Least-Educated State: 2,471,189 California Residents 25 and Older Never Completed 9th Grade; Highest Percentage in Nation

Least-Educated State: 2,471,189 California Residents 25 and Older Never Completed 9th Grade; Highest Percentage in Nation. Want an explanation for how people like Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown get elected? Want an explanation for why Californians keep voting for higher taxes and stupid laws? Here it is.

No Change in California’s K-12 Performance Despite 60% Spending Increase Since 2011

No Change in California’s K-12 Performance Despite 60% Spending Increase Since 2011. The Democrats mantra is always “It’s for the children.” The problem is when they get it they blow much of it on unfunded pensions and insurance subsidies for retirees on Medicare.

Gov. Moonbeam Denies Sanctuary State Status Resulted In Cpl. Singh’s Death

Gov. Moonbeam Denies Sanctuary State Status Resulted In Cpl. Singh’s Death. Governor Dope never accepts the blame for anything. Typical Democrat, “It’s someone else’s fault.” We’re glad he’s gone. Gavin will probably be worse, if that’s possible.

Trump is correct, forest mismanagement contributed to California wildfire devastation

Trump is correct, forest mismanagement contributed to California wildfire devastation. Short version. Democrats and Greentards: “Like wow man, we just had a bong hit and got a great idea man. Let’s just let the forests grow wild, like back to Mother Nature man.” IHTM: “Um, excuse us, but forest fires are part of Mother Nature dummy. Have another bong hit.” Of course their excuse is the usual suspect – global warming did it.

Progress Being Made on Jerry Brown’s Bullet Train to Nowhere

Progress Being Made on Jerry Brown’s Bullet Train to Nowhere. Yes IHTM has scooped up footage of Jerry Brown’s train. So far up to $1.7 billion for a whopping 119 miles of track.

Despite Jerry Brown’s claims, here’s why California’s greenhouse gas level fell

Despite Jerry Brown’s claims, here’s why California’s greenhouse gas level fell. Oh oh. Here goes more pontificating down the tubes. Con artist Jerry can’t get anything right.

Julie Cart, the environmental writer for CALmatters who covered Brown’s European sojourn, delved into the report’s data and discovered that the major reason for last year’s drop in emissions wasn’t cap-and-trade, or any other state action.

Rather, it occurred because unusually heavy winter rain and snow storms allowed utilities to depend less on generating electricity by burning fossil fuels and more on hydroelectric power from dams in California and other states.

“Emissions from in-state electricity generation decreased more than 19 percent last year, and emissions from imported electricity dropped nearly 23 percent,” Cart wrote.

California gov: Trump doesn’t fear God or ‘existential consequences’

California gov: Trump doesn’t fear God or ‘existential consequences.’ Well if this isn’t rich. The guy who regularly screws the taxpayers of California is pontificating about fearing God.

California Asks For $7.4 Billion To Help Wildfire Recovery

California Asks For $7.4 Billion To Help Wildfire Recovery. So yeah dummies who want California to be it’s own country. Please tell us what you’ll do when you can’t run to Uncle Sam for handouts anymore? Jerry could pay for this if he’d stop blowing $25 billion a year on illegal aliens.

Drivers are still paying too much for gas

Drivers are still paying too much for gas. No shit Sherlock. We’ve never heard anyone accuse the oil companies of being honest. Come to California tomorrow where we all get the quadruple whammy of even more price gouging, topped by excessive taxes, a carbon credit scheme adding more to the price and now a $0.12 additional Jerry Brown fix the roads tax. (We lost track of how many times Sacramento has screamed they need more money to fix our roads and then it magically disappears for other shit.)

ICE Detainer Issued for Suspected Wine Country Arsonist in Sonoma Jail – Breitbart

ICE Detainer Issued for Suspected Wine Country Arsonist in Sonoma Jail – Breitbart. One of Jerry Brown’s dreamers? If true, this must be of the benefits of being a sanctuary state he didn’t talk about. 40 people dead so far and several thousand homes and businesses burned to the ground.  Brown should take the estimated $25 billion per year spent on illegal aliens and spend it on the wine country fire victims.

