Daring to run against Barack Obama’s record is now “violent rhetoric”

In writing about the horrors that occurred in Tucson, his focus was “violent rhetoric” and it wasn’t just any old violent rhetoric that had Kaplan’s liberal knickers in a knot, but the horrible, evil of “the inflammatory rhetoric of McCain/Palin events in 2008” and “the ugly confrontations at congressional town halls in the summer of 2009.”

If you read the bios of all of the “journalists” at the Huffington Post you might believe them all to be brilliant political strategists, what with “Director” of this and “Professor” of that associated with their names. And Marty Kaplan would fit that mold exactly.

marty kaplan
Marty Kaplan is the highly-esteemed Norman Lear Professor of Entertainment, Media & Society at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. How does he fit all that on a business card?

Why is it then that in writing “The Vitriol in Our National Bloodstream” Kaplan feels justified in making up his own facts?

In writing about the horrors that occurred in Tucson, his focus was “violent rhetoric” and it wasn’t just any old violent rhetoric that had Kaplan’s liberal knickers in a knot, but the horrible, evil of “the inflammatory rhetoric of McCain/Palin events in 2008” and “the ugly confrontations at congressional town halls in the summer of 2009.”

It’s kind of amazing how liberal memories work. Which “McCain/Palin events” is the author referring to? If our memory serves correctly, the only examples of violence during the 2009 town hall meetings attributed to the left, such as the infamous SEIU beating of an African-American vendor.

Going even further down the deluded liberal path, Kaplan finds the tragedy in Tucson the perfect opportunity to score political points against “right-wing anarchism” and the ridiculous individuals who “accord scriptural authority to the Constitution” and don’t believe as the author does that “The Constitution isn’t holy writ; it’s a living document whose text and meaning have evolved through the centuries” which essentially means that people like Kaplan can make it mean anything they want it to mean.

The author also wants this tragedy to be “a teachable moment.” That’s a noble sentiment, but unfortunately, he only wants it to teach something that is not true.

The right, whether speaking of Republicans, Conservatives or Tea Party, has no interest in “tearing down the government,” but merely in limiting it.

That became a crime when, Professor Kaplan?

Source: Huffington Post

Top 12 most mournful HuffPo comments about Obama’s tax rate compromise

There is nothing funnier than reader comments in the Huffington Post when things go poorly for progressives. Absolutely nothing. The wailing, the moaning, the gnashing of teeth is just classic.

There is nothing funnier than reader comments in the Huffington Post when things go poorly for progressives. Absolutely nothing. The wailing, the moaning, the gnashing of teeth is just classic.

President Obama’s tax compromise with the Republicans proves to be comedy gold once again.

1. lidin
Obama should go find his cojones and take a firm stand one way or the other and stick with it. For all his faults Bush had big brass ones and didn’t flinch(alt­hough he was wrong most of the time) Obama needs some of that confidence and conviction­.

The clowns on the left are sad, very sad. Except for the ones who are mad, very mad.

2. jeanrenoir
Obama has made Carter look like FDR.

3. mag68
Sadly enough, the man has negatively defined himself utterly and thoroughly. The Democratic party had better allow an open primary in 2011 or it’s President Romney…

4. mag68
I have come to the conclusion that he is a republican plant. I honestly believe the other side helped place him as a continuation of Bush Chaney

5. Monrocsol
Hillary would have been better, but no, we had to go with “the dream” and now it is a nightmare.

6. toldyeso
he has to do the right thing and announce – for the good of the party and the nation – that he wont run again

7. Avere Fede
Clearly, we were all victims of one of history’s all time frauds. I personally was very much aware of many of his shortcomings, but I truly believed he was up for the challenge. What a stunner to realize just how worthless a Harvard education truly is when combined with lack of conviction, and an overabundance of arrogance.

8. SirSlappy
Captain Passive tripped on his own cape. We must get him to step down without a second term, to void the slot for someone with a spine. He’s a disaster.

9. jacobnyc
How has Obama done anything to suggest that he was a better choice than Hillary? I’d love to know. Obama is a wimp, not a fighter; he’s a orator, not a leader.

10. Massachusetts Patriot
Obama’s not just a lame duck, figuratively speaking, he’s a “dead” duck, case closed. The man’s lack of loyalty to his campaign promises and the base that helped elect him means that he will garner very tepid support from the left in 2012.

11. grod
President Zero has hurt the progressive cause more than I would have thought possible.

