Letter to the Editor: R. Coddington Fahrnsworth on federal salaries

Maybe one day we will all work for the government – the ultimate goal of our beloved President Barack Obama, praise his name.

Dear I Hate the Media and We Liberal Truthtellers Loathe You Right Back,

I woke up at 10 a.m. to telecommute to an early meeting on the use of capital letters in official government correspondence when I heard a bunch of Conservative loudmouths on my shower radio spouting off about small businesses being “the backbone of our economy.”


Nothing could be further from the truth, but I should expect as much disinformation from the NeoCondrethal likes of Rush, Beck and Hannity – the three ogres of bogus.

As important government officials and supporters of the arts, my colleagues and I are well-paid for our endeavors.

When he's not telecommuting, R. Coddington Fahrnsworth braves traffic in the back seat of a government-issued limo

According to your little Conservative rag, the Washington Times, more than 77,000 federal employees are paid more than state governors.

These include air traffic controllers, librarians, and interior designers. Obviously, it’s much more important to ensure that rooms in office buildings flow with correct chi than it is to run a state like North Dakota or Alabama.

Simple economics: By paying government officials, like myself, exorbitant salaries this country remains economically solvent. We return this investment by producing reports on the mating habits of the eastern Tennessee slug worm. We also return this money to the local economies by shopping at Trader Vic’s and Whole Foods.

Hopefully, as salaries continue to soar higher for federal employees, more people in the private sector will abandon their cute little hair salons and haberdasheries to attain more meaningful work as public servants – provided the public pays really, really well for its servants.

Maybe one day we will all work for the government – the ultimate goal of our beloved President Barack Obama, praise his name.

I’m sorry. I can’t write any more. I’m all misty at the thought.


R. Coddington Fahrnsworth                                                                       Entrusted servant of the public good and genius

Government gone wild: Interior Department pays the guy who runs its Facebook page $115,000 per year

The Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs needs someone to run the Facebook page for the Dept. of the Interior and they’ll pay up to $115,000 a year.

Maintaining our Facebook page is just one of the Administrator’s many tasks here at IHateTheMedia.com. If he were smart (which is always debatable) he would take those skills over to the Bureau of Indian Affairs because they’ll pay him $115,000 a year to do the same job he does here for about $114,000 less.

The federal government wants to pay someone $115,000 per year to do something teenage girls do in their spare time

The Daily Caller has details that will make your head spin like Linda Blair’s in the Exorcist:

If you’re one of the millions of Americans still looking for a job, the federal government is hiring, and (especially for the unemployed) the pay is excellent. While private sector job growth creeps along at a snail’s pace, the roster of available federal jobs is booming.

The Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs needs someone to run the Facebook page for the Dept. of the Interior and they’ll pay up to $115,000 a year. Over at the Dept. of Defense, they’ll drop nearly 50k a year for a new mail room clerk, plus the glorious benefits that comes with government work.

In Washington, D.C., there are more than 1,000 openings this month alone. These include a “student internship” program at the Federal Housing Finance Agency that pays the equivalent of $48,304 a year; a $155,000-a-year gig at the Peace Corps to ensure the agency is complying with Equal Opportunity Employment standards; and a similar job at the Dept. of Transportation that promises nearly $180,000 a year.

Is there a guy somewhere who’s in charge of figuring out new ways to piss away your tax dollars? And how much do they pay him?

And one other question: Why do we still have a Bureau of Indian Affairs? We thought they were now Native Americans and “Indian” was a racist term. Doesn’t this mean the government is promoting racism?

Oh, well. They call it maize, we call it corn.

Source: Daily Caller

Federal government has the most super efficient, most outstanding, bestest workers in the world

Just 737 federal employees were denied a pay increase in 2009 due to poor job performance. That’s about one out of every 1,698 workers, or a denial rate of 0.06%.

What percentage of your co-workers deserved a raise last year?

Factor in that fat guy who pretends to work but really doesn’t, the chick who used every allotted sick day and then couldn’t keep her stories straight and requested bereavement time when her mother died twice last year, the guy who screws up every assignment he’s ever given, the guy who falls asleep in every meeting, the guy who gets drunk at lunch and can’t function in the afternoon, and all the other losers who make your job twice as hard.

government-workerEvery company has ‘em, but according to a new set of statistics, the federal government doesn’t.