An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a little-known perk for the powerful


An old-school pharmacy hand-delivers drugs to Congress, a little-known perk for the powerful. Seriously? Is this the same Congress with some members claiming Trump is crazy? No wonder we get all these batshit crazy laws. Someone needs to check into the dummies in the California legislature and Jerry Brown while they’re at it.

“At first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country,” Kim said, listing treatments for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

“It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’”

ICE threatens raids after California passes `sanctuary state’ law

ICE threatens raids after California passes `sanctuary state’ law. The Democrats never think about unintended consequences, we guess they’re incapable.

“ICE will have no choice but to conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites,” Homan said, “which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons where transfers are safer for ICE officers and the community.”

Dan Walters: DAs fight governor’s measure

Dan Walters: DAs fight governor’s measure. The let the cons out of jail early measure. If this passes it will be yet another nail in California’s coffin. Meanwhile this moron is doing about everything possible to restrict gun ownership.

Sacramento to Take $10 Billion From Health Care to Waste on Bike Paths, Trains and Unions

Sacramento to Take $10 Billion From Health Care to Waste on Bike Paths, Trains and Unions. Typical Sacremento! The Democrats steal enough to make thieves look honest.

Opinion: Controller John Chiang drops bombshell on California public pensions

Opinion: Controller John Chiang drops bombshell on California public pensions.

Chiang added public pension systems to his already large fiscal database. One chart reveals that their “unfunded liabilities” – the gap between assets and liabilities for current and future pensions – exploded from $6.3 billion in 2003 to $198.2 billion in 2013.

But somehow California can afford Jerry Brown’s boondoggle Choo-Choo to Nowhere.

California Governor Jerry Brown has cancer removed from nose, allows cancer in state to continue growing

They may have removed the cancer from Jerry Brown’s nose, but the cancer of socialism is still growing unchecked in the state of California.

It’s been said that Jerry Brown was born with a nose for politics. Maybe so, but he has a little less of that nose today.

CBS Sacramento has the proboscis particulars:

Gov. Jerry Brown has undergone surgery to remove a cancerous growth on his nose, his office said Saturday.

Brown nose: They're still ignoring the real cancer in the state of California

The governor’s office said in a statement that Brown, 73, had the procedure under local anesthetic Friday, after tests revealed the presence of basal cell carcinoma, a common, slow-growing form of skin cancer, on the right side of his nose.

“All of the basal carcinoma cells were removed, but some reconstructive surgery to the nose was required as a result of the procedure,” his office said. “Governor Brown is at home and has continued to conduct state business today.”

They may have removed the cancer from Jerry Brown’s nose, but the cancer of socialism is still growing unchecked in the state of California. Everyone knows this ugly growth is killing the patient, but no one is willing to cut it off. In fact, Brown’s solution to the state’s budget crisis is – no surprise – more taxes.

This is one of those cases where the cause of death is known in advance and the obituary is written long before the patient actually dies.

Source: CBS Sacramento

Open season: California Democrat Party chairman thinks Jerry Brown should shoot Republicans

Remember just a few months ago when using the word target was so offensive that it caused Democrats to swoon? Well, times have changed in California.

Remember just a few months ago when using the word target was so offensive that it caused Democrats to swoon? Well, times have changed in California.

The Contra Costa Times tells the vivid tale of violent imagery:

john burton shoot republicans
If you won't vote for higher taxes, John Burton thinks you should be shot

John Burton, the state Democratic Party chairman, came under fire Friday for suggesting Gov. Jerry Brown “try shooting” a Republican to persuade them to vote for taxes.