12. Salty too
He is a comunity organizer/ junior senator, and is in way ,way ,way over his head.

Source: The Huffington Post

Attempt by Obama to appear man-like angers left wing constituents

Driving the liberals’ moral outrage is Obama’s recent trip to Afghanistan “…where he put on a leather bomber jacket and told U.S. troops: ‘You’re achieving your objectives. You will succeed in your mission.’“

Nothing makes liberals madder than a President in leather. If you don’t believe that check out the Huffington Post’s article entitled “A Hollow Bomber Jacket.”

obama bomber jacket
Nobody, and we mean nobody, is buying manly-man Obama in a bomber jacket

The article contends that the Obama presidency has been a miserable failure. When your liberal friends write things about you like “For the Obama presidency, moral collapse has taken on the appearance of craven clockwork, establishing a concentric pattern — doing immense damage to economic security at home while ratcheting up warfare overseas,” you have to wonder what your enemies are writing.

Driving the liberals’ moral outrage is Obama’s recent trip to Afghanistan “…where he put on a leather bomber jacket and told U.S. troops: ‘You’re achieving your objectives. You will succeed in your mission.’“

So now the left is comparing Obama to Johnson of all people, saying “At the end of a year with massive U.S. military escalation in Afghanistan, parallels with the Johnson administration’s unhinged Vietnam War are hard to miss”.

Of course, being compared to Johnson is a big come down for a man who was formerly compared to God.

Obama’s situation appears dire, lambasted by the right for being too soft and hated on by the left for being too hard, and no Goldilocks in sight.

Source: Huffington Post

Top 12 stupid Huffington Post comments on the Portland bomber

Here are our top twelve lunatic lib comments at the reliably lunatic lib Huffington Post, about the arrest of the Portland bomber, Mohamed Mohamud.

The FBI arrested a 19-year old immigrant neer-do-well named Mohamed Mohamud (MoMo to his friends, we assume) who tried to use a car bomb to kill thousands of Christians celebrating the Christmas season in downtown Portland, Oregon.

Cause for celebration? Reason to congratulate the FBI for a job well done? Time to breathe a sigh of relief? Not if you’re a reader of the Huffington Post.

Here are our top twelve lunatic lib comments at the reliably lunatic lib HuffPo.

Don't you think Mohamed Mohamud should have been from Walla Walla?

1. sillyfrog
This is the perfect age for the military mostly because this age group can easily be influenced­. The older law officers know this. I hope a smart good lawyer gets this kid out of this mess and gets him on a better path.

2. writersbloc
As a Black kid, foreign and Muslim, I can imagine him being on the receiving end of taunts and harassment, or just isolation. Or maybe he’s a sociopath. Maybe his mom didn’t hug him enough. Maybe people won’t stop asking him about Somali pirates.

3. MNmommy
Look at this young man’s beautiful face. He could have been redirected to modeling instead of encouraged in terrorism by the FBI. What does that say about us?

What’s worse, what this guy tried to do or what the teabagger who stumped the woman in the head did? I just wonder.…

How wonderful. Our entire intelligence apparatus is engaged in targeting a 16 year old Somalian named Mohammad, approaching him with fame and glory, wait till he is 18, teaching him how to build a bomb. Better yet build one themselves and detonate in remote area. Buy him a van, fill it with fake explosives. Get him a cell phone, give him a number to dial to explode the device in crowded and the arrest him.

6. photog606
ANOTHER “terrorist” manufactured out of whole cloth… the FBI only had to supply the time, the location and the phony bomb… then swoop in to save the gullible US citizenry from a scenerio THEY set-up and created.

7. harmlesstree
And I am sure this attempted terrorist attack, by a Somali, has nothing to do with what the U.S. has done to his homeland, just like 9-11, and all the other acts of Islamic terrorism directed against us, had nothing to do with the brutal foreign policy America conducts within the Islamic world? I must say, I love sanctimonious Americans whose government is, and has been since WW2, the greatest purveyor of violence, to borrow a line from Martin Luther King, in the world ( the U.S. is literally responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people over the last 60 years) lecturing Muslims about violence!

8. Olethea
Please make an attempt to educate yourself. Religious terrorism is not limited to one religion. Here you go: The Christian Militia plot against law enforcement

9. Johnny Steps
This shouldn’t even be news, and the fact that the mouthbreathers are insisting this is validation of the efforts of our right wing anti terror campaigns is just insulting to those of us with anything resembling intelligence.

10. Earl
Do you think that muslim kids might feel a bit more “American” if we weren’t reserving public spaces for christian-only ceremonies?