Investors Business Daily has the story of the government’s remarkable workers:

Just 737 federal employees were denied a pay increase in 2009 due to poor job performance, according to information obtained by the Federal Times, a D.C. newspaper for government employees. That’s about one out of every 1,698 workers, or a denial rate of 0.06%.

Believe it or not, that is actually up from recent years, according to data from the Office of Personnel Management.

What the hell. We say you need to work a little harder so all these outstanding government heroes can get bonuses, too. They deserve it.

Source: Investors Business Daily

“I cain’t quit you!” Chart proves that government employees are overpaid

Are government employees overpaid? If you listen to the union goons, the answer is a resounding no. If you take even a cursory glance at this chart, the answer is an even more resounding yes.

Are government employees overpaid? If you listen to the union goons, the answer is a resounding no. If you take even a cursory glance at this chart, the answer is an even more resounding yes.

Daniel J. Mitchell has an interesting analysis that will help you pick a side in the dispute:


..the Bureau of Labor Statistics has a Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, and this “JOLTS” data includes a measure of how often workers voluntarily leave job, and we can examine this data for different parts of the workforce.

Every labor economist, right or left, will agree that higher “quit rates” are much more likely in sectors that are underpaid and lower levels are much more likely in sectors where compensation is generous.

Not surprisingly, this data shows state and local bureaucrats are living on Easy Street. As the chart illustrates, private sector workers are more than three times as likely to quit their jobs.

If we were betting men, we’d bet that private sector workers are also three times as likely to be fired from their jobs. At least three times as likely. Maybe more like ten times.

Source: Daniel J. Mitchell

Labor Hilda Solis urges illegals to call government for help in getting paid fairly

Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has upped the ante. She’s created a Public Service Announcement, at your expense, to promote this important message: illegals in America may be unfairly paid. The PSA even includes a phone number for these poor, exploited workers to call and report their racist employers. Again, at your expense.

Come on now, who says the Obama Administration is not doing something about the illegal immigration problem? From sending 1200 troops to desk jobs somewhere near the Mexican border, to suing Arizona for complying with federal immigration laws, you can rest assured that our government is working on behalf of the American people.

And now Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has upped the ante. She’s created a Public Service Announcement, at your expense, to promote this important message: illegals in America can demand higher wages. The PSA even includes a phone number for these poor, exploited workers to call and report their racist employers. Again, at your expense.

Make sure you do your part and call 1-866-487-9243. If you don’t have an evil business owner to report, you can just call and tell them to F off. And please, tell them I Hate The Media sent you.

Cut public employee wages to level of private sector wages, save $340 billion. Like that.

Dagen McDowell tells Fox News that we could cut $340 billion off the deficit simply by cutting public wages to the level of private sector wages.

Dagen McDowell tells Fox News that we could cut $340 billion off the deficit simply by cutting public wages to the level of private sector wages.

Don’t stop now, Dagen. How much more could we save if we cut government medical benefits and retirement programs back to private sector levels, too?

Crazy, unsustainable salaries doom San Francisco and other California cities

Consider the city of San Francisco a microcosm of what’s happening in the rest of California. A bankrupt microcosm.

As you’d expect, it’s doomed by its own socialist spending spree, the cost of providing education, medical and jail facilities to illegal aliens, and a bloated bureaucracy.

But the salaries it’s paying city employees are absolutely insane. In 2007, the city had more than 8000 employees who “earned” more than $100,000 per year. Here’s a list of the city’s twenty highest-paid public employees:

Top 20 San Francisco government salaries

$350,324 for a Special Nurse. $325,452 for the General Manager of the Municipal Railway. $270,171 for a Captain in the Fire Department. It’s insane.

How can a nurse make $350,324? In a word, overtime. Here’s how Special Nurse Christian Kitchin’s income broke down:

Regular pay $117,262
Overtime pay $216,277
Other pay $16,785
Total pay $350,324

And don’t forget that this is on top of generous government retirement and health care schemes that aren’t available to the rest of us.

You can see the details of all 8,000 of these government employees’ salaries with the handy list generator at SFGate.com.

Mayor Gavin Newsom, the whiz kid whose managerial genius has bankrupted San Francisco, is now running for Governor of California.

We know how we’ll vote.