In an interview with Bay Area News Group this week, Burton said Brown “can try shooting somebody and tell the next guy, ‘You don’t want that to happen to you, you better step up and vote.’ “… What’s Jerry going to do unless he took out a gun?”

What have those evil Republicans done to so outrage the state’s top Democrat?

They’ve refused to vote for tax increases.

Why shooting’s too good for those bastards. They should be horse whipped. Drawn and quartered. Maybe even forced to watch old Arnold Scharzenegger campaign speeches.

Source: Contra Costa Times

Three months are up: Has Jerry Brown solved California’s budget crisis yet?

Last October, gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown told a crowd of leftist lunatics, “I’m not going to sign any bills until we get the budget solved and that may take me a couple of months.”

Jerrry Brown was sworn in as California governor on January 3. So it’s time to check in on the Honorable Governor Moonbeam.

Last October, gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown told a crowd of leftist lunatics, “I’m not going to sign any bills until we get the budget solved and that may take me a couple of months.”

As we said at the time, “Note that he said it may take him a couple of months. This guy’s such an economic wizard that he may just get the whole thing wrapped up in a couple weeks. With a little luck, maybe just a day or two.”

How’s that little budget problem going, Jerry? Solved it yet? What’s that? You want to raise taxes to solve the problem but can’t get the Republicans to cooperate? And you want to cut spending but can’t get the Democrats to cooperate?

Maybe you should California residents an exit fee at the Arizona, Nevada and Oregon borders as they flee the state. That should balance the budget in no time at all.

You elected him, California. You’re getting what you deserve.


Maybe Arnold wasn’t the worst governor in history: Jerry Brown compares California to Egypt

He’s only been in office for two weeks, but Jerry Brown is already making people long for the good ol’ days when Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor.

He’s only been in office for two weeks, but Jerry Brown is already making people long for the good ol’ days when Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor. His State of the State speech on Monday night must have been the most disjointed, poorly-delivered political speech in history. And we’d say that even if he hadn’t used the situation in Egypt to push another tax increase.

Jerry Brown makes a point. We're just not sure what it was.

Let’s just let the Los Angeles Times take if from here:

Citing the pro-democracy unrest in Egypt and Tunisia, Gov. Jerry Brown called it “unconscionable” that GOP legislators are vowing to block his attempt to ask voters to extend tax hikes to balance the budget.

“When democratic ideals and calls for the right to vote are stirring the imagination of young people in Egypt and Tunisia and other parts of the world, we in California can’t say now is the time to block a vote of the people,” Brown said in his first State of the State address in nearly 30 years.

He said the budget has tough choices but that the people “have a right to vote” on the package.

Let’s see. Mubarak’s been in power for 30 years and Egypt is a corrupt state on the verge of collapse. California’s Democrats have run the state legislature for 30 years and California is a corrupt state on the verge of collapse.

On second thought, maybe the comparison isn’t so outlandish.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Once a liar, always a liar. Once Jerry Brown, always Jerry Brown.

Former California Governor Jerry Brown admits – right after he left office – that he didn’t have a plan, lied about having plan, made the whole thing up, said the words and couldn’t believe it when the sheeple of California bought it hook, lie and sinker.

Former California Governor Jerry Brown admits – right after he left office – that he didn’t have a plan, lied about having plan, made the whole thing up, said the words and couldn’t believe it when the sheeple of California bought it hook, lie and sinker.

What are the chances this misanthrope has a more realistic plan this time around?


Delusional Jerry Brown says it “may take him a couple of months” to solve California’s budget crisis

The following line that reveals just how out of touch with reality Jerry Brown really is. “Of course,” Brown says, “I’m not going to sign any bills until we get the budget solved and that may take me a couple of months.”

Every other blog that’s run this video clip has focused on the first part, where former and future California Governor Moonbeam pledges to sign a bill entitling every illegal alien in the tarnished Golden State to attend college.

