Bill Cosby to be released from prison after conviction vacated

Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby to be released from prison after conviction vacated. Well, perhaps now Bill can start making pudding pop commercials. Want a drugged pudding pop baby?

One was the admission into trial of “prior bad acts” witnesses and Cosby’s 2005-2006 quaalude deposition. The appeal argued that the trial judge erred in allowing Cosby’s prior deposition about using quaaludes during consensual sexual encounters with women in the 1970s at trial.

The second point was a written agreement from previous Montgomery County prosecutor Bruce Castor not to criminally prosecute Cosby in the Constand case. Castor had testified that while he was district attorney, he promised Cosby he would not file criminal charges if the entertainer would testify in a civil lawsuit Constand filed against Cosby in 2005. Cosby testified during four days of depositions by Constand’s attorneys, and the civil lawsuit was settled for more than $3 million in 2006. Prosecutor Kevin R. Steele later brought criminal charges against Cosby in 2015 after succeeding Castor as the county’s district attorney.

BREAKING NEWS: Bill Cosby accused of sexually assaulting TWELVE Playboy bunnies – as club hostess claims comic drugged and raped her

BREAKING NEWS: Bill Cosby accused of sexually assaulting TWELVE Playboy bunnies – as club hostess claims comic drugged and raped her. We’re beginning to wonder if Bill was one of the original testers of Viagra who found out it lasted more than 4 hours?

Katie Couric says, “We need a Muslim Cosby Show.” We say, “Here are some free ideas, Hollywood.”

Katie Couric, CBS News’ pert and perky anchor came up with an idea: a muslim Cosby Show. We’ve come up with some great ideas for Muslim sitcoms.

Katie Couric, CBS News’ pert and perky anchor came up with an idea:

Don't miss the laughs on the Beverly Hadjis, Mondays at 9/8 Central on MSNBC

“Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show,” Couric said. “I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand…” (see video)

Crazy, Katie? We think not. We think it’s gold. Pure, unadulterated, 24-carat comedy gold. And with that in mind, has come up with some great ideas for Muslim sitcoms. And we offer them to Hollywood absolutely free of charge.

All we ask is an Executive Producer credit. Is that too much to ask?

1. Everybody Hates Christian (Chris Rock stars as a Muslim teenager growing up in a poor Islamabad neighborhood)

2. Fatwa Knows Best (The Anwar family learns that their father, a Muslim cleric, has a fatwa for every problem)

The Fresh Prince of Beirut: Tuesdays at 9/8 Central on al-Jezeera TV

3. The Fresh Prince of Beirut (A poor, young Muslim mosque chanter moves in with a wealthy Lebanese family)

4. 3rd Iraq from the Sun (The misadventures of an alien family that attempts to fit into Baghad)

5. My Name Is Earl Qaeda (A lovable Muslim loser attempts to make amends to all the people he killed. Oops. Too late.)

6. Amos ‘n Abdul (Two Black Muslim friends experience Uncle Tomfoolery in Chicago’s inner city)

7. How I Beat Your Mother (A Muslim man tells his children how he subjugates his wife according to Sharia law)

8. The Really Big Bang Theory (Two Muslim nerds work on a nuclear weapon)

9. That 1370s Show (A wacky band of Muslim teenagers remind us what life was like in the 14th century)

10. Mork & Minaret (A stranger from an alien culture has misadventures in Tehran)

11. Gilligan’s Islam (An inept Muslim convert is stranded in a 13th century religion)

Fatima al-Fatima stars as sluttish fag hag Grace in Will & Grace, Fridays at 9/8 Central on MSNBC

12. Will and Grace (The show never actually airs because Will is hanged and Grace is stoned to death in the pilot)

13. Welcome Back Kafir (A Muslim convert returns to teach at his old madrassa)

14. Chico and Iran (A Mexican convert to Islam receives training from an Iranian bomb maker. Hijinx ensue)

15. Allah in the Family (A devout young Muslim man marries into a family of Christian bigots)

16. I Dream of Jihad (Fantasy-comedy in which a beautiful 2000-year old genie helps her Taliban master kill infidels by blinking her eyes and wrinkling her nose)

17. My Favorite Martyr (A would-be Muslim martyr makes friends with a naïve CNN reporter)

18. The Beverly Hadjis (A poor Muslim man discovers oil on his family goat farm and moves his family to Beverly Hills)

19. Bosom Bombers (Two single Muslim men disguise themselves as filthy, hook-nosed Jews to live in the one apartment they can afford)

Abu Abbas and Achmed the goat cruise the Mediterranean on The Love Goat, Saturdays at 8/7 Central on The Travel Channel

20. The Love Goat (Abu Abbas stars as Captain Mahmoud al-Stubing, captain of the Achille Lauro cruise ship. Achmed the goat co-stars)

21. Decapitated Housewives (A comedy-drama about a group of burqa-wearing neighbors on Wisteria Lane in Kabul)

22. Sharia Law & Order (Stole a loaf of bread? Cut off their hands. Went outside without your burqa? That’ll be forty strokes with a cane. Suicide bomber? You get 72 virgins)

23. Late Night with Conan the Barbarian (The comedy musings of America’s top Muslim late night comic)

24. Mary Tyler Moorish (A young, single Muslim woman moves to the big city and goes to work in the al Jazeera news department)

25. Arrested Developer (The zany adventures of the sleazy guy who wants to build the Ground Zero Mosque)

Katie Couric ends 2010 just as stupid as she began it

You know what we need to make us love Muslims who love death more than life? A Muslim version of the Cosby Show, that’s what. Yup, that’s what CBS News anchorette Katie Couric says:

You know what we need to make us love Muslims who love death more than life? A Muslim version of the Cosby Show, that’s what. Yup, that’s what CBS News anchorette Katie Couric says:

I also think sort of the chasm, between, or the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn’t enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong — and so disappointing. Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show.

I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand…

But wait, Katie. We thought the liberal position was that racial relations are still terrible in this evil, racist country.

Maybe what we really need is a Muslim version of Chico & The Man. And maybe a Muslim version of Charlie Chan.

Good lord, this woman is stupid. And this is what passes for intellectual discourse in 2011.

We are doomed. Happy new year.

Also see: Katie Couric says, “We need a Muslim Cosby Show.” We say, “Here are some free ideas, Hollywood.”

Source: CBS News

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