Pedophilia on parade: Pray for a giant earthquake to strike San Francisco on August 17, 2013

Child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting professor at Liberty University’s School of Law, said the conference is part of a strategy to condition people into accepting pedophiles.

We’ve heard of nutty psychiatrists, but this one takes the proverbial cake.

Do you ever think to yourself that this is a very sick world?

If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at a conference this week, pedophiles themselves could play a role in removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of mental illnesses — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), set to undergo a significant revision by 2013. Critics warn that their success could lead to the decriminalization of pedophilia. 

Yes, you read right! This group wants to normalize pedophilia and keep pedophiles out of prison. Sounds like NAMBLA on steroids. Or perhaps LSD.

The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT, a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists. According to the conference brochure, the event will examine “ways in which minor-attracted persons [pedophiles] can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process” and how the popular perceptions of pedophiles can be reframed to encourage tolerance.

Child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting professor at Liberty University’s School of Law, said the conference is part of a strategy to condition people into accepting pedophiles.

There’s already a great way to get them out of prison. Quit putting them in special housing units and put them in with the general prison population. Removal is fast, permanent and provided for free by the inmates.

While they’re at it maybe they should put the psychiatrists in with them.

– Written by CO2Insanity

Source: The Daily Caller

The religion of peace? (Peace being defined as inflicting a violent death upon anyone who disagrees with believers of the religion of peace)

Here’s a video clip that shows a band of those “peaceful” Muslims beheading a grandma whose corpse was later dangled from a helicopter.

Here’s a video clip that shows a band of those “peaceful” Muslims beheading a grandma whose corpse was later dangled from a helicopter.

Unfortunately, if you’re a fan of helicopters, we have bad news: The helicopter is not shown in this clip.

Even more unfortunately, if you’re a fan of grandmothers keeping their necks attached to their shoulders, we have more bad news: That is also not shown in this video.


Perception is reality: Does Obama look like a President?

It occurs to us that more people might approve of Obama as president if he actually attempted to look presidential.

President Obama plumbed the depths of Jimmy Carter popularity Sunday when Gallup measured his approval rating at just 39%.

It occurs to us that more people might approve of Obama as president if he actually attempted to look presidential. Has any occupant of the Oval Office ever done more to look unpresidential?

The only time you saw Ronald Reagan out of a suit was when he was chopping wood or riding horses at the Western White House. He never took off his suit coat while in the Oval Office.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, often seems to be auditioning for the next Abercrombie & Fitch catalog.












Even when he’s in the Oval Office, Obama manages to look unpresidential, feet thrown up on priceless desk as if it’s a footstool in a cheap hotel.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “We’ve really begun to turn the economy around”

Here is, perhaps, the dumbest comment ever made by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), which is quite a difficult competition to judge.

Have you ever seen a photo of DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that doesn’t look like a mugshot from

No, seriously. Think about it. Maybe do a Google image search and then come back and tell us we’re wrong. We swear every photo of the woman looks like she was just arrested for some heinous crime.

With that in mind, feel free to consider what the Democrats have done to the economy as a crime and consider Wasserman Schultz to be an accomplice.

Here is, perhaps, her dumbest comment ever, which is quite a difficult competition to judge.

“Well, we’re going to focus on what we know is the number one priorities on Americans ease minds right now, that is creating jobs and continuing to get this economy turned around. If we have to drag the Republicans with us, then we’ll do that, but, you know, it’s been a whole lot of months, eight months they have controlled the house with no jobs bills coming to the Floor. Hopefully now with this compromise on the debt ceiling behind us, with the opportunity, with the economic to sit down and focus on longer-term deficit reduction that will have some balance and ask some sacrifice for our most fortunate,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) told MSNBC. Schultz is also the Chairwoman of the DNC.

“We’re creating jobs each month in the private sector.” 

Are the American people dumb enough to buy this line of crap?

Source: Real Clear Politics

Great news: Unemployment’s so high that illegal aliens are going back to Mexico to find work

In our never-ending search for the silver lining, we’ve discovered a positive side to the high unemployment that’s plaguing the nation – illegal aliens are returning to Mexico in record numbers.

