Congressional RINOS are caving on your #2a rights

Congressional RINOS are caving on your #2a rights. You can contact your congress critters using the link. It doesn’t take long.

Feinstein-Cicilline AWB Legislation: ‘Treason’ Say Gun Activists

2nd Amendment

Feinstein-Cicilline AWB Legislation: ‘Treason’ Say Gun Activists. It’s not only “treason,” even the left-wing Los Angeles Times thinks Senator MeMa and her assault weapon bans are useless and wacky.

Indiana Lawmaker Turns Tables on Professional Journalists

Indiana Lawmaker Turns Tables on Professional Journalists. While we love the free press, we also hate the anti-gun press. Would you support this or not?

An Indiana Representative is forcing the establishment media to look in the mirror and face their hypocrisy.

He is proposing the First Amendment in Indiana be treated the same as the Second Amendment. His proposal is that journalists be required to apply for a license before they are allowed to publish.

If they have felony convictions, they might not be allowed to publish.

Hey @JohnKasich, you left this awesome Bill Clinton letter off your ‘Defending the Second Amendment’ policy webpage.

Hey @JohnKasich, you left this awesome Bill Clinton letter off your ‘Defending the Second Amendment’ policy webpage. Kasich – bold defender of your 2nd Amendment rights and the American way.

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