Texas congressman gives Henry Waxman
hell and a half

Henry Waxman didn’t realize that the companies are required to make announcements as a result of Sarbanes-Oxley regulations that he had supported. So Joe Barton straightened out Waxman.

We love Texas congressman Joe Barton. And this video clip demonstrates why.

Waxman was pissed that companies like AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere and Verizon blamed ObamaCare for billions of dollars in unexpected charges, so the little weasel ordered them to appear before Congress to explain themselves.

Congressional intimidation at its finest.

Apparently, Waxman didn’t realize that the companies are required to make those announcements as a result of Sarbanes-Oxley regulations that he had supported.

So Barton went down on the floor of the House and, shall we say, straightened out Waxman.

You go, Joe.

H/T: HotAir.com

Waxman & Stupak tell big business that resistance is futile

Just when the Democrats thought they’d bribed everyone who needed bribing and threatened everyone who needed threatening, along come a group of CEOs complaining that ObamaCare is going to cost them a friggin’ fortune.

Just when the Democrats thought they’d bribed everyone who needed bribing and threatened everyone who needed threatening, along come a group of CEOs complaining that ObamaCare is going to cost them a friggin’ fortune.

An outraged Henry Waxman “…called the chief executive officers of AT&T, Verizon, Caterpillar and Deere & Co. to provide evidence to support costs the companies plan to book related to the new health-care law.

“Waxman, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and subcommittee Chairman Bart Stupak released letters they wrote to the executives, saying their plans to record expenses against earnings as a result of the law contradict other estimates. The lawmakers requested the executives appear at hearing Stupak plans on April 21.”

We’d guess that Waxman and Stupak don’t know that businesses have to use real money instead of the pretend kind Congress throws around with wild abandon.

Waxman stopped short of calling the CEOs liars, but said, “The new law is designed to expand coverage and bring down costs, so your assertions are a matter of concern … They also appear to conflict with independent analysis.”
Translation? Waxman thinks the CEOs are lying, or even worse, telling the truth in a way that makes Democrats look bad.

The congressmen insist they’ve been fair to the CEOs in question. They’re merely demanding that the CEOs bring all pertinent documents, emails, voice mails, etc.

As of this morning Waxman and Stupak have not announced plans to conduct