In our never-ending search for the silver lining, we’ve discovered a positive side to the high unemployment that’s plaguing the nation – illegal aliens are returning to Mexico in record numbers.

Illegal aliens are now going in the opposite direction

The Sacramento Bee has the story:

Mexico’s unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States.

An estimated 300,000 undocumented immigrants have left California since 2008, though the remaining 2.6 million still make up 7 percent of the population and 9 percent of the labor force, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.

… The best-paid jobs for undocumented migrants are in the building industry, “and because of the severe crisis in the construction business here, their first response has been to move into the service industry,” González Gutiérrez said. “But that has its limits. Then, they move to other areas in the U.S. to find better jobs — or back to Mexico.”

If this trend continues, how long will it be before Americans start sneaking across the border in search of jobs in Mexico?

Source: Sacramento Bee

Cynthia McKinney says U.S. government assassinated damn near everyone who’s ever been assassinated

She showed up on an Iranian TV interview show and said, among other things, that the United States government was responsible for the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Julius Caesar.

Need we bother saying that this lunatic is a Democrat?

Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney seems to have found an eager audience in Iran. She showed up on an Iranian TV interview show and said, among other things, that the United States government was responsible for the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Julius Caesar.

(OK, we threw in Caesar. But she probably would have said it if she’d thought of it.)

What could make this story any better? How about the fact that she was in Iran at an United Nations-supported Conference on Global Fight Against Terrorism.

Take it away, Cynthia.

Senator John Barrasso wants YOU to apply for an Obamacare waiver!

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) will introduce a bill that will allow all Americans to apply for a waiver from the President’s health care law.

We’ve long thought the way out of the Obamacare mess is to let the damn bill stand, but make everyone exempt from it. That way, the President gets to keep his “signature achievement” and we get to escape his half-witted Marxist quackery.

john barrasso
They've already granted 1500 exemptions. Why not 310,000,000?

Our new BFF, Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) is on the same page. We quote from his statement:

“As of today, over 3.2 million Americans have received a get out of Obamacare free pass from the Administration. If the law worked well, companies and unions would not demand a way out of its expensive mandates. Each waiver demonstrates that the President’s health care law is a complete failure. The law continues to crush jobs, increase premiums and encourage government controlled health care.

“It’s not fair that a particular group of Americans, including union employees, don’t have to abide by the law. Millions of other Americans across the country deserve the same freedom.

“Next week, I will introduce a bill that will allow all Americans to apply for a waiver from the President’s health care law. This law will deliver choice to Americans who want to get the care they need, from the doctor they want, at a price they can afford.”

The word “choice” used in a context other than abortions is a change we can believe in. We would love to see more bills like this introduced week after week until Obama retires. Hopefully, in January 2013.

Surely Democrat and media heads will explode but not to worry, flying feces rarely causes injury.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities


Sean Hannity sucker punches Juan Williams

Oh, sure, it was a figurative sucker punch, but it left poor Juan’s head spnning nonetheless. The best part is the stunned look on Williams’ face at the very end of the clip.

Oh, sure, it was a figurative sucker punch, but it left poor Juan’s head spnning nonetheless.

Hannity reeled off a list of Eric Cantor’s outrageous comments about raising the debt ceiling and asked for William’s response. When Juan finished ripping Cantor, Hannity unleashed the sucker punch and told him that the comments all came from Senator Barack Obama back in 2006, not Eric Cantor in 2011.

The best part is the stunned look on Williams’ face at the very end of the clip.

Jane Fonda says vast right wing conspiracy stopped her from selling crappy book on QVC

Forty years later, Jane Fonda’s acts from the Vietnam days have come back to haunt her when she was banished from the QVC Shopping Channel.

In the 1970s, actress Jane Fonda sat on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun. Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with a dating dry spell.

