Shooting at Denver Protests — ANTIFA TERRORIST SHOOTS PATRIOT PROTESTER DEAD! — Two Suspects in Custody

Shooting at Denver Protests — ANTIFA TERRORIST SHOOTS PATRIOT PROTESTER DEAD! — Two Suspects in Custody. 1 Patriot dead. 2 suspects in custody, no one’s saying who yet.

US Embassy compound in Baghdad targeted by mob protesting airstrikes; sit-in planned

Innocents in Iraq: How an American Diplomat Discovered ...

US Embassy compound in Baghdad targeted by mob protesting airstrikes; sit-in planned. Someone remind the Assahola Ayatollah that Trump isn’t Jimmy Carter 2.0. We suggest a cruise missile through his bedroom window at about 3 AM Iran time.

Sponsor Drops Brandon Marshall For Kneeling During National Anthem

Sponsor Drops Brandon Marshall For Kneeling During National Anthem. Sorry but it’s about time someone made a move. We are not against their right to protest, this is not the right venue.

Ammon Bundy arrested; LaVoy Finicum killed

Ammon Bundy arrested; LaVoy Finicum killed. Still nothing on who shot first.

All eight people arrested face a federal felony charge relating to their occupation of the refuge: conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats, authorities said.

Reporter refuses to believe London store owner wasn’t attacked by white people

When the media reports that “youths” are rioting in London they omit the fact that they are primarily “minority” youths. No, they just can’t bring themselves to say it.

When the media reports that “youths” are rioting in London they omit the fact that they are primarily “minority” youths. No, they just can’t bring themselves to inject that note of race into the discussion.

Here’s a clip in which a British reporter is appalled when store owner Big Jim says he found “at least 100 black youths” looting shops in his neighborhood:

Reporter: “You’re not being stereotypical there?”
Big Jim: “No, absolutely…”
Reporter: “Are you sure that they were black? I’m sure they weren’t all black, were they?”
Big Jim: ”OK, then. Let me just say they weren’t all black. I was the white guy there.”
Reporter: “Well, there were probably other white guys there as well.”
Big Jim: “I didn’t see any.”

Tea Partiers. Yeah, that’s the answer. These rioters were probably members of the Tea Party. Everyone knows how violence prone they are.

Oh say can you C-cup: One Florida woman exposes breasts to protest another woman’s cleavage

There’s a woman down in Florida who can teach those Wisconsin protesters a thing or two about staging a proper protest – the kind of protest that we’d not only get behind, but get in front of.

There’s a woman down in Florida who can teach those Wisconsin protesters a thing or two about staging a proper protest – the kind of protest that we’d not only get behind, but get in front of.

We got kind of distracted and don't really remember what this caption was supposed to say has the double details:

A 42-year-old Bradenton Beach woman was arrested at Bayshore High School this week after she exposed her breasts to protest another woman’s exposed cleavage, according to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.

Laura Campanello, a parent of a child at the school, caused a disturbance at about 11:20 a.m. Monday when she started to yell that another woman who was enrolling her child at the school, was showing “too much breast,” according to a deputy’s report.

The deputy told Campanello that the woman was an adult, and “I cannot tell her what to wear as long as she is not exposing herself.”

Campanello responded, “Oh, then I can,” while reaching into her blouse and pulling out her breasts. “And then I can just do this,” while squeezing them together, the report states…

Campanello was charged with disorderly conduct and released from the Manatee County jail after posting $220 bond.

“Have a seat Ms. Campanello. Can I get you a cup of coffee? Ms. Allred will be with you in just a few moments.”


Taking the peace out of Greenpeace

On April 1 – but make no mistake, this was not an April Fools Day prank – Greenpeace’s international website posted the following message on it’s homepage:

Greenpeace knows who you are and where you live

On April 1 – but make no mistake, this was not an April Fools Day prank – Greenpeace’s international website posted the following message on it’s homepage:

The proper channels have failed. It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and scepticism. If you’re one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us. Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like. If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fuelling spurious debates around false solutions and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this: We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work. And we be many, but you be few.

Obviously, this thinly-veiled blatant threat didn’t sit well with skeptics. The Greenpeace PR machine went into action, adding a supposedly soothing note to the blog that said the author was “known around the Greenpeace world for stating his opinion loud and clear, and not being a diplomat”. He is “a genuinely peaceful guy,” it went on to say, “who believes in the power of peaceful protest to change the world.”

Right. He believes in peaceful protest to change the world. Well, that and coming to you house and kicking your ass if he sees a gas guzzler in your driveway.

