Congressman tells Lawrence O’Donnell “You’re illustrating why MSNBC’s viewership is in the tank”

It’s been a bad week or so for MSNBC’s grating, obnoxious host substitute Lawrence O’Donnell. A really bad week. Guest Republican Congressman John Culberson of Texas came out with all barrels blasting.

It’s been a bad week or so for MSNBC’s grating, obnoxious host substitute Lawrence O’Donnell. A really bad week.

He recently conducted what has been widely called “the worst interview in history” while filling in for Ed Schultz.

Apparently O’Donnell didn’t see the reviews, because he tried the same obnoxious, pushy tactics while filling in for Chris Matthews on Friday.

But this time the result was different. Republican Congressman John Culberson of Texas came out with all barrels blasting:

“You know, Lawrence, for your listeners, you’re illustrating why MSNBC’s viewership is in the tank. Because you don’t allow your people you’re interviewing to answer questions. And, you know, Lawrence, this is why Katie and everybody else is going to Facebook, everyone’s going to the Internet because why listen to MSNBC when you won’t even let the people you’re interviewing answer the question?”

Letting Republican congressmen make you look bad is no way to get a regular gig, Lawrence.


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