Forty years later, her acts from that era have come back to haunt her when she was banished from the QVC Shopping Channel. She’s upset about it.

hanoi jane fonda QVC
After 40 years, still not fond of Fonda

Big Hollywood has Jane’s sad lament:

I was to have been on QVC today to introduce my book, “Prime Time,” about aging and the life cycle. …

The network said they got a lot of calls yesterday criticizing me for my opposition to the Vietnam War and threatening to boycott the show if I was allowed to appear.

Bottom line, this has gone on far too long, this spreading of lies about me! None of it is true. NONE OF IT! I love my country. I have never done anything to hurt my country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us.

Jane exercised her rights (perhaps “abused” is a better term) and now is upset when others exercise theirs. As QVC shoppers might say, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

It’s so unfair – Jane does a little PR for the enemy and POWs have the nerve to remember it.

Life’s a bitch. But Jane’s a traitor.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: BigHollywood

Coming Monday: America’s top ten local talk show hosts

Coming Monday: rates America’s top ten local talk show hosts – people you’d love to listen to, but can’t hear in your town.

Coming Monday: rates America’s top ten local talk show hosts – people you’d love to listen to, but can’t hear in your town. We’ll start with #10 and count ’em down to #1 each Monday to Friday for the next two weeks.

You can’t get away from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck if you wanted to. They’re everywhere. Rush has 600+ stations, Hannity has more than 500 and Beck is over 400.

But what about other great talent? Terrific local and regional broadcasters who aren’t on the air where you live. The up-and-comers who have the potential to be step into Rush’s, Sean’s and Glenn’s shoes someday.

We asked talk radio program directors and talk show hosts around the country to name their favorite hosts. The criteria were simple: Hosts who aren’t nationally syndicated, who are currently big fish in smaller markets or large market hosts who are ready to break through nationally.

Oh, one other rule. We wanted hosts who didn’t just parrot Rush. We wanted unique, creative personalities that shine through on the air, who are a little quirky, people who made you sit up and take notice.

The result is our great collection of great local and regional talk show talent from around the country.

It all starts on Monday. Don’t miss it.

Is it too late to un-declare our independence?

After seeing this picture of Kate Middleton on a this weekend’s trip through Calgary, maybe we were a little hasty leaving England.

Most Americans enjoyed the July 4th holiday, a celebration of our independence from England.

But, after seeing this picture of Duchess Catherine on a this weekend’s trip through Calgary, we’re starting to have a change of heart. Maybe we were a little hasty leaving England.

Don’t we really have heavy taxation without representation now? And what did we get in exchange? Michelle Obama’s arms? Please.

We say nicer asses and more taxes, right?

C’mon, how could we leave this behind?

This is one women's movement we can get behind

– Written by Sven Waring at

Source: Toronto Sun

Putting the stroke in heat stroke: What was USA Today thinking when it published this graphic?

USA Today’s weather page was a little hotter than usual on Friday, July 1. Seems to us this graphic may be a little too graphic.

USA Today’s weather page was a little hotter than usual on Friday, July 1. Seems to us this graphic may be a little too graphic.

Apparently staff cutbacks at Gannett are more severe than we thought. They seem to have laid off whoever was responsible for actually looking at illustrations before they run them.


H/T: Daily Caller

MSNBC political analyst suspended for calling Obama “a dick” on the air

This is just too damn funny. Political analyst Mark Halperin – normally a good liberal – just got suspended by MSNBC for calling President Obama “a dick” on today’s Morning Joe show

This is just too damn funny. Political analyst Mark Halperin – normally a good liberal – just got suspended by MSNBC for calling President Obama “a dick” on today’s Morning Joe show.

“I thought he was a dick yesterday,” Halperin said in reference to the President’s conduct during his press conference.

One might say that Halperin was suspended for telling the truth, a commodity in very short supply at MSNBC.

Of course, Halperin later fell on his sword after he was suspended and issued a statement saying, “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”

So the way we now understand liberal philosophy, you can serve in the United States House of Representatives if you send a photo of your dick to a young woman, but you can’t call someone a dick.

Welcome to ObamaNation 2011.

Source: Politico

Un-freakin’-believable: Obama puts Israel on list of countries that support terrorism

Can someone please explain to us why there is a single Jew left in America who supports Obama and the Democrats? No, seriously.

