Basement Biden’s handlers cut the video feed before he goes full boat cray-cray

Basement Biden’s handlers cut the video feed before he goes full boat cray-cray with the jibberish. VP Alzheimers has again not spoken.

An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a little-known perk for the powerful


An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a little-known perk for the powerful. Seriously? Is this the same Congress with some members claiming Trump is crazy? No wonder we get all these batshit crazy laws. Someone needs to check into the dummies in the California legislature and Jerry Brown while they’re at it.

“At first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country,” Kim said, listing treatments for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

“It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’”

Science explains Michael Moore: Newly discovered gene makes people fat and stupid

A variant of an obesity gene carried by more than a third of the U.S. population also reduces brain volume, raising carriers’ risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

michael moore
Michael Moore explained! It's a miracle of modern medical science!

This may sound like a story from the Onion, but it’s not. It’s real. And it goes a long way toward explaining Michael Moore.

A variant of an obesity gene carried by more than a third of the U.S. population also reduces brain volume, raising carriers’ risk of Alzheimer’s disease, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

People with a specific variant of the fat mass and obesity gene, or FTO gene, have brain deficits that could make them more vulnerable to the mind-robbing disease.

“The basic result is that this very prevalent gene not only adds an inch to your waistline, but makes your brain look 16 years older,” said Paul Thompson, a professor of neurology at the University of California Los Angeles, who worked on the study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Bottom line: This discovery gives the term “fat head” a whole new meaning.

Source: Reuters

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