It appears Los Angeles County has created our first Death Panel

It appears Los Angeles County has created our first Death Panel. If you have a heart attack in LA County good luck. Evidently the first Death Panel in he country has deemed you unfit for medical care.

Los Angeles County officials this week ordered paramedics to wait five minutes after reviving someone with cardiac arrest to see if their heart stops again before racing them to the hospital, a policy intended to reduce the number of high-risk patients flooding emergency rooms during the coronavirus pandemic.

When is a death panel acceptable? When it saves us lots of money.

You can always count on getting a good laugh from the comedy stylings of the New York Times’ Paul Krugman. In this interview with Jake Tapper, he sets the record straight and calls death panels by their proper name, which is … uhhhh … death panels.

You can always count on getting a good laugh from the comedy stylings of the New York Times’ Paul Krugman.

In this interview with Jake Tapper, he sets the record straight and calls death panels by their proper name, which is … uhhhh … death panels.

But that’s ok, because like every other provision of ObamaCare, they’ll save us money. Big money. Lots of money. Piles of money.

Krugman: Think about people on the right. They’re simultaneously screaming, they’re going to send all of the old people to death panels and it’s not going to save any money. That’s a contradictory point of view.

Tapper: Death panels would save money, theoretically.

Krugman: The advisory path has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on saying this particular expensive treatment actually doesn’t do any good medically and so we’re not going to pay for it. That is actually going to save quite a lot of money. We don’t know how much yet. The CBO gives it very little credit. But most of the health care economists I talk to think it’s going to be a really major cost saving.

This just in. Sarah Palin would like to thank Mr. Krugman for his inadvertent support.

H/T: Radio Vice

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