11. EarDrummer
If america would learn humility then we wouldn’t have to worry about people trying to kill us, as it is, america’s lack of humility obligates people to kill us.

12. WRichardWagner
The FBI has hundreds of these muslim sleeper patsies. Whenever the public gets uppity about police state measures, they activate one.

Source: Huffington Post

Did the Huffington Post just out Tom Cruise?

What a strange way for the Huffington Post to illustrate its story on “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Careful, HuffPo, you’re walking on thin ice. Hasn’t Tom Cruise sued people for making the same accusation?


What a strange way for the Huffington Post to illustrate its story on “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Careful, HuffPo, you’re walking on thin ice. Hasn’t Tom Cruise sued people for making the same accusation?

On the other hand, here’s a clip of director Quentin Tarantino explaining his thoughts about the not-so-subtle message hidden in Top Gun. It’s old, but still hilarious.


HuffPo runs up the white flag, predicts Republicans will pick up 60-70 seats

Woe are they. The oracles at the Huffington Post have peered into their crystal balls and seen the future. And they don’t like what they’re seeing.

Woe are they. The oracles at the Huffington Post have peered into their crystal balls and seen the future. And they don’t like what they’re seeing.

Arianna Huffington looks into her crystal ball and sees a conservative future

During the last 14 days the White House and President Obama have gone on the attack, and their strategy is pretty simple: “Let’s acknowledge the voter anger and make sure it gets funneled toward something else.” Thus we have seen political attacks on just about everyone–and everything–out there. The problem, though, is that voters aren’t angry with Karl Rove, John Boehner, the Chamber of Commerce or even the “undisclosed financing” of elections. Voters are angry about the economy and they have two devastating perceptions of this administration: voters think it is incompetent and that it has overreached over the past two years.

An even bigger problem for the White House is that voters may have already tuned the President out; virtually every possible metric used to evaluate the outcome of the midterm elections suggest a massive GOP victory. So let’s just come out and say it: there is no reason to think that Republicans will do any worse than 1994 (when they picked up 54 seats) and there is plenty of data to suggest that it will, in fact, be a better year for the GOP. Our projection–based on all current available data–is that the GOP will gain between 60 and 70 House seats in November.

Sixty to seventy? We’d say the Huffington Post is starting to sound conservative.

Source: Huffington Post

Calling the left crazy a year ago makes us look sane now

Don’t look for the Huffington Post to recycle last year’s column about Obama the “strategist” as one of its great journalistic efforts of the decade.

ahmadinejad huffington post
Toying with its prey: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been the cat, Barack Obama has been the mouse.

Don’t look for the Huffington Post to recycle its column about Obama the “strategist” as one of its great journalistic efforts of the decade.

At about this time last year we lambasted a HuffPo article about The Greatest Strategist Ever’s dealings with Iran.

The HuffPo article, hilariously entitled “Outmaneuvering Iran”, contained a lot of material that didn’t make it into our original story. Not because of space, but quite frankly, because we grew weary of reading HuffPo.

Regardless, here are some of the leftist pearls of wisdom that missed our first cut:

“Obama is now well positioned to unite world leaders in a long-term strategy to back Iran away from nuclear weapons. While some nations mistrusted the previous administration–fearing a repeat of the Iraq War–they have more confidence in Obama. They don’t believe he will use military force, except as a last resort.”

And then there was this little gem:

“Meanwhile, Obama’s missile defense decision–a move that puts more military assets in position more quickly against the Iranian missiles–not only increases the pressure on Iran but allows Russia to move closer to the U.S. position without appearing to be buckling to America.”

Yes, all this has obviously worked out so very well. We’re only surprised that Obama doesn’t have the U.S. help Iran load fuel rods into its reactors just to show them that we knew that they knew that we knew they knew. Or something like that.

We may not be Jean Dixon here, but give us credit on calling it a year ago. The left was crazy then. And it’s even crazier now.

Source: Huffington Post

Ed Schultz calls GM a success story, liberal HuffPo writer calls BS

When Poor Ed began raving about Government Motors positive earnings, he surely expected a good progressive like Huffington Post’s Leo Hindery to agree. No so fast, Ed.

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz lives in some kind of alternate universe where Obama’s economic program is working.

When Poor Ed began raving about Government Motors positive earnings, he surely expected a good progressive like Huffington Post’s Leo Hindery to agree.

No so fast, Ed. Hindery quickly brought Ed back to reality.

“I love being on this show,” Hindery said. “But I’m going to push back a little bit on your accolade for GM. There will be more jobs created in Mexico by the Big Three automobile manufacturers than will be created here in the United States.”