Source: Guardian UK

And now let’s spend a few moments with the lovely and gracious Maxine Waters

The lovely and effervescent Maxine Waters hates those violent tea partiers. And the language that they use? Shocking, absolutely shocking, to a sweet innocent old lady like Maxine. Why, she would never approve such violence nor language.

The lovely and effervescent Maxine Waters hates those violent tea partiers. And the language that they use? Shocking, absolutely shocking, to a sweet innocent old lady like Maxine. Why, she would never approve such violence nor language.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Maxine.

Andrew Breitbart owes us $100,000

Andrew Breitbart, the genius behind,, and probably a few others we’re forgetting, offered $100,000 to anyone who could prove that the n-word was used at the anti-ObamaCare rallies in Washington, DC. We would prefer small bills, Andrew.

Andrew Breitbart, the genius behind,, and probably a few others we’re forgetting, offered $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund if anyone who could prove that the n-word was used at the anti-ObamaCare rallies in Washington, DC.

Here you go, Andrew, the n-word in all its glory.

Any chance you could redirect that 100 thou to some deserving bloggers? If so, could you make it small bills?


Cindy Sheehan may be imbalanced, but she is fair and imbalanced

Cindy Sheehan is about to start another anti-war camp. This one will be in Washington, and it could conceivably last for months.

cindy sheehan
Famed war protester and fashion icon Cindy Sheehan

Poor Cindy Sheehan. She was the liberal media darling when she protested all of George Bush’s supposed misdeeds. But now that she’s protesting Barack Obama’s war machine, the daft old dear is finding reporters and news cameras in very short supply.

Cindy Sheehan is about to start another anti-war camp. This one will be in Washington, and it could conceivably last for months. The problem?

“I’m kind of over the whole camping thing,” she admits.

It’s a fair enough statement for Sheehan, who gained international attention in 2005 for “Camp Casey,” a five-week protest outside of then-President George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas, ranch during which she demanded a meeting with the commander in chief to hear an explanation for her son Casey’s death in Iraq. She spent most of that time in a ditch on the side of a road leading to the president’s grounds.

Five years and a new president later, however, Sheehan will be sleeping under the stars again, and for the same cause. Her new coalition, Peace of the Action, is launching the Camp OUT NOW! tent city at the base of the Washington Monument next week in an effort to get President Barack Obama to pull troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan immediately. (Sheehan concedes that this time around, she will rent a bedroom in which to store her belongings, take showers and occasionally sleep.)

She’s protesting Barack Obama? We’ll watch for all those engrossing Cindy Sheehan updates that are sure to air on the nightly news.

Source: The Hill

ObamaCare: A picture’s worth a thousand words and/or a trillion dollars

Milwaukee residents lined up in the rain and waited hours for flu shots. Mike O’Keefe brought a sign that put the whole thing in perspective.

welcome-to-government-healthcare Milwaukee residents lined up in the rain and waited hours for flu shots. Mike O’Keefe brought a sign that put the whole thing in perspective.

Source: Gateway Pundit

European protesters use mysterious chemical weapon against police

Then the farmers rolled out their big weapon, a well-endowed and fully-loaded Holstein named Bertha.


“After months of complaints by European dairy farmers angry over low prices,” the New York Times reports, “protesters in Brussels on Monday poured milk onto the streets, hurled eggs and other missiles, and started fires that filled the air with black smoke.”

Then the farmers rolled out their big weapon, a well-endowed and fully-loaded Holstein named Bertha.

Where’s PETA when you need them?

Source: New York Times

Summing up the liberal media’s Tea Party reporting in twelve simple words

Summing up the liberal media’s Tea Party reporting in twelve simple words. Nothing we can add. We just hope this guy is a faithful reader of


Nothing we can add. We just hope this guy is a faithful reader of


How many were really at the D.C. protest rally?

So how many showed up, you ask? It depends on whom you believe. To get an objective perspective, it helps to go overseas. According to the UK’s Daily Mail — complete with eye-opening photos — the crowd numbered “as many as one million people.”

912 rally washington dc

An awful lot of people showed up at the National Mall Tea Party on September 12 to protest government spending in general and ObamaCare in particular.

So how many showed up, you ask? It depends on whom you believe.

MSNBC reported, “thousands have turned out, some have said tens of thousands.” The Washington Post estimated “tens of thousands.” ABC figured between 60–70,000 protestors. The New York Times initially described it as a “sea” of people before stating, “The demonstrators numbered well into the tens of thousands, though the police declined to estimate the size of the crowd.” According to, there were “as many as two million protestors.” CBS, CNN and FOX all reported on the Tea Party but declined to provide estimates.

To get an objective perspective, it helps to go overseas. According to the UK’s Daily Mail — complete with eye-opening photos — the crowd numbered “as many as one million people.”

