Setting a new standard for chutzpah: Charlie Rangel says, “It wouldn’t hurt Congress to have a little more morality”

Charlie Rangel is a remarkable hypocrite: “It would not hurt the Congress to have a little more morality involved rather than politics involved. And I’m prepared to do more than my share.”

Charlie Rangel is a remarkable hypocrite. He appeared on MSNBC with Dylan Ratigan and made the following statement:

“It would not hurt the Congress to have a little more morality involved rather than politics involved. And I’m prepared to do more than my share.”

Which is worse – Rangel’s hypocrisy or Ratigan nodding and smiling as if he’s unaware of that hypocrisy?

Deepak Chopra calls Limbaugh “an icon of anti-morality”

deepak chopra spaceThe bad news is that newspapers are dying and comic strips are fading into history. The good news is that the Huffington Post is guaranteed to make you laugh every day.

For example, here’s how New Age guru Deepak Chopra opened his article about Rush Limbaugh yesterday.

“When Michael Steele, the hapless chairman of the Republican Party, lost his bearings and called Rush Limbaugh’s style ugly and incendiary, everyone knew it was the truth,” the subcontinental sahib said. “But it was a perfect example of an inconvenient truth. The right wing has long used ugly, incendiary speech the way baseball players use steroids: to artificially pump themselves up. Limbaugh has taken to saying that he wants Obama’s policies to fail because they spell the end of an America based on personal freedom. This isn’t just a grotesque exaggeration; it disguises the very thing the right wing has been doing when it curtailed civil liberties in the name of national security.”

Calm down. Take a deep breath. The left wing loonies always say things like this. Problem is, they can’t come up with a single example of “curtailed civil liberties” that supposedly occurred during the Bush years.

Now, let’s move on to Chopra. As your grandmother always used to say, just consider the source. This guy’s made a fortune by writing fifty books about New Age nonsense.

Hey, maybe that could be the name of his next book.

“New Age Nonsense from best-selling author Deepak Chopra. Coming soon to a Barnes & Noble near you. Don’t miss this insightful exploration of mind, body, and how to pick a reader’s pocket for $21.95.”

Hey, Deepak! Don’t forget to mention us in the forward.

Source: Huffington Post

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