Note the way the smile disappears from Ed’s pudgy little face.

Source: NewsBusters.org

Huffington Post bemoans the fact that poor President Obama just can’t catch a break

In a new love poem to the President thinly disguised as an article, the Huffington Post expressed immense relief at the fact the media was finally taking the Least Loved by the Media Ever President’s side.

HuffPo wants Obama to get credit, which is liberalese for "not get the blame"

In a new love poem to the President thinly disguised as an article, the Huffington Post expressed immense relief at the fact the media was finally taking the Least Loved by the Media Ever President’s side.

“We knew this was coming.” they cheered. “The media have finally noticed the gap between Barack Obama’s extraordinary achievements — health care reform, financial reform and preventing a depression, to name a very few — and his seeming inability to win credit for them. “Why can’t Obama get a break?” is the meme of the day.“

Continue reading “Huffington Post bemoans the fact that poor President Obama just can’t catch a break”

Huffington Post worries that many consider Obama “superhuman”

Witness the HuffPo article that says, “Obama’s very strength, it turns out, can be a weakness. After his fast rise against enormous odds, many people actually seem to believe that he is superhuman — that he should be able instantly to unite the country, solve unemployment, end wars and terrorism and while he’s at it, fix health care and end pandemics.”

Maybe it was that crazy Obama-Spiderman Comic Book. Or maybe it was Obama’s magical ability to send tingles up left wing pundits’ legs. Or maybe it was something in the Kool-Aid that’s constantly being swilled in the offices of the Huffington Post. Whatever it was, there’s been some massive delusion going on.

obama superman
Yes, it’s Superman, strange visitor from another country, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! Superman, who can change the course of mighty economies, bend Republicans with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Barack Obama, mild-mannered President for a great metropolitan political machine, fights a never-ending battle against truth, justice and the American way!

Witness the HuffPo article that says, “Obama’s very strength, it turns out, can be a weakness. After his fast rise against enormous odds, many people actually seem to believe that he is superhuman — that he should be able instantly to unite the country, solve unemployment, end wars and terrorism and while he’s at it, fix health care and end pandemics.”

So the fact that he is not a superhuman allows him to fail at all of the above? That’s an excuse we never even thought of using. “Sorry I got straight F’s, Ma, but I’m not superhuman you know.”

In light of the massive delusion sweeping the American left, IHateTheMedia.com would urge all American citizens – and what the heck, illegal aliens, too – who believe that President Obama is superhuman to please seek help immediately.

But don’t expect any help from Obama. He’s not superhuman, you know.

Source: Huffington Post

Robert Gibbs spanks Keith Olbermann. Film at eleven.

Two articles on in the Huffington Post demonstrate that the Apocalypse is imminent.

robert-gibbs-keith olbermann
Headline this one "Putz calls putz a putz."

Two articles in the Huffington Post demonstrate that the Apocalypse is imminent.

First was the story of Robert Gibbs lashing out at the media. No, not Fox News, but MSNBC, and more specifically, that lovable leftist lunatic Keith Olbermann.

The article began “White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs offered a noticeably snide dig on Wednesday to cable news critics who claim that the president is being too hands-off with the oil crisis — specifically MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, who harshly criticized Obama’s Oval Office address the night before.”

According to the article, “The comments were made in response to a question about whether Gibbs had seen some of the tougher takes on the president from the “Daily Show’s Jon Stewart and Olbermann — the latter of whom critiqued Obama for offering mostly platitudes during his Gulf speech.”

Apparently, the leftist media has learned nothing from watching the Most Media-Loving Administration In History’s war against any journalist foolish enough to question them.

Another HuffPo article noted that Olbermann’s fans, who measure in the dozens, were pretty upset with his treatment of The One and Olbermann was forced to reaffirm his dedication and “Sent a nine-part response over Twitter, praising the President.”

The statement read in part, “This is easily the smartest political leader I have ever seen, as good a political public speaker as I’ve heard, last October I was privileged along with 11 other news people to spend 2 hours with him as he showed extemporaneous mastery of every one of two dozen topics fired at him by us in random order. I left the room wondering if we had ever before actually elected a president who was one of the 1,000 smartest people in the country (or maybe 100, or 10) as we had now. I believe in him and in his presidency and he has frequently achieved success (in health care reform, particularly) by doing that for which I criticized him. I hope that is again the case now because the Gulf Speech was not up to his standards nor did it express his mastery of policy.”

