Cindy Sheehan’s FaceBook page reveals that she’s a “deather”

Have you heard the term “deather” yet? It’s defined as someone who doesn’t believe Osama Bin Laden is dead. Cindy Sheehan is one.

Have you heard the term “deather” yet? It’s defined as someone who doesn’t believe Osama Bin Laden is dead.

With that in mind, let’s check in on the lunatic ramblings of the always entertaining Cindy Sheehan on her FaceBook page:

Cindy Sheehan cups her hand over her ear so she can better hear what the voices in her head are saying

I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you’re stupid. Just think to yourself–they paraded Saddam’s dead sons around to prove they were dead–why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent–just put your flags away and THINK!

We think Cindy’s right. Osama’s not dead. Next thing you know he’ll be showing up at 7-11 stores across the country. With Elvis and Jim Morrison and Andy Kaufman.

By the way, call us deathers if you wish, but we’re still convinced that Kaufman faked his death and will be making a grand comeback on Saturday Night Live any week now.

Source: Cindy Sheehan

Obama is “a person of color with an Islamic name who sold his soul many years ago–to fulfill the neocon agenda of planetary dominance”

There’s a reason Cindy Sheehan doesn’t appear on the nightly news anymore. She’s stark, raving insane.

There’s a reason Cindy Sheehan doesn’t appear on the nightly news anymore. She’s stark, raving insane.

Of course, that’s the same reason she should never have appeared on your nightly news in the first place. But she served the left’s purposes when we had a Republican president, so the media presented her as the voice of reason and image of compassion.

Oh, sure, now that she's attacking "a person of color with an Islamic name" the media has figured out that she's nuts

We normally don’t repeat complete articles, but this is worth reading in its entirety so you fully understand who the leftist media foisted upon us as someone worth listening to.

Here are Sheehan’s own words from her website. If you don’t want to read the whole rambling manifesto, we’ve taken the liberty of bolding some of the highlights:

Three days after the current evil Emperor was installed by the oligarchy, he ordered a drone bombing in Northern Pakistan (a country that we are supposedly not at war with) that killed 36 civilians and since then, he has been absolutely mad about drone bombings, increasing Bush’s total over 300 percent in far fewer years. Even though I never supported Obama who funded wars as a Senator and who is NOT a peace president, I said at the time: “Three days in and already a war criminal.” I was thoroughly attacked by Democrats who once affiliated as “peace” activists for not giving Obama “time.”

Well, Gitmo is still open, military tribunals will resume for men who have been illegally detained for up to a decade now, US Tomahawk missiles are raining down on innocents in Libya (killing people to save them is the NEW PEACE), dictators are still supported, Israel is still occupying and oppressing Palestine, activists are being targeted by Obama’s DOJ while BushCo are being protected, the USA PATRIOT ACT was renewed, the Gulf is dying–and where is the outrage?

Now that Cindy Sheehan is attacking liberals, she couldn't get on the network news if she set her hair on fire

This is where I think the outrage is–the oligarchy of this country is clever, they knew that it would take a person of color with an Islamic name who sold his soul many years ago–to fulfill the neocon agenda of planetary dominance (see: Project for a New American Century). So if one criticizes Obama, then we are attacked by War Loving Democrats for being: “divisive fanatics,” “racist,” “Tea Baggers,” “crazy,” etcetera. Could McCain be getting away with bombing North Africa? Or does that take an African-American to give political cover to the war jackals?The last four paragraphs were for War Loving Democrats, Greens and Socialists–yes I have heard from all three groups denouncing me for being against bombing Libyans to save them (same thing BushCo said about Iraqis, by the way–and the very same rhetoric used for Vietnam, etc).

This next part is for war loving Republicans and “Independents,”

What? Are you people morons? First of all, you should be dancing in the streets praising the name of Obama like your comrades in the Democratic Party who hypocritically support his murders. Face it–YOU OVERTLY LOVE WAR–when a Republican is doing it. Admit it, you salivate over killing innocents so those “jihadist” babies won’t crawl over here to cut your throats and make your women wear burkas! How dare you attack me and complain that I don’t protest Obama’s wars, when you should be out supporting him with all of your violent hearts and souls.

Only in the mind of someone as disturbed as Cindy Sheehan would Barack Obama be seen as the fruition of a conservative plot.

As Grandma Editor would have said, “Nuttier than a fruitcake.”

Source: Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox

The good news: Cindy Sheehan abandons Democrats. The bad news: She supports a Republican

Anti-war lunatic Cindy Sheehan has escalated her war on Nancy Pelosi by endorsing the House Speaker’s Republican opponent.

As if you needed more evidence that California politics are completely irrational, consider this:

Anti-war lunatic Cindy Sheehan has escalated her war on Nancy Pelosi by endorsing the House Speaker’s Republican opponent.

cindy sheehan
We're not quite sure what the cop on the left is doing to Cindy Sheehan, but she seems to be enjoying it just a little too much

Here’s part of the editorial Sheehan wrote for

My good friend, SF politico and former VP Candidate [for Ralph Nader, 2008], Matt Gonzalez, has endorsed John Dennis because, as is your custom, you gutlessly refused to debate him. I am also encouraging you (once again, futilely) to not only debate John Dennis, but Gloria La Riva, too.

I like and admire both John and Gloria and support them as human beings who both have the two things that you lack but would have made you a much better person: courage and integrity.

As someone who got a kick in the teeth from the political school of elitism two years ago, I can’t endorse anyone for Federal elections which I believe are only a huge sham and scandal at any rate, but I am convinced that either John or Gloria would represent district 8 in California far better than you have on your best day.

Here are words we never thought we’d say: We agree with Cindy Sheehan.

That’s the most difficult sentence we’ve ever had to type.


Hey, wait just a darn second. When did Cindy Sheehan grow a beard?

This truther wacko wandering around an anti-war rally looks like the illegitimate love child of Cindy Sheehan and Chuck Norris.

This truther wacko wandering around an anti-war rally looks like the illegitimate love child of Cindy Sheehan and Chuck Norris

Cindy Sheehan may be imbalanced, but she is fair and imbalanced

Cindy Sheehan is about to start another anti-war camp. This one will be in Washington, and it could conceivably last for months.

cindy sheehan
Famed war protester and fashion icon Cindy Sheehan

Poor Cindy Sheehan. She was the liberal media darling when she protested all of George Bush’s supposed misdeeds. But now that she’s protesting Barack Obama’s war machine, the daft old dear is finding reporters and news cameras in very short supply.

Cindy Sheehan is about to start another anti-war camp. This one will be in Washington, and it could conceivably last for months. The problem?

“I’m kind of over the whole camping thing,” she admits.

It’s a fair enough statement for Sheehan, who gained international attention in 2005 for “Camp Casey,” a five-week protest outside of then-President George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas, ranch during which she demanded a meeting with the commander in chief to hear an explanation for her son Casey’s death in Iraq. She spent most of that time in a ditch on the side of a road leading to the president’s grounds.

Five years and a new president later, however, Sheehan will be sleeping under the stars again, and for the same cause. Her new coalition, Peace of the Action, is launching the Camp OUT NOW! tent city at the base of the Washington Monument next week in an effort to get President Barack Obama to pull troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan immediately. (Sheehan concedes that this time around, she will rent a bedroom in which to store her belongings, take showers and occasionally sleep.)

She’s protesting Barack Obama? We’ll watch for all those engrossing Cindy Sheehan updates that are sure to air on the nightly news.

Source: The Hill

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