On the same day as the D.C. Tea Party, the president appeared in Minnesota to continue pushing his idea of health care “reform”. How many came to see Dr. O? According to the NY Times, 15,000 “cheering Obama supporters” showed up. On the day before the protest, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs claimed he had no idea the D.C. rally was even planned.

On Sunday, White House senior adviser David Axelrod said of the protests, “I don’t think it’s indicative of the nation’s mood. You know, I don’t think we ought to be distracted by that. My message to them is, they’re wrong.”

Out of touch much?

Source: Daily Mail UK

Anti-war protesters offer Obama re-set button

But while the hard truths of war are still in evidence, what’s missing is the non-stop negative news coverage of the conflicts. Another thing’s missing: There are no protesters. No drum beaters at the White House. No mass protests in Europe.

Poor Cindy Sheehan isn't feeling the love anymore. Not from Democrats. Not from the media. Not even from other protesters.
Poor Cindy Sheehan isn't feeling the love anymore. Not from Democrats. Not from the media. Not even from other protesters.

Remember that nasty Iraq War?

Well, this may come as a huge surprise, but it’s still going on. A recent spike in bombings in stories buried deeply in the Washington Post proves it.

And that conflict in Afghanistan? Oh, it’s still going on, too.

Just the other day, an air strike on a couple of fuel trucks hijacked by the Taliban was hit by an allied air strike, resulting in 90 casualties, including a large group of civilians.

Then there are the “lurid photos” – as described by the Wall Street Journal – of Afghan guards and embassy workers mucking about like drunken frat boys. Shades of Abu Ghraib? Nah. Not when Democrats control the government.

But while the hard truths of war are still in evidence, what’s missing is the non-stop negative news coverage of the conflicts. Obviously, during the Obama administration negative news just doesn’t resonate the way negative news did during the Bush administration because, well, because it was the Bush administration.

Another thing’s missing: There are no protesters. No drum beaters at the White House. No mass protests in Europe.

It makes you wonder whether all those crazy parades were protests against war after all.

Source: Wall Street Journal

ObamaCare supporter gets the finger from ObamaCare protester

The economy must be even worse than we thought. We have a record number of Americans on food stamps and now the Democrats are resorting to cannibalism. An ObamaCare supporter bit off the finger of an anti-ObamaCare protester Wednesday at a healthcare rally in Thousand Oaks, California. All the way down to the second knuckle.

The economy must be even worse than we thought. We have a record number of Americans on food stamps and now the Democrats are resorting to cannibalism.

An ObamaCare supporter bit off the finger of an anti-ObamaCare protester Wednesday at a healthcare rally in Thousand Oaks, California. All the way down to the second knuckle.
Continue reading “ObamaCare supporter gets the finger from ObamaCare protester”

Video exposé: Shameless Obama organizer tells supporters how to disrupt meetings

A DNC group organizer tells them how to shout down opponents who get up to ask Rep. Jan Schakowski tough Obamacare healthcare questions. He even tells them how to deny others the right to speak at all.

Health Care for America is a front group of the Democratic National Committee. You know, the patriotic hypocritical organization that’s accused opponents of ObamaCare of being members of organized groups. Astroturfers, in the current vernacular.

What’s most remarkable about this video clip to us isn’t that the organizer for Health Care for America Now is so blatant. It’s that he doesn’t seem to care that he’s being videotaped outside a town hall meeting giving precise instructions to paid ObamaCare supporters.

He tells them how to shout down opponents who get up to ask Rep. Jan Schakowski tough questions. He even tells them how to deny others the right to speak at all.

One other thing: Please note that these “grassroots” protesters are being handed HCAN bumper stickers at the end of the video.

This video clip brought to you by Healthcare for America, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat National Committee.

Source: Gateway Pundit

The best town hall meeting ever: Impassioned protesters, a rational senator, and no union goons

How can you tell that town hall protesters are sincerely angry? Simple. They even show up to vent at Republicans senators who agree with them. Like Tennessee Republican Bob Corker.

How can you tell that town hall protesters are sincerely angry? Simple. They even show up to vent at Republicans senators who agree with them. Like Tennessee Republican Bob Corker.

Source: WATE-TV via

Democrat congresswoman sets etiquette standards for town hall meetings

Cowardly but oh-so-refined Democrat Congresswoman Betsy Markey has announced that she will schedule a series of mini-town halls with no more than 20 constituents per meeting and each attendee will receive a book on etiquette.

Betsy Markey, the ultra-refined congresswoman from Colorado
Betsy Markey, the ultra-refined congresswoman from Colorado

Cowardly but oh-so-refined Democrat Congresswoman Betsy Markey, who’s run out of excuses not to hold town hall meetings, has announced that she will schedule a series of mini-town halls with no more than 20 constituents per.

