Classy story of the day: Barney Frank farts live on MSNBC

A network known for its line-up of gas bags is exactly where you might expect this to happen.

A network known for its line-up of gas bags is exactly where you might expect this to happen.

The fat little gnome cuts the cheese five seconds into the clip just as he says, “We’ve got to get some jobs.”

If you don’t believe us, take a look for yourself. Or perhaps we should say take a listen.

Headline of the Day: Daughter blames mother for global warming

My daughter complains that I flatulate more often than most individuals. Furthermore, she claims that the gas an individual passes contributes to global warming. I don’t know if I am physically able to keep my gas to myself to go green. Is my daughter really right?

In our role as Media Watchdogs (hey, did we hear laughter out there?) we’ve learned that there are advice columns and then there are advice columns.

The St Louis Post-Dispatch features a medical column by Dr. Paul Donohue in which a recent reader question went, shall we say, over the line.

Dear Dr. Donohue — My daughter complains that I flatulate more often than most individuals. Furthermore, she claims that the gas an individual passes contributes to global warming. I don’t know if I am physically able to keep my gas to myself to go green. Is my daughter really right?

The way we see it, there are only two choices: either she goes green or everyone around her turns green.

Source: St Louis Post-Dispatch

World saved from global warming, Aussie company trumpets “Flatulence Offsets”

No reason to be embarrassed anymore, Fido. You're saving the environment.
No reason to be embarrassed anymore, Fido. You're saving the environment.

An Australian company is selling carbon credits to make up for farting pets and people. (We agonized over that sentence, but it is what it is).

For just $27, Easy Being Green will sell you enough carbon credits to offset your dog’s annual anal methane production. Making your cat carbon neutral is a bargain at just $6.

And if you’re looking for a special anniversary or birthday gift, imagine how happy your loved one will be knowing that you spent US$16 to offset two years worth of their personal trouser trumpet production.

This is all well and good, but as highly-trained environmentalists and marketing geniuses, we think Easy Being Green is missing an obvious business opportunity.

Here’s our idea:

Wind power is intermittent, but dog farts are a constant. We propose erecting a mini-windmill in every Aussie home. Tie each windmill into the power grid. Train all Aussie dogs to fart into the windmills. The windmills spin. Power is generated free of charge. Oil imports are slashed. The economy booms. Australia becomes an ecological role model for the rest of the world.

And to think Al Gore got a Nobel Prize and we didn’t.


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