President Obama wants Americans to sacrifice (unless they work for the federal government)

President Obama working hard to protect your tax dollars
President Obama is working hard to protect your tax dollars
Recession? What recession? Based on President Obama’s 2010 budget, federal employees are going to be fatter and happier than ever. Because the U.S. government is on a spending spree and a hiring spree.

Here’s how CBS News reports it:

Executive branch employment — 1.98 million in 2009, excluding the Postal Service and the Defense Department — is set to increase by 15.6 percent for the 2010 fiscal year. Most of that is thanks to the Census Bureau hiring 102,000 temporary workers, but not counting them still yields a net increase of 2 percent in one year.

There’s little belt-tightening in evidence in Washington, D.C.: Counting benefits, the average pay per federal worker will leap from $72,800 in 2008 to $75,419 next year.

$75,419 per year? Average? On top of the federal government’s rich retirement and health benefits?

Apparently President Obama is too busy regulating financial industry salaries to bother controlling executive branch salaries.

Source: CBSNews.com

Government bailout subsidizing Olbermann salary,
sign the petition

Left wing lunatic Ben Afleck does a perfect impression of
left wing lunatic Keith Olbermann on Saturday Night Live.

Is Keith Olbermann a hypocrite? Of course. A congenital liar? Certainly. A lunatic. Without a doubt.

That’s why we’re happy to lend our support to this internet petition objecting to his latest outrage. Click on the link at the bottom of the story to sign the petition.

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

While General Electric, the parent-company of your MSNBC network, was negotiating a $126 billion taxpayer-funded bailout, you signed a new contract raising your salary from $4 million to $7.5 million annually. You have used your show as a platform to call for the resignation of corporate executives accepting excessive bonuses on the backs of taxpayers who are picking up the tab for these atrocious bailouts, yet you yourself have no problem engaging in the same “class economic rape” that you accuse them of.

Please heed your own advice and stop accepting taxpayer money to subsidize your nightly diatribes. Resign or return the balance of your excessive raise to the U.S. Treasury.

(add your signature at the link below)

Source: WorstBailoutInTheWorld.com

First Family on welfare: Obamas were paid $201,913 for not working in 2008

200 grand for not working. Where do we sign up?
200 grand for not working. Where do we sign up?

No president has ever understood the welfare system better than Barack Obama. Because somehow, our new President and his missus managed to bring home $201,913 for jobs they didn’t perform.

Lest we be accused of being inaccurate, let’s admit that President Obama did spend about 12 minutes doing the actual work of a United Sates Senator in 2008. He showed up to cast a vote or two when he was campaigning somewhere near Washington, DC. For that Herculean effort, he was paid $139,204.

But Michelle, well, that’s a different story. She took home $62,709 from the University of Chicago Hospitals. To repeat, she didn’t work a lick, but still took home $62,709. That’s not bad work if you can get it.

In fact, after she resigned her position, her job was eliminated. I’m sure Michelle would say it was eliminated because she couldn’t be replaced. But it’s much more likely that the job was eliminated because it wasn’t a real job in the first place.

So on one hand, these two got paid for work they didn’t do. And on the other hand, they see nothing wrong with increasing your taxes for the work you did do.

It all starts to make sense now.

Source: Associated Press via Sweetness And Light, Bluegrass Pundit

Cavuto goes crazy, screams at Democrat congressman during interview over excessive pay

Yesterday Fox Business Channel’s Neil Cavuto treated a Unites States Congressman with all the respect he deserved. None.

First the Fox host lost his composure. Then he lost his voice. Cavuto went crazy when pathetic Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) couldn’t or wouldn’t and certainly didn’t answer a simple, straightforward question about the congressman’s bill to restrict wages for Amerian workers.

“The Constitution never gave you the damn authority of telling anyone what they should make…,” Cavuto raged. “The Constitution never gave you the authority to blithely come in here and arrogantly set pay for people you don’t even know. And, you don’t have the guts to come back at me and tell me what you think adequate pay range is.”

As the Orlando Sentinel reported on the bill, “The U.S. House is expected to vote today on a measure aimed at halting the payout of “unreasonable and excessive” bonuses to employees of financial companies that received federal bailout money.”

“The bill — a brainchild of U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando — would let the Treasury Department and financial regulators set standards to avoid a repeat of the outrage over AIG, the insurance giant that paid $165 million in bonuses to executives after it got more than $180 billion in bailout funds.”

