Surprise, surprise! Eco-wackos exposed as

Phelim McAleer took his camera to the premiere of Age of Stupid, a new “documentary” that claims flying is the single worst contributor to global warming. He asked the celebrities in attendance one simple question: Did you fly to the premiere?

This is funny, but of course, predictable.

Phelim McAleer took his camera to the premiere of Age of Stupid, a new “documentary” that claims flying is the single worst contributor to global warming.

He asked the celebrities in attendance one simple question: Did you fly to the premiere?

The results prove that global warming is also bad for freedom of speech.

Source: PlanetGore

Pilot makes porn while flying helicopter, license yanked

Helicopter porn busted by the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA revoked David Keith Martz’ pilot license this week when they saw an online video in which Martz had sex with porn star Puma Swede while flying his helicopter over San Diego.

The Federal Aviation Administration revoked David Keith Martz’ pilot license this week.

Martz got the FAA’s attention when they saw an online video in which Martz had sex with porn star Puma Swede while flying his helicopter over San Diego. The FAA investigated after the videotaped sexcapade was made available online.

“We’re going to review the video. We’re going to try to speak to everyone in the video, including the porn star, and we’re going to go from there,” FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said. “We probably should have taken a closer look at the evidence when it was first presented to us. And I can assure you, we’re doing that right now.”

To repeat, the guy from the FAA said, “”We probably should have taken a closer look at the evidence when it was first presented to us. And I can assure you, we’re doing that right now.”

When did government guys get funny?


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