Neil Cavuto says, “It’s time to dig out.” Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson says, “It’s time to pig out.”

Cavuto says, “We’re quickly becoming a banana republic.” Johnson replies, “I love to shop at Banana Republic.”

OK, perhaps those weren’t the Democrat Congresswoman’s exact words, but our paraphrase isn’t that far off.

Cavuto says, “We’re going to hell in a hand basket.” Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson replies, “Let’s buy matching shoes.”

Neil Cavuto says, “We have to try something different.” Johnson replies, “We have to try the same thing.”

Cavuto says, “Let’s raise hell.” Johnson replies, “Let’s raise taxes.”

Cavuto says, “We’re quickly becoming a banana republic.” Johnson replies, “I love to shop at Banana Republic.”

Good lord, we’re screwed. Really, really screwed. Greece, here we come.

Raaaacism! Another member of the Congressional Black Caucus accused of corruption.

The Congressional Black Caucus cried racism when two of its members – Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters – were charged with corruption. Well, longtime Texas Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson may be late to the party, but she has officially arrived.

eddie bernice johnson
Eddie Bernie Johnson, the latest victim of Nancy Pelosi's racist reign of terror

A couple weeks back members of the Congressional Black Caucus cried racism when two of its members – Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters – were charged with corruption. Well, longtime Texas Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson may be late to the party, but she has officially arrived.

The Dallas Morning News reports the latest case of blatant raaaacism:

Longtime Dallas congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarships to four relatives and a top aide’s two children since 2005, using foundation funds set aside for black lawmakers’ causes.

The recipients were ineligible under anti-nepotism rules of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which provided the money. And all of the awards violated a foundation requirement that scholarship winners live or study in a caucus member’s district.

…Scholarships have gone to two of the congresswoman’s grandsons, Kirk and David Johnson; to two of her great-nephews, Gregory and Preston Moore; and to [staff member Rod] Givens’ son and daughter. Givens did not respond to requests for comment, and none of the scholarship recipients could be reached.

We demand that these charges be withdrawn. We’re certain that little Kirk and David, little Gregory and Preston, and all the rest were simply the most deserving students Johnson could find.

Any other conclusion is raaaacism!

Source: Dallas Morning News

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