Far as we’re concerned, though, it’s the following line that reveals just how out of touch with reality Brown really is.

“Of course,” Brown says, “I’m not going to sign any bills until we get the budget solved and that may take me a couple of months.”

Governor Moonbeam, indeed. It’s taken the state decades to get $30 billion in debt. It’s reduced two consecutive governors to blithering idiots. The state is controlled by the public employee unions to whom Brown is beholden. The legislature is controlled by lunatic leftists who refuse to cut a penny in spending. And this lying sack of excrement says it may take “a couple of months” to solve the problem. Note that it may take him a couple of months. Why this guy’s such an economic wizard that he may just get the whole thing wrapped up in a couple weeks. With a little luck, maybe just a day or two.

California is about to get what it deserves. Unfortunately, the state’s few remaining conservatives will be taken down along with the liberals who not only caused the problem, but continue to exacerbate it by electing leftist wackos like Brown.

H/T: Breitbart.tv

Jerry Brown explains his theory of economics: “We need more welfare and fewer jobs.”

This isn’t one of those cases where the candidate can explain something away by saying it was a youthful indiscretion. It’s not like Christine O’Donnell saying she experimented with witchcraft in high school or even Chris Coons calling himself a bearded Marxist right after college.

This isn’t one of those cases where the candidate can explain something away by saying it was a youthful indiscretion. It’s not like Christine O’Donnell saying she experimented with witchcraft in high school or even Chris Coons calling himself a bearded Marxist right after college.

Cue the song "Still Crazy After All These Years"

No, Governor Moonbeam was 55 years old and had already served two terms as California governor in 1995 when he said we need more welfare and fewer jobs.

Here’s the genius’s complete quote:

The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs. Jobs for every American is doomed to failure because of modern automation and production. We ought to recognize it and create an income-maintenance system so every single American has the dignity and the wherewithal for shelter, basic food, and medical care. I’m talking about welfare for all. Without it, you’re going to have warfare for all. Without a universal health care like every other civilized country, without a minimum level of income, this country will explode. You can’t blame the guy at the bottom forever. At some point there’s a reaction and we’ll see that the real criminals are those calling the tune, making the rules, and walking to the bank.

Remarkably, Brown’s ahead in the polls. To which we can only say, elect this guy and you get what you deserve, California.

Let the exodus begin.

H/T: Fox Nation

We’re pleased to announce the names of a few liberal women who are whores

We realize that we’ve been mistaken all these years and the word whore is now considered not only acceptable, but something worthy of getting you endorsed, please allow us to be the first to call a few other women whores.

California Democrat Jerry Brown didn’t disagree when one of his aides was caught on tape calling Republican Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman “a whore.” A few hours later, he was he was rewarded with an endorsement by the National Organization of Women.

Florida Congressman Alan Grayson also called a female lobbyist a whore and, sure enough, NOW also endorsed him.

So now that we realize that we’ve been mistaken all these years and the word whore is now considered not only acceptable, but something worthy of getting you endorsed, please allow us to be the first to call a few other women whores.

barbara boxer whore

The White House: Michelle Obama

The Senate: Barbara Mikulski, Jocelyn Burdick, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Carol Moseley Braun, Patty Murray, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Deborah Stabenow, Maria Cantwell, Jean Carnahan, Lisa Murkowski, Claire McCaskill, Amy Klobuchar, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, Kristen Gillibrand