Can someone please explain to us why there is a single Jew left in America who supports Obama and the Democrats? No, seriously. Someone explain, because It is a complete mystery to us.

Especially now that the Obama administration has used the most twisted logic imaginable to justify listing Israel as a nation that supports terrorism.

So says the Obama administration

CNS News has the bizarre details:

In an implicit admission that Israel is so threatened by terrorism that it is not only surrounded by countries and territories that produce terrorists but also unwillingly harbors terrorists within its own territory in a way the most other nations in the world do not, the Obama administration is currently listing Israel among 36 “specially designated countries” it believes “have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members.”

To review, Israel is threatened by terrorism. Israel unwillingly harbors terrorists. Therefore, Israel promotes terrorism.

It’s going to take someone much smarter than us to figure out the serpentine logic in that statement.

Source: CNS News

Eugene, Oregon city council: Let’s not have any of that subversive Pledge of Allegiance stuff in our town

Surely no one who’s ever attended the University of Oregon was surprised to see that the Eugene city council has come out against the Pledge of Allegiance.

A personal note from the Editor: I’m a Duck. I graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism back when devices known as “typewriters” were still state of the art.

When I arrived in Eugene a stinky haze hung over the city. Locals blamed it on the local pulp mills, but what I smelled was actually the stench of liberalism.

Surely no one who’s ever attended the University of Oregon was surprised to see that the Eugene city council has come out against the Pledge of Allegiance.

One fine member of the council compared it to the Communist Manifesto. Not to be outdone, another wacko announced that she couldn’t pledge allegiance to the United States because she’s a citizen of the world.

She didn’t specify which world, but we assume she meant the third world into which we are rapidly descending.


Source: Breitbart

Praise be to Allah: Dutch officially abandon multiculturalism

The liberal media “missed” this story about the Netherlands officially abandoning that most cherished of crackpot liberal schemes, multiculturalism.

Every once in a while – far more often than can be called mere coincidence – the mainstream American media miss a story of great import. Of course, the thread that ties all those missing stories together is that they contain news that runs counter to liberal dogma.

Like this story about the Netherlands officially abandoning that most cherished of crackpot liberal schemes, multiculturalism.

After an absence of several years, sanity is returning to the Netherlands

The mainstream media won’t cover it, so we have to depend on a podunk publication like Hudson New York:

A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: “The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society.”

The letter continues: “A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens. It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands. The integration will not be tailored to different groups.”

From now on, more will be expected of immigrants to the Netherlands. They’ll have to learn the Dutch language and obey Dutch laws and adopt Dutch values.

And best of all, no more extra subsidies for Muslim immigrants, no more burqas, no more forced marriages.

In other words, no more lunacy.

Source: Hudson New York

Want to save black babies’ lives? That makes you a racist.

Black is beautiful just turned ugly. A California organization has been accused of racism because it ran pro-life outdoor boards in black neighborhoods.

Black is beautiful just turned ugly. A California organization has been accused of racism because it ran pro-life outdoor boards in black neighborhoods.

Of course it sounds insane. But Representative Barbara Lee is involved in the story, so it’s insane by definition.

Racist. Racist. Racist. Racist. Racist. Racist. Racist. Racist. Just keep repeating it until it's meaningless.

CNB has the story of the aborted ad campaign:

…The Issues4Life Foundation and The Radiance Foundation have launched a pro-life billboard campaign with the goal of saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of black babies aborted in America each year.

“The impact of abortion in the black community is the Darfur of America,” Walter B. Hoye II, president of the Issues4Life Foundation, told Life Site News.

The signs in question contain the message “Black & Beautiful” and are going up in largely black communities in Oakland, Calif.

Statistics show that black women are three times more likely to have abortions as the general population. So it would seem to be a good idea to run the ads in black neighborhoods. But, no, attempting to save the lives of black babies is – you guessed it – racist.

… Planned Parenthood and California pro-choice groups are calling the ads racist. They say the “black & beautiful” slogan is too close to the “black is beautiful” cultural-pride campaign made popular in the 1960s.