The fact that Olbermann was not the Obama administration’s spokesman came as a shock to both liberals and conservatives a like.

However, the fact that he was very sorry surprised no one.

Source: Huffington Post

Now the Huffington Post wants to boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks

The article says, “This will be the last column I write about the Arizona Diamondbacks in the foreseeable future. For me, they do not exist. They will continue to not exist in my mind as long as the horribly named ‘Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act’ remains law in Arizona. This law has brought echoes of apartheid to the state.”

The folks at the Huffington Post have taken too many pitches to the head

In the near future sportscasters may run down a players stats like this:

“Ed Shlumpy at bat. He’s hitting .311 this year, bats right, throws right and leans right with a pro-life advocacy rating of 93.0%”

It may sounds strange to you, but not to Huffington Post readers who are used to left wing nonsense like the article entitled “No one is Illegal: Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks”

The article says, “This will be the last column I write about the Arizona Diamondbacks in the foreseeable future. For me, they do not exist. They will continue to not exist in my mind as long as the horribly named ‘Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act’ remains law in Arizona. This law has brought echoes of apartheid to the state.”

It goes on to state that “This is not merely because they happen to be the team from Arizona. The D-backs organization is a primary funder of the state Republican Party, which has been driving the measure through the legislature.”

The article ends by saying “If the owners of the Diamondbacks want to underwrite an ugly edge of bigotry, we should raise our collective sporting fists against them. A boycott is also an expression of solidarity with Diamondback players such as Juan Guitterez, Gerardo Parra, and Rodrigo Lopez. They shouldn’t be put in a position where they’re cheered on the playing field and then asked for their papers when the uniform comes off.”

The same could supposedly be said of Phoenix police officers, 25% of whom are of Hispanic descent. Except that no one cheers them, on duty or off, especially when they – unlike the federal government – actually attempt to enforce the law.

To paraphrase Ernest Thayer, “Mighty Arianna has struck out.”

Source: Huffington Post

Greatest President In History makes Most Radical Appointment In History

Nobody writes half a story as well as the Huffington Post. In its latest Republican bash-a-rama, HuffPo criticizes conservatives for raging at Obama’s recession appointments despite the fact that they loved recession appointments when Bush did them.

Nobody writes half a story as well as the Huffington Post. In its latest Republican bash-a-rama, HuffPo criticizes conservatives for raging at Obama’s recession appointments despite the fact that they loved recession appointments when Bush did them.

Of course, HuffPo admits that “There is a key difference, however, between 2005 and 2010: the amount of Senate obstruction.” Well, that could be it, we suppose, but it also might have something to do with the type of people Obama has nominated.

Craig Becker, for example. If you missed the highlights of Mr. Becker’s stellar career, try watching this video again. This guy may well be the most liberal radical appointment Obama has made in a long line of most liberal radical appointments.

Continue reading “Greatest President In History makes Most Radical Appointment In History”

Leftist Huffington Post plays taps for Obama’s socialist agenda

In the words of fabled Los Angeles Lakers announcer Chick Hearn, “This one is in the refrigerator, the door is closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter’s getting hard, and the Jell-O is a jigglin’.”

In the words of fabled Los Angeles Lakers announcer Chick Hearn, “This one is in the refrigerator, the door is closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter’s getting hard, and the Jell-O is a jigglin’.”

In other words, the game is over.

We’re number four! We’re number four! We’re number four!

According to the Huffington Post, The Joy Behar show is “on a roll.” In the Land of Huffpo, a roll is apparently defined as finishing fourth in its 9 pm time slot with an average of just 417,000 viewers per night.

Joy Behar brings her viewers intelligent conversation and cleavage. OK, cleavage.
Joy Behar brings her viewers intelligent conversation and cleavage. OK, cleavage.

According to the Huffington Post, The Joy Behar show is “on a roll.” In the Land of Huffpo, a roll is apparently defined as finishing fourth in its 9 pm time slot with an average of just 417,000 viewers per night.

Not to burst Behar’s bubble or diminish the importance of finishing in the all important number four spot, but TVbyTheNumbers.com recently took “the first 50 days of ratings for Headline News’ The Behar Show and compared them to the final 50 days of the show she replaced, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell. So far, Joy’s done no better in the ratings.”

Is it just us or was “Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell” a show you found by accident when there were no good infomercials on?

Behar topped her average ratings only three times during the 50 day period. Her featured guests on those nights were Martin Short, Levi Johnson and Roseanne Barr – a gay icon and two celebrities everyone thought were dead.

