Bibles and didn’t laugh.

– Written by J.P. Travis of


NBC’s Chuck Todd confronts reality, says “Democrats are in deep, deep trouble”

The Democrats seem to be getting beyond the denial stage. NBC’s über liberal Chuck Todd looked into the future on Tuesday’s Today show and actually said the words, “Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.”

The Democrats seem to be getting beyond the denial stage. NBC’s über liberal Chuck Todd looked into the future on Tuesday’s Today show and actually said the words, “Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.”

Todd said, “The Tea Party has provided an enthusiasm boost to the Republican Party.” Then he proved just how shaken he was by his own prediction by saying that Democrats still had “six weeks to turn this around” but also said that “if they don’t, they are headed for an historical defeat in November.”

You just need to relax and take a deep breath, Chuck. Your boys still have ten weeks to turn this electoral Armageddon around, not six. That should be plenty of time.


Chuck Todd thinks the Constitution is written in iambic pentameter

Chuck Todd, guest hosting on Monday’s Hardball, made a very interesting point with guest Ernest Istook. And when we say “very interesting”, what we really mean is stupid.

Chuck Todd, guest hosting on Monday’s Hardball, made a very interesting point with guest Ernest Istook. And when we say “very interesting”, what we really mean is stupid.

Istook: The Supreme Court precedent on this, which was in 1898, was the case of Wong Kim Ark. And in that case, he was the child of parents who were here legally, and lawfully. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the case of children of parents who are here illegally.

Todd: But here’s the issue you have. Let me read you–and it’s a very familiar phrase to a lot of folks–that greets people when they came to Liberty Island and Ellis Island. It says: “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these the homeless tempest [tossed] to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” There was no mention of whether these folks had to be legal citizens…

Istook: “…my grandparents came through Ellis Island. My father’s parents were immigrants from Hungary. So I know the Emma Lazarus poem that you were quoting. But that’s not the same as quoting the provisions of the Constitution.”

It’s a poem, Chuck, just a poem. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle masses” isn’t part of the Constitution any more than “There once was a girl from Nantucket” is part of the Declaration of Independence.


NBC’s Chuck Todd says Fox News trying to undermine the credibility of mainstream media. What credibility?

Chuck Todd, NBC’s political director and chief White House correspondent really didn’t like it when Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon appeared on Fox News Sunday and said, “…the mainstream media hates the tea party movement almost as much as it hates Sarah Palin.”

Chuck Todd, NBC’s political director and chief White House correspondent really didn’t like it when Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon appeared on Fox News Sunday and said, “…the mainstream media hates the tea party movement almost as much as it hates Sarah Palin.”

Now any rational person would say that statement is inarguable. Nevertheless, Todd chose to argue the inarguable on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Todd: We all know there are a lot of different ways people get news. And then you have straight journalists, you have activist journalists, you have opinion folks. And we know that they’re all out there. I think we believe here at NBC that people are smart enough to figure it out. And that’s why when a news executive goes out there and states a crazy accusation like that, that it ends up, it only ends up probably hurting what they’re trying to do, but it creates, it only denigrates all of us.

. . .

And I’m sorry, there is certain news organizations out here whose agenda is to undermine the 90% of journalists who are just simply trying to cover stories out there. And that’s what really frustrates me about what’s happened in the media landscape. It is a business for some media organizations to undermine the quote-unquote the mainstream media because it’s good for their business. And this is not just on the right, it’s happening on the left as well.

Pardon us while we laugh.

MSNBC is surely the wrong place to make this argument, Chuck. The ratings-challenged network is doing an admirable job undermining itself with absolutely no assistance from Fox.


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