Government bailout subsidizing Olbermann salary, sign the petition

Left wing lunatic Ben Afleck does a perfect impression of
left wing lunatic Keith Olbermann on Saturday Night Live.

Is Keith Olbermann a hypocrite? Of course. A congenital liar? Certainly. A lunatic. Without a doubt.

That’s why we’re happy to lend our support to this internet petition objecting to his latest outrage. Click on the link at the bottom of the story to sign the petition.

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

While General Electric, the parent-company of your MSNBC network, was negotiating a $126 billion taxpayer-funded bailout, you signed a new contract raising your salary from $4 million to $7.5 million annually. You have used your show as a platform to call for the resignation of corporate executives accepting excessive bonuses on the backs of taxpayers who are picking up the tab for these atrocious bailouts, yet you yourself have no problem engaging in the same “class economic rape” that you accuse them of.

Please heed your own advice and stop accepting taxpayer money to subsidize your nightly diatribes. Resign or return the balance of your excessive raise to the U.S. Treasury.

(add your signature at the link below)


This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


View Comments (5)

  • Olberman is nothing more than seditious hypocritical turd, and is no different than the seditious hypocritical turds and their agenda he shill's for.

  • I too hate the media, and Keith Olberman doesn't deserve 7.5 mil. dollars, BUT
    I agree with damned near everything he if you are objecting to KO's salary (as you should), let's hear you take on the other hate-mongering morons who make way more than he on the right such as that fat-assed, drug addict Rush Lindberg; Sarah 'I should have listened more in my college classes' Palin; and, Glenn "I actually AM crazier than I look' Beck. Then, and only then will I become a regular reader/contributer.

    • Please allow us to clear up a few issues for you:
      1. We don't agree with anything Keith Olbermann says after "Good evening," but we don't object to his salary for any reason other than the fact that we're subsidizing it. If someone is crazy enough to pay him that kind of money for the miniscule audience he attracts, more power to him.
      2. Rush isn't fat anymore. Find a new insult.
      3. Rush isn't a drug addict. Find a new insult.
      4. Rush makes many multiple times as much because (a) he owns his own company, (b) he virtually created an industry, and (c) he's the best in the world at what he does.
      4. We really don't give a rat's ass if you become a regular reader/contributor. Based on this contribution, we can only draw the conclusion that you have very little to contribute.

      • He raises an interesting point about media targets. When i first got here, i thought the angle was to hit all of MSM, not just the center/left. I don't recall why i thought that: its not even close. But you could probably have 10 times the traffic otherwise. Maybe even HuffPo juicy-acquisition traffic. You seem to have the SEO down