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., has also spoken out against the billboards.

“I am deeply offended by the race-based billboards that are being displayed in my congressional district by the Radiance Foundation and Issues4life,” she said in a statement.

“These billboards stigmatize women of color and perpetuate myths about parenting skills and the types of women who seek and use abortion services,” Lee added.

You know the race mongers have truly jumped the shark when attempting to save the lives of black babies is called racism.

And in the case of Barbara Lee, it’s just too bad that retroactive abortion isn’t legal.

Source: CBN

White House didn’t want you to know that Democrats laugh when Obama claims he’s created two million jobs

When conservative bloggers publicized the fact that Democrat contributors laughed at Obama, the White House rushed out a new, improved transcript.

After the President gives a speech the White House puts out a transcript complete with audience reactions noted.

For example, he spoke to the Democrat National Committee on Monday and said that his administration had created 2.1 million jobs. The transcript duly noted that the audience laughed.

Who can blame them. Surely they thought it was intended as a punch line.

But when conservative bloggers publicized the fact that Democrat contributors laughed at the claim, the White House rushed out a new, improved transcript.

The new one replaced (Laughter) with (Applause).

We have a feeling that someone in the White House isn’t laughing right now.


H/T: Gateway Pundit

Joke of the Day: The tree hugger and the tree

A woman from Los Angeles who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland in Washington….

A woman from Los Angeles who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland in Washington.

There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree.

She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree.

As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch.

In considerable pain, she hurried to a local emergency room to see a doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist, a Democrat, and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go wait in the examining room and he would see if he could help her.

She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, “What took you so long?”

He smiled and then told her, “Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a “recreational area” so close to a waste treatment facility. I’m sorry, but due to ObamaCare they turned you down.”

NBC edits “under God” from Pledge of Allegiance, apologizes, but doesn’t say what it’s apologizing for

For some inexplicable reason NBC cut the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance during it’s coverage of the U.S. Open golf tournament.

For some inexplicable reason NBC cut the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance during it’s coverage of the U.S. Open golf tournament.

It’s inexplicable to us, but perhaps you’re smarter than we are and can explic it.

Strange as this must have seemed to NBC, people noticed. They complained. In droves. And NBC began a tardy attempt at damage control by having Dan Hicks issue this vague apology on the air:

“We began our coverage of this final round just about three hours ago and when we did it was our intent to begin the coverage of this U.S. Open Championship with a feature that captured the patriotism of our national championship being held in our nation’s capital for the third time. Regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone and we’d like to apologize to those of you who were offended by it.”

A portion? What portion? The general statement doesn’t actually say.

NBC, which is owned in part by General Electric, a company so far up Obama’s butt that it can’t see daylight, omitted the same words Obama omitted from the Declaration of Independence in an April speech and from his Thanksgiving proclamation in November.

But please don’t read anything into this remarkable coincidence.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Those suicide bombing Baptists scare the hell out of me

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

We haven’t heard a peep from the inimitable Sheila Jackson Lee for a few weeks and have to admit that we’ve missed the Texas Democrat’s unique brand of lunacy.

Well, never fear. You know she can’t keep from spouting off for too long. Like she did, for example, during Rep. Peter King’s House hearings into radical Islam.

CNS News graces us with Jackson Lee’s latest:

At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

“As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country,” she said during the hearing. “We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Absolutely. We don’t know about you, but we’re sick and tired of those suicide bombing Baptists killing innocent women and children. We’ve had it with Methodists creating mayhem in the streets. And we look forward to the day when crazed Catholics stop flying airplanes into buildings.

Right on, Representative Jackson Lee. Right on.

Source: CNS News

Your tax dollars at work: Government spends $3.6 million to study dope-smoking, menstruating monkeys

National Institutes of Health (NIH), has spent $3,634,807 getting monkeys to smoke and drink drugs such as PCP, methamphetamine (METH), heroin, and cocaine.

Pardon us. We’re a bit embarrassed. We saw that headline and immediately assumed it had something to do with Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. But, no, we were wrong.