Other questions Grayson probably can’t or won’t answer:

Have you stopped beating your wife? What is the distance from the sun to the moon? What is pi? And finally, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Barney Frank wants to be your boss, set your salary, tax you retroactively, schedule your bathroom breaks

Barney Frank at a recent hearing. Oh, wait. Our mistake. That's actually Joseph Stalin overseeing the Soviet Union.
Barney Frank at a recent hearing. Oh, wait. Our mistake. That's actually Joseph Stalin overseeing the Soviet Union.
Barney Frank, the ignorant, rumpled, socialist gnome who screwed this country’s financial system into the ground, now wants to be your boss. Of course, he’s never demonstrated any personal ability to micromanage an economy, but he thought he’d give it a whack after reading about Joseph Stalin’s incredible success in the Soviet Union.

Here’s how Byron York explains it in the Washington Examiner:

“…the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, has approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill. The new legislation, the “Pay for Performance Act of 2009,” would impose government controls on the pay of all employees — not just top executives — of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government. It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies.

The purpose of the legislation is to “prohibit unreasonable and excessive compensation and compensation not based on performance standards,” according to the bill’s language. That includes regular pay, bonuses — everything — paid to employees of companies in whom the government has a capital stake, including those that have received funds through the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, as well as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The measure is not limited just to those firms that received the largest sums of money, or just to the top 25 or 50 executives of those companies. It applies to all employees of all companies involved, for as long as the government is invested. And it would not only apply going forward, but also retroactively to existing contracts and pay arrangements of institutions that have already received funds.

In addition, the bill gives Geithner the authority to decide what pay is “unreasonable” or “excessive.” And it directs the Treasury Department to come up with a method to evaluate “the performance of the individual executive or employee to whom the payment relates.”

Tim Geither, an ineffective, unelected appointee, gets to decide what’s unreasonable or excessive? Take a long, hard look in the mirror, Tim. Then hand it over to Barney and let him take a look, too.

Those images you see — that’s what unreasonable and excessive looks like.

Source: Washington Examiner

NPR cuts newspaper subscriptions, still pays news anchors big bucks

You’ll be glad to know your tax dollars are being fiercely protected over at National Public Radio.

The publicly-supported broadcaster recognizes the tough times in which we live, so they’ve taken the radical step of slashing newspaper subscriptions from their budget. Here’s how the tragic news was broken to the staff:

As of April 1 NPR is canceling all newspaper subscriptions. We are making some arrangments to get the Wall Street Journal either on line or hard copy. You have until tomorrow to appeal this if there is a solid reason why you should be exempt. This is a cost saving measure company wide.

No word yet on whether they cut any of the exorbitant salaries paid to talent and producers. How exorbitant? How’s this:

Barbara Rehm, Managing Editor: $383,139
Robert Siegel, Host, All Things Considered: $350,288
Renee Montagne, Host, Morning Edition host: $332,160
Steve Inskeep, Host, Morning Edition: $331,242

Richard L. Harris, Afternoon Program Director: $190,267

So at a time when real world radio companies — those that don’t wallow in your tax dollars — are bleeding money, slashing salaries and laying off people left and right, NPR is cutting newspaper subscriptions.

Your tax dollars at work.

Source: NewsBusters.org

Obama enhances his resume, appoints himself Salary Czar

Idi Amin. Salary Czar is the only title he did not give himself
Idi Amin. Salary Czar is the only title he did not give himself

Barack Obama, not content with merely being president, has enhanced his resume with the additional title of “Salary Czar.” His new duties include telling corporate executives how much money they can make.

Next thing you know, he’ll have the White House tailor add golden epaulets on his suits and start wearing one of those military hats with a big gold eagle in front.

This is a slippery slope, President Obama. Once you start adding titles, it won’t be long before you end up like Idi Amin. His full title was “His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.”

Or perhaps you’ll be more modest, like Queen Elizabeth. Her full title is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of this Realm and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

Just think of it. You could become “Barack the First, by the Grace of Reverend Wright, Leader of the Free World and Territories, Salary Czar, Defender of Bill Ayers.”

There’s another dangerous slippery slope, too, President Obama.

Once you start regulating executive salaries, it won’t be long before you start regulating worker salaries.

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