Apparently the little princess is so afraid that her constituents will channel their inner mob that each attendee will receive a copy of “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation,” supposedly written by George Washington.

Poor, deluded Betsy. If she thinks this angry mob needs lessons in civility, perhaps she needs to recall some of the protesters who challenged President Bush. You know, the ones about whom she said not a word.

Click “next page” below to see some of the truly incivil (translation: remarkably vile) protests against President Bush. But be warned: Graphic language and nudity is par for the course. Otherwise, we’d have posted them right here on page one.

Town hall hypocrisy: The liberal media’s protest dictionary

If you’re having trouble separating the hypocrisy in coverage of town hall anger, we’ve prepared this handy guide designed to help you recognize the difference between people who protest and people who cause disruptions.

We apologize for the horrifying photo, but the image of a "two-faced pig" just came to mind when we thought about the media
We apologize for the horrifying photo, but the image of a "two-faced pig" just came to mind when we thought about the media

The media has a problem with all these people showing up to townhall meetings and voicing their dissent. Dissension, after all, is only praiseworthy when its target is a Republican President or conservative lawmakers.

You may remember a few protests against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq during the Bush years. (By the way, whatever happened to war protests?)

Then there was the infamous shoe-chucking incident that was reported in a kind of a jokey way.

If you’re having trouble separating the hypocrisy in coverage of town hall anger, we’ve prepared this handy guide designed to help you recognize the difference between people who protest and people who cause disruptions.
Continue reading “Town hall hypocrisy: The liberal media’s protest dictionary”

Lanny Davis wants to “name names, publish photographs” of the conservative mob

Democratic Strategist Lanny Davis wants “the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible…” for conservatives gathering together to protest and ask questions of their congresspersons.

"These are our tactics, damnit! Who do these conservative mobs think they are!"
'These are our tactics, damnit! Who do these conservative mobs think they are!'

It’s a sad fact the right just doesn’t know how to fight like the left does. We’re simply too nice, and too civil. But now, the fear that we could lose this once great nation to socialism has brought conservatives to attention. The right is now successfully utilizing some of the same tactics the left has employed for years – demonstration and protest.

Barack Obama and his followers are none too happy about this development and, frankly, they are utterly confused as to how to fight back. First, they called the peaceful Tea Party protesters racist and domestic terrorists. Now with fired up conservatives standing up to the men and women of congress in their home districts, they find they must resort to calling the concerned citizens simply asking question of their elected officials, fascist “mobs.”

Democratic Strategist Lanny Davis took his turn at bat yesterday at Politico, accusing conservatives of thuggery, using fascist tactics to cause disruption.

Worse of all, he wants to “have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible…” This comes on the heels of Linda Douglass, Communications Director for the White House’s Health Reform Office, who just this week asked all citizens to report any “fishy” talk, emails or websites to the White House so they can investigate any “disinformation” about healthcare.

Here are Orwellian words of Lanny Davis from yesterday, August 5:

The “shout downs” organized by the Republican right meet one of the classic definition of “fascist” tactics–defined as using shouting and disruption to deprive the civil and respectful debate of ideas. There is literally no defense to these tactics. I don’t criticize those who feel genuine anger or fear and show up to meetings to express those emotions. But I do call out the tactic of screaming and disrupting a meeting and the fact that this is a systematic tactic by thugs who want to prevent civil discourse, not promote it.

Let’s have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniques. And let’s find an investigative journalist – are there many left – to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid.

It took a year or more to prove that the so-called grassroots protesters shouting and pounding on the windows of the vote counters in Dade County – successfully stopping the vote – were really paid Republican congressional staffers, many then on the public payroll, and from the Republican National Committee and the Bush 2000 presidential campaign staff.

Will that story of paid people to disrupt and block discussion organized by the Republican Party or tacitly encouraged while Republican rightwing organizations organize them at least be investigated?

We know we’ve been saying this a lot lately, but is it 1984 yet?

Bonus: If you’d really like a good laugh, go over to and read
A message from Lanny Davis to The Mob
to see how he’s trying to explain that he we all just misinterpreted him.

Source: Politico

Media downplays huge Hispanic protest against gay marriage

While the left demonized those damn white conservatives — evildoers like Miss California Carrie Prejean — as homophobes, a huge, mostly Hispanic crowd took to the streets of New York in opposition to Governor Patterson’s same-sex bill. The crowd, which some estimate at 20,000, gathered at the Governor’s Manhattan office, stretching from 35th to 40th Street on 3rd Avenue.

Welcome to the family, fellow right wing extremists.

Source: DissidentVoice

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