New FBI data shows California sucks!

New FBI data shows California sucks! Well, Gavin? What do you have to say about this? You’re the guy whose always pointing his finger at blue states like Florida and Texas. We bet he has his minions looking for something he can point his finger towards at this very moment.

Los Angeles homeless commandeer streetside public EV charging stations

Los Angeles homeless commandeer streetside public EV charging stations. Here is one the geeks promoting electric cars never thought of. Next, we bet they’ll be extorting you to plug into “their” charger.

Homeless Man Takes a Dump in Background of CNN’s Live COVID Report

Homeless Man Takes a Dump in Background of CNN’s Live COVID Report. We have to assume he was expressing his opinion of CNN.

‘Give It a Try!’ Seattle-Backed Homeless Shelter Provides Pipes to Smoke Heroin and Advice on ‘Booty Bumping’

‘Give It a Try!’ Seattle-Backed Homeless Shelter Provides Pipes to Smoke Heroin and Advice on ‘Booty Bumping.’ Seattle is going full shithole.

“At the DESC downtown Seattle location on 3rd Avenue, Seattle Police responded to 253 reports of assault and 174 theft reports in 2019. All in, this location saw an average of seven single police response calls per day that year, according to KOMO TV. The DESC disputed some of the data. But walk past that location on any given day, at any given time, pre-pandemic, and you wouldn’t feel safe.”

Remember San Francisco’s Program to House the Homeless in Hotels? Well, Cops Just Busted a Narcotics Lab


Remember San Francisco’s Program to House the Homeless in Hotels? Well, Cops Just Busted a Narcotics LabWelcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place, (such a lovely place). There’s plenty of meth at the Hotel California. Any time of year (Any time of year) You can find it here.

San Francisco reporter details ‘disaster’ of city’s ‘hotels for homeless’ program: ‘It is pandemonium’

San Francisco reporter details ‘disaster’ of city’s ‘hotels for homeless’ program: ‘It is pandemonium.’ Yep, liberal Democrats in Blue States can screw up anything and everything in no time at all.

“It’s solving exactly nothing and as a matter of fact, it’s making all the problems worse,” said Sandberg, who described the scene inside the hotels as “about as bad as you can imagine, only exponentially worse.”

“It’s solving exactly nothing and as a matter of fact, it’s making all the problems worse,” said Sandberg, who described the scene inside the hotels as “about as bad as you can imagine, only exponentially worse.”


San Francisco has a ‘Poop Patrol’ to deal with its feces problem, and workers make more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits

San Francisco Launching New 'Poop Patrol' to Deal With Dirty Streets

San Francisco has a ‘Poop Patrol’ to deal with its feces problem, and workers make more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits. At $184 per year plus benefits, business is definitely not the shits.

San Francisco: wealthy opponents of new shelter claim homeless are bad for environment

San Francisco: wealthy opponents of new shelter claim homeless are bad for environment. Yes indeed! All that shit they wash off the sidewalks and the streets goes right down the storm drains and into San Francisco bay. Frankly we’re amazed some swimmer hasn’t gagged on a turd and drowned.

Mapping San Francisco’s Human Waste Challenge – 132,562 Cases Reported In The Public Way Since 2008

San Francisco's human waste challenge 2011-2019: an interactive map with 118,352 cases.

Mapping San Francisco’s Human Waste Challenge – 132,562 Cases Reported In The Public Way Since 2008. We suggest Tony Bennet modify ‘I Left My Heart in San Francisco’ to ‘I Left My Poop in San Francisco.’ It’s literally a 50 square mile shithole.

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