Judge Rules New York Attorney General Can’t Dissolve the NRA

Judge Rules New York Attorney General Can’t Dissolve the NRA. Part one of the witch hunt is over.

As Justice Joel Cohen’s ruling states . . .

The Complaint does not allege that any financial misconduct benefited the NRA, or that the NRA exists primarily to carry out such activity, or that the NRA is incapable of continuing its legitimate activities on behalf of its millions of members. In short, the Complaint does not allege the type of public harm that is the legal linchpin for imposing the “corporate death penalty.” Moreover, dissolving the NRA could impinge, at least indirectly, on the free speech and assembly rights of its millions of members.

NRA countersues NY attorney general for trying to dissolve ‘political enemy’

NRA countersues NY attorney general for trying to dissolve ‘political enemy.’ We’ll see your hand and raise you bitch.

The National Rifle Association has filed a countersuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James, saying she lacks authority to invoke state laws governing nonprofits to dissolve “political entities” such as itself.

In a Tuesday night filing with a New York state court in Manhattan, the gun rights group, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last month, accused James of pursuing a “blatant and malicious retaliation campaign” against it because she dislikes what it stands for.

L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA Six Figures After Losing First Amendment Case

L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA Six Figures After Losing First Amendment Case. Too bad they can’t prosecute Garcetti.

A federal court ordered Los Angeles to hand over more than $100,000 to the National Rifle Association after ruling that the city had violated the gun-rights group’s First Amendment rights.

Federal district court judge Stephen Wilson struck down a city ordinance aimed at punishing prospective contractors with ties to the NRA as an infringement on the right to free speech and association. On Tuesday, he ordered city officials to pay for the Second Amendment group’s attorney fees, which totaled nearly $150,000.

NRA takes San Francisco to court over ‘domestic terrorist’ declaration

NRA takes San Francisco to court over ‘domestic terrorist’ declaration. If any organization is a ‘domestic terrorist’ it’s the City of San Francisco, who let homeless lie all over, shoot drugs, gives them needles, lets them shit all over town and watches as it goes into the storm drains and into the bay.

Woman reportedly booted from gun hearing after threatening to shoot lawmaker, NRA members

Woman reportedly booted from gun hearing after threatening to shoot lawmaker, NRA members. If they shoot all the gun owners who’s going to be here to save them from the Russians?

Outrage at new NRA ‘murder insurance’ which pays up to $1.5million in legal fees for gun owners if they shoot someone

Outrage at new NRA ‘murder insurance’ which pays up to $1.5million in legal fees for gun owners if they shoot someone. Let’s see, the same morons who want to make gun owners responsible don’t want them to be responsible. If crooks and their families were barred from suing when they or their thug relatives get legally shot in self-defense and if anti-gun DA’s trying to make a name for themselves would quit trying to prosecute the innocent, this type of insurance wouldn’t be needed.

NRA Caves On “Bump Fire Stocks,” Says They Should Be “Subject To Additional Regulations”

NRA Caves On “Bump Fire Stocks,” Says They Should Be “Subject To Additional Regulations.” We have no comment other than they evidently haven’t heard of 3D printers.

Dallas Cop Killer Identified: Black Power Activist Micah Xavier Johnson from Mesquite

Dallas Cop Killer Identified: Black Power Activist Micah Xavier Johnson from Mesquite. Ironic Obama’s first veteran terrorist was not a white, Republican, Christian, NRA member, but was a black veteran and registered Democrat.


A Divided Senate Rejects Gun Curbs, Despite Orlando Massacre

A Divided Senate Rejects Gun Curbs, Despite Orlando Massacre. 4 gun bills down the tubes. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., should join the Democrats since she threw gun owners under the bus and voted with the Democrats. The GOP bill was an NRA-backed plan that would let the government deny a sale to a known or suspected terrorist — but only if prosecutors could convince a judge within three days that the would-be buyer was involved in terrorism. Of course the Democrats didn’t want that, proof in itself they want to screw with gun owners, not terrorists.

Here’s what the FBI director said in 2015 on a gun ban for those on the terror watch list

Here’s what the FBI director said in 2015 on a gun ban for those on the terror watch list. So let’s go back to blaming Obama and his FBI, not the guns or the Republicans.

UCLA Shooter Member of Religion of Peace? Or Hindu?

UCLA Shooter Member of Religion of Peace? Or Hindu? Regardless he was no 6′ tall white dude, NRA member, skinhead, Christian or KKK Member. Per Everpedia, he was either a Muslim or a Hindu.  News reports say he had it in for his college professor who he claims stole some computer code.

NOTE: This was edited as it seems Everpedia can’t make their mind up if this guy was Muslim (per below tweet) or Hindu (if you go there now). Could be due to some creative editing or perhaps Photoshop.


Greyhound shooting suspect was from a Chicago suburb with a long record, anger at police

Greyhound shooting suspect was from a Chicago suburb with a long record, anger at police. Why aren’t the talking heads yammering about this 24 x 7? Oh because he’s not a white-redneck-Trump fan-NRA member-KKK member-Tea Party member, therefore he’s not the MSM’s dream killer.

Hey @JohnKasich, you left this awesome Bill Clinton letter off your ‘Defending the Second Amendment’ policy webpage.

Hey @JohnKasich, you left this awesome Bill Clinton letter off your ‘Defending the Second Amendment’ policy webpage. Kasich – bold defender of your 2nd Amendment rights and the American way.

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