nancy pelosi whore

The House of Representatives: Tammy Baldwin, Melissa Bean, Shelly Berkley, Madeleine Bordallo Corrine Brown, Lois Capps, Kathy Castor, Donna Christensen, Judy Chu, Yvette Clarke, Kathleen Dahlkemper, Susan Davis, Diane DeGette, Rosa DeLauro, Donna Edwards, Anna Eshoo, Marcia Fudge, Gabrielle Giffords, Deborah Halvorson, Jane Harman, Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, Mazie Hirono, Sheila Jackson Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Marcia Kaptur, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Mary Jo Kilroy, Ann Kirkpatrick, Suzanne Kosmas, Barbara Lee, Zoe Lofgren, Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney, Betsy Markey, Doris Matsui, Carolyn McCarthy, Betty McCollum, Gwen Moore, Grace Napolitano, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Nancy Pelosi, Chellie Pingree, Laura Richardson, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Loretta Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Jan Schakowsky, Allyson Schwartz, Carol Shea-Porter, Louise Slaughter, Jackie Speier, Betty Sutton, Dina Titus, Nicola Tsongas, Nydia Velazquez, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane Watson, Lynn Woolsey.

hillary clinton whore

The Obama Administration: Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, Jocelyn Elders, Valerie Jarret, Melody Barnes, Regina Benjamin, Carol Browner, Lisa Jackson, Valerie Jarrett, Karen Gordon Mills, Janet Napolitano, Susan Rice, Mary Schapiro, Kathleen Sebelius, Hilda Solis, Nancy Sutley, Christina Romer, Lisa Jackson, Desiree Rogers

The Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan

Whores Emeritus: Monica Lewinsky, Janet Reno, Jocelyn Elders, Madeleine Albright, Donna Shalala, Hazel O’Leary, Alice M. Rivlin, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, Rosalynn Carter, Anita Hill, Donna Rice, Jackie Kennedy-Onasis, Lynda Bird and Luci Johnson, Ann Richards, Donna Brazile, Geraldine Ferraro

barbra streisand whore

Hollywood: Ashley Judd, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O’Donnell, Cameron Diaz, Kim Bassinger, Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Maines and the other two Dixie Chicks, Whoopi Goldberg, Jane Fonda, Sheryl Crow, Susan Sarandon, Jessica Lange, Madonna, Janeane Garofalo, Shirley MacLaine, Marlo Thomas, Raquel Welch, Goldie Hawn, Dionne Warwick, Carole King, Jennifer Anniston, Perez Hilton (included on a technicality), Angelica Huston, Kathleen Turner, Uma Thurman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Bianca Jagger, Gillian Anderson, Lily Tomlin, Marg Helenberger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Salma Hayek, Caherine Zeta Jones, Mia Farrow, Tea Leoni, Jill Clayburgh, Bonnie Franklin, Loretta Swit, Emma Thompson, Annie Lennox, Jennifer Connelly, Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn, Sharon Stone, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Penelope Cruz, Rosie Perez, Kirsten Dunst, Melanie Griffith, Stockard Channing, Daryl Hannah, Natalie Imbruglia, Elizabeth Taylor, Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon, Melissa Etheridge, Glenn Close, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sally Field, Annette Bening, Joan Baez, Pamela Anderson, Naomi watts, Diana Ross, Natalie Cole, Aril Lavigne, Janet Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Scarlet Johannsen, Rosario Dawson, Susan Estrich, Sarah Silverman, Maya Angelou, Andrea Mitchell, Joan Walsh, Tina Fey, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron

helen thomas whore
Egad! Whore!

The Media: Roseanne Barr, Barbara Walters, Gloria Steinem, Oprah Winfrey, Roseanne Barr, Rosie O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Susan Estrich, Andrea Mitchell, Joan Walsh, Dee Dee Myers, Ellen Goodman, Mika Brzezinski, Helen Thomas, Sally Quinn

Miscellaneous: Teresa Heinz-Kerry, Caroline Kennedy, Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, Cindy Sheehan, Elizabeth Kucinich

Personal Knowledge: Caroline J, the bitch who broke the heart of the IHTM Editor in high school

Although this list is lengthy, we doubt that it is comprehensive and we extend our deepest apologies to any whores we may have omitted.

We now sit back and eagerly await NOW’s glowing, wholehearted endorsement of IHateTheMedia.com.

If you can think of any whores we overlooked, please feel free to add their names in the comments section.

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