Much to our surprise, the story about the dope smoking, menstruating monkeys had nothing to do with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

CNS News has the latest installment of “Let’s Piss Away Your Money On The Stupidest Crap Imaginable”:

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a division of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), has spent $3,634,807 over the past decade funding research that involves getting monkeys to smoke and drink drugs such as PCP, methamphetamine (METH), heroin, and cocaine and then studying their behavior, including during different phases of the female monkeys’ menstrual cycles.

The study also uses “interventions” as “treatment models” for monkeys who have been taught to use drugs.

Precursor research on drug-using monkeys, also funded by NIDA, discovered that after smoking cocaine monkeys exhibited “dilated pupils and slightly agitated, hyperactive behavior”—which helped researchers conclude that the “physiological effects” of cocaine on monkeys “were similar to those reported in studies of human subjects.”

Monkeys and members of Congress are reportedly lining up to volunteer for the next phase of the experiment.

Source: CNS News

Eco-fascist offers free tattoos to those with dangerous beliefs. No word on complimentary haircuts or showers just yet.

Columnist Richard Glover says it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

For some time now it has been the standard operating procedure for some on the left to equate “climate-change deniers” to Holocaust deniers. We’re not sure whose clever idea this was. We are sure that it really wasn’t all that clever.

As is often the case with the progressives this rhetoric could only exist for so long before it was no longer progressive enough. Now, it seems, there is at least one guy willing to ditch the talk of Holocaust deniers and fantasize about incorporating the tactics of the very guys that brought that particular horror about.

Global warming Nazis are on the march

Australian Broadcaster and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Richard Glover explains:

Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ”Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling – ”climate change stopped in the year 1998” is one of their more boneheaded beliefs – their mouths will be above water. If not …

Achtung non-believer.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney: Gaddafi-style socialism will solve America’s problems

Fresh off an appearance on Iranian television, the lunatic and former Congresswoman from Georgia appeared on Libyan television to announce that Gaddafi’s “Green Book Socialism” could cure all America’s ills.

Quick. Can you think of anything this woman has ever said that wasn’t (a) anti-American, (b) nutty, or (c) both?

We can’t. But perhaps you’re smarter than we are or perhaps you have a better memory than we do or perhaps you’re just as whacked out McKinney is.

Fresh off an appearance on Iranian television, the lunatic and former Congresswoman from Georgia Cynthia McKinney appeared on Libyan television to announce that Gaddafi’s “Green Book Socialism” could cure all America’s ills.

Certain rebels currently operating outside Tripoli beg to differ.

Feel good story of the day: Florida couple forecloses on Bank of America

In an age when foreclosures are rapidly becoming the norm, a Florida couple has literally reversed the trend by foreclosing on a bank. And not just any bank, but Bank of America.

This may be our favorite story of the day. In an age when foreclosures are rapidly becoming the norm, a Florida couple has literally reversed the trend by foreclosing on a bank. And not just any bank, but Bank of America.

warren nyerges foreclosure
Feel good story of the day: Warren Nyerges foreclosed on Bank of America

WINK-TV has the story:

The foreclosure nightmare started when Warren and Maureen Nyerges paid cash for a home owned by Bank of America in the Golden Gate Estates. They never had a mortgage whatsoever. But, the bank fouled it up and wound up issuing a foreclosure through their attorney.

The couple took their case to court and after a year and a half nightmare the foreclosure was dropped. A Collier County judge said Bank of America has to pay the couple’s $2,534 legal fees for the error. After more than five months the bank still hadn’t paid up. So, the homeowners’ attorney did just what the bank would do to get their money, legally seize their assets.

“I instructed the deputy to go in and take desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets, including cash in the drawers,” Attorney Todd Allen told WINK News….

Allen says the manager was visibly shaken, “Having two Sheriff’s deputies sitting across your desk, and a lawyer standing behind them, demanding whatever assets are in the bank can be intimidating. But, so is having your home foreclosed on when it wasn’t right.”

After about an hour the bank finally cut a check to satisfy the debt, and no furniture was taken….

Don’t you kind of wish you could have been there to see it all go down?

Source: WINK-TV

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