Have fun figuring out which is which.

Source: TVbyTheNumbers.com

– Written by Patrick Michael

God strike us blind: Huffington Post trying to create a calendar of liberal women

The Huffington Post is getting a little pissy about the “The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute” and its “Great American Conservative Women” 2010 calendar.

Helen Thomas, Miss November in the 2010 the Great American Liberal Women Calendar
Helen Thomas, Miss November in the 2010 the Great American Liberal Women Calendar

The Huffington Post is getting a little pissy about the “The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute” and its “Great American Conservative Women” 2010 calendar.

That pissiness may result from the fact that when HuffPo announced that it was going to respond with its own “Great American Liberal Women Calendar,” the Institute posted the following message on its Facebook site:

“The Huffington Post is trying to make a Great American LIBERAL women calendar.” This might be difficult considering that their women look like men *cough* Rachel Maddow* cough*.

The conservative calendar features the likes of Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter and Carrie Prejean. All excellent choices.

Rumor has it that HuffPo’s calendar will feature liberal lovelies like Rachel Maddow, Nancy Pelosi and Helen Thomas.

‘Nuff said.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com

– Written by Patrick Michael

Correcting Huffington Post: Prominent Democrat makes fun of Virginia gubernatorial candidate’s stutter

We rarely make fun of BET. So in order to right that wrong, or wrong that right, here is BET Co-Founder Sheila Johnson making fun of Democrat Creigh Deeds’ speech impediment.

We rarely make fun of BET. So in order to right that wrong, or wrong that right, here is BET Co-Founder Sheila Johnson making fun of Democrat Creigh Deeds’ speech impediment.

Interestingly, Huffington Post headlines the story, “Creigh Deeds’s Stutter Mocked by Prominent Endorser of GOP Candidate in Virginia Gubernatorial Race.”

Our headline is far more accurate. In fact, on the day Johnson endorsed Republican candidate Bob McDonnell, she said that she is a proud Democrat who is crossing party lines only because McDonnell is the better candiate.

But the Huffington Post never let facts get in the way of a good story.

Source: Huffington Post

Huffington Post calls Obama a chess master, but maybe he should start with Yahtzee.

According to the Huffington Post, President Obama is a chess master extraordinaire. No, really. That’s what they said.


According to the Huffington Post, President Obama is a chess master extraordinaire. No, really. That’s what they said:

President Obama knew about the secret Iranian facility nine months ago. Before he began his strategy of engagement, he knew Iran was lying about its program. When he extended his hand in friendship, he knew Iran had built a secret factory to enrich uranium. Before he offered direct talks, he knew Iran was hiding a nuclear weapons breakout capability.

Each move was denounced as “weak” and “naïve” by the right. That talk looks foolish today. These were the moves of chess master, carefully positioning pieces on the board, laying a trap, and springing it at the opportune moment.

Well, actually, the moves still look weak and naive to us.

We’d say the Huffington Post has it slightly wrong. Obama looks more like the president of the high school chess club than a chess master. And Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks like one of the tough kids who’s about to give him a wedgie.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com

– Written by Patrick Michael

Michael Moore’s new film unlike his previous ones. This one blames Reagan for everything, instead of Bush.

Director and “Biggest Loser” candidate Michael Moore is awfully damn happy with himself over his latest movie. Moore said “Having spent the last year and a half living pretty much under the radar and quietly putting together this movie for you, it is heartening, to say the least, to read the early reviews where Time Magazine called it ‘Moore’s magnum opus’

Michael Moore has a big opening. His film didn't have such a big opening.
Michael Moore has a big opening. His film didn't have such a big opening.

Director and “Biggest Loser” candidate Michael Moore is awfully damn happy with himself over his latest movie.

Writing in Huffington Post, Moore said “Having spent the last year and a half living pretty much under the radar and quietly putting together this movie for you, it is heartening, to say the least, to read the early reviews where Time Magazine called it ‘Moore’s magnum opus,’ the Los Angeles Times has declared it my ‘most controversial film yet,’ and Variety has said that Capitalism: A Love Story is ‘one of Moore’s best films.’ Wow. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect, considering this film is an all-out assault against the racket polite people like to call ‘Wall Street.'”

Let’s see. Since Moore’s remarks that “Capitalism is both un-Christian and un-American, an evil that deserves not regulation but elimination,” we can kind of guess where this movie is going.

The Independent Eye, a blog committed to independent film review bemoans the fact that there are no conservative reviews of the film. We can’t understand why conservatives are not flocking to see it either, but we think it may have something to do with the fact that Moore is a fat idiot and his movies blow chunks.

Using his typical 1/4 truth documentary style, Moore again focuses on the misery of some to make his point (and his profits).

Now if he could just spare us the misery of another Michael Moore movie.

Source: Huffington Post, Independent Eye

– Written by Patrick Michael

HuffPo writer thinks Kopechne might have been happy to sacrifice her life to advance Teddy’s career

Good news for Mary Jo Kopechne’s family. She would be happy to die a horrible death, gasping for air as her lungs filled with the cold, murkhy waters off Chappaquiddick Island. Seriously. That’s what ex-lawyer, blogger and writer Melissa Lafsky says in the Huffington Post.


Good news for Mary Jo Kopechne’s family. She would be happy to die a horrible death, gasping for air as her lungs filled with the cold, murky waters off Chappaquiddick Island.


Seriously. That’s what ex-lawyer, blogger and writer Melissa Lafsky says in the Huffington Post:

We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don’t know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn’t preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.

Yeah, maybe. But as the old saying goes, Kopechne was unavailable for comment.

Source: Huffington Post

Angry white racists gather to lynch Obama

The Huffington Post played the race card on its home page today. The huge headline “GOP Returns to ‘White Voter Strategy'” is placed over what the left seems to think is the typical white racist person


With President Obama plummeting in the polls, and the public’s dismal view of the ineffective stimulus package, cap-and-trade, Obamacare, Cash-for-Clunkers and the mad race toward socialism, there is only one option left for the far left:

Play the race card. And play it now.

That’s exactly what the Huffington Post did on its home page today. The huge headline “GOP Returns to ‘White Voter Strategy'” is placed over what the left seems to think is the typical white person: he’s a bearded, southern-looking man wearing a cowboy hat and a Redskins jersey. And he’s angry. So angry, in fact, that he’s pointing his finger. And Angry White Man is not alone. An entire crowd of other angry white people can be seen behind him.

Unfortunately, they are blurred so you can’t see their guns, bibles and beers. And lynchin’ ropes. You can’t see their lynchin’ ropes, either.

But we’re pretty sure the folks at the Huffington Post can see them.

Source: Huffington Post

Liberal blogger stabs girlfriend with screwdriver 222 times. And the victim wasn’t even a conservative.

Here’s a story you probably won’t read in the Huffington Post: One of its writers, Carol Burger, has been arrested for stabbing her wife with a screwdriver not once, not twice, but 222 times.

Carol Burger or as she's better known, the Huffington Post Killer
Carol Burger or as she's better known, the Huffington Post Killer

Here’s a story you probably won’t read in the Huffington Post: One of its writers has been arrested for stabbing her roommate girlfriend wife with a screwdriver not once, not twice, but 222 times.

Carol Burger covered the election for the HuffPo. Jessica Kalish, her roommate girlfriend wife, was a South Florida software executive and part-time talk show host.

Here’s how the Miami New Times reports the story:

To outsiders, it seemed they were the embodiment of contemporary domestic bliss: two smart, professional women living in an immaculate house replete with screened-in pool, a cabana bathroom, and plenty of room for their two adopted racing greyhounds. Soon, though, all of South Florida learned the unsettling truth.

The tragic tale continues:

Most of the screwdriver blows landed on Jessica’s neck and on the back of her head, perhaps directed at her new haircut. All told, there were 222 stab wounds. The lacerations were, on average, an inch to an inch-and-a-half deep, and most were shaped like the tiny plus sign on the tip of a Phillips-head screwdriver. The fatal strike was likely a blow to the spinal cord. The struggle — and subsequent overkill — probably lasted about 20 minutes.

To repeat, 222 stab wounds delivered over a 20-minute period.

And yet we wouldn’t be surprised if the defense attorneys portray it as self-defense. We wouldn’t be surprised if the left mounts “Free Burger” rallies. And we wouldn’t be surprised if Gloria Allred finds the TV cameras to announce that Burger is only being charged because she’s a woman.

There are two valuable lessons to be learned from this story:

One – Don’t piss off any writers at the Huffington Post.

Two – When phillips head screwdrivers are outlawed, only outlaws will have phillips head screwdrivers.

Source: Miami New Times

Press conference fraud: Huffington Post writer ushered in to ask President specific, predetermined question

It seems that Huffington Post reporter Nico Pitney and the Obama team has preplanned the question and answer on Iran at today’s Press Conference.

The self-described “most transparent administration in history” took another step toward self-immolation at the President’s press conference today.

Just moments before the press conference began, Huffington Post reporter Nico Pitney was personally escorted from the nether regions of the White House Press Room by deputy press secretary Josh Earnest. Pitney was awarded a prime spot just inside the barricade.

Miraculously, President Obama not only singled out Pitney for a question, but seemed to know exactly what the question would be, setting off alarms for all the other reporters present.

“Nico, I know you and all across the Internet, we’ve been seeing a lot of reports coming out of Iran,” Obama said. “I know there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?”

Pitney pretended to ignore Obama’s introduction and asked his question as if the President hadn’t tipped it: “I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian.”

Of course, Chris Matthews will say this just proves that the president has added clairvoyance to his other remarkable talents he has exhibited as The Greatest President In the Universe.

Source: RealClearPolitics.com

Huffington Post goes crazy over Tiller murder and virtually ignores Army recruiter murder

Private William Long. Long may his memory live.
Private William Long. Long may his memory live.

We signed up for the Huffington Post’s Daily Briefs email list a few months ago. To the best of our recollection, while we receive their Daily Briefs, we’ve never received an “Alert” until May 31, when we received this one:

ALERT: Abortion Doctor Murdered At Kansas Church

Oddly enough, no such email alert was sent out the next day for this similar story:

Carlos Bledsoe, Muslim Convert Opposed To US Military, Shot And Killed Army-Navy Recruiter

It struck us as rather selective outrage, but we wanted to be certain before we made any wild, unsubstantiated accusations. So we went to HuffingtonPost.com and used its search function to compare the number of stories on the two murders. There were a least a hundred hits for stories referencing George Tiller’s murder. We say at least, because we stopped counting at that point as the list just kept going and going and going. We have no idea how many more there were.

Then we did another search to see how many references we could find on the Arkansas recruiter murder. Eight. That’s all. Eight. And no, we didn’t search for very specific words like “Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad” or “Carlos Bledsoe.” We erred on the side of caution and performed very loose searches.

While it’s not an exact science, the results were clear: Far more than a hundred Tiller references, but just eight on the Arkansas recruiter (let’s give the poor, ignored guy a name–William Long) murder.

For further study, we then went to Google and did an advanced “site search” where you can search for words found on just a particular site, posted within a specified date range, and various other boolean search criteria. We searched just the HuffingtonPost.com website. The closest date range we could use was “past week.” Close enough.

The results were startling, but we’re not going to publish them because there are too many variables that can get called into question with the search terms. But we ask you to do to your own searches: go to Google, click on Advanced Search, enter “HuffingtonPost.com” into the search site field, set the date range, and try some of your own searches. Remember if you are putting two words together like William Long, they have to be keyed as “William Long” or it will search for William OR long, which will skew the results. Let us know what you find out.

But we did do two simple searches we will tell you about. We simply searched the the Huffingtonpost.com site for “George Tiller” and then for “William Long.” The results were 12,900 pages for George Tiller, but just 6 for William Long.

We understand the George Tiller was more well known than William Long, but Good God, can we honor Private Long just a bit more?

Our conclusion? Huffington Post has a genetic predisposition against the pro-life position. But they seem to have an equally strong pre-dispositon to ignore news that casts Muslims in a negative light.

Huffington Post wants $15,500 for an internship.
Save $1,000 and intern at IHateTheMedia.com.

Monica Lewinsky, the official spokesperson for the exciting, new IHateTheMedia.com Internship Program.
Monica Lewinsky, the official spokesperson for the exciting, new IHateTheMedia.com Internship Program.

The Huffington Post is now auctioning off a two-month internship that they modestly call a chance to “jumpstart your career in the blogosphere.” The next bid must be at least $15,500.

We say it looks like a pretty clever way to pick up a few bucks. So in the grand tradition of capitalism that the Huffington Post would never understand, we hereby offer to undercut their price and offer internships at IHateTheMedia.com for a mere $14,500.

It’s all part of a charity auction being run at CharityBuzz.com. So far ten liberal lunatics have actually bid on the internship. Additional bids will be accepted through May 28, 2009. The winning bidder can serve their internship in HuffPo’s Washington, DC or New York office.

Fact is, we really don’t need any interns, but this looks like a pretty sweet money making scheme. We get a gaggle of interns paying us $14,500 every two or three months while we spend the day eating bonbons.

Please send your checks to IHateTheMedia.com, PO Box 13309, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-3309.

Ahhh, life is good.

Source: Huffington Post via Neatorama.com

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