When progressives attack: New commercial uses Obama’s own words against him

So the Progressive Change Campaign Committee just put out a new TV commercial. It makes it pretty clear that President Obama broke his campaign promise about tax rates. And it does it by using his own words against him.

Progressives (don’t you hate that affectation?) are pissed that President Obama caved in on the Bush tax cuts.

So the Progressive Change Campaign Committee just put out a new TV commercial. It makes it pretty clear that President Obama broke his campaign promise about tax rates. And it does it by using his own words against him.

Don’t get us wrong – we’re glad the tax rates got extended, but we love watching The World’s Greatest Orator (yeah, he was still held that title when this speech was made) claiming that the Bush tax cuts “offend my conscience.”

University of Idaho pays part time “Inspiration Officer” $12,500 per month. No wonder they call their team “The Vandals”

A trip to Inspiration Point would have the University of Idaho $12,500 per month
A trip to Inspiration Point would have the University of Idaho $12,500 per month

These are tough times at the University of Idaho. They’ve had to slash their annual operating budget by $3.8 million. They’re cutting classes, raising student fees, and probably ordering fewer paper clips.

But there was one line item in the budget that was so invaluable, so indispensable, that the U of I administration decided it could neither be cut nor eliminated: The Chief Inspiration Officer.

Magaly Rodriguez is apparently so damn inspirational that the university is paying her $12,500 a month to be…well…inspirational. And it’s not even a full-time job. Rodriguez only spends two weeks per month in lovely Moscow, Idaho. Better yet for her, her contract dictates that she spend anywhere from just zero to 10 days there.

Some faculty are upset that the university is wasting money on inspiration at the same time its being forced to slash other expenses. But University Provost says Rodriguez has been worth every damn penny and likened going to her sessions to “being sedated.” Rodriguez says she is reshaping their culture by building “global peacemaking communities” (she claims to have coined the term “peacemaking”).

$12,500 per month for a part time job. Don’t know about you, but we’re feeling inspired to switch careers.

Source: KHQ.com via Fark, and TMCnet.com

Purdue University muslims to woman against Sharia: “You have no right to speak”

Few dare to speak out against Sharia Law, and fewer still get the chance to do so in our one-sided, speech-coded, liberal halls of academia. When they do, they are treated with disrespect by both the school administration and students. And it would not be a stretch to say that they take their lives in their hands, delivering a message that the biased or blind media is unwilling to give.

One such person is Nonie Darwish, a woman who lived under Sharia for 47 years. On April 9, 2009, she gave a speech at Purdue University on the threat of Sharia Law. Some Muslims in attendance helped Darwish make her point, by shouting that she had no right to speak, and questioning how much her jewelry cost. School and security officials, did nothing to quiet the crowd. Although, as you will see in this video, they did plenty to quiet the speaker’s sponsor, the Conservative Coalition for American Values, outside before the event.

If she had attempted to give this speech in an Islamic country, she’d be buried neck deep and stoned to death. If she’d given it in many countries in Europe, she possibly be arrested for hate speech. So far, here in America, she only gets the treatment you see in the video. So far, we say, if our media –a nd organizations pretending to stand up for women, like NOW — does not begin reporting stories like this.

Hat tip: CreepingSharia.com

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