Judicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up With Breaking FOIA

Judicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up With Breaking FOIA. Get people killed, then lie and joke about it while the MSM helps with the cover-up.

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released 80 pages of records that show top Obama White House officials scrambling to “evolve” its false claims that the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. Government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video on the Internet. The emails show top Obama White House official Ben Rhodes and Clinton State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan joking about being called “liars” and “leakers.”

Contractors say Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses

Contractors say Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses. Another Clinton cover up.

Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same page with the State Department with regard to the security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans.

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal. Yet another demonstration of smart power.

Benghazi Shocker: Two Service Members Say They Were Armed And Ready To Rescue

Benghazi Shocker: Two Service Members Say They Were Armed And Ready To Rescue. Which is why General Carter Ham was ordered to stand down, so no one would go on a rescue mission.

This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams

This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams. Yeah we know, it’s Salon, but we’ll defer to the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” theory this time. The real question is will the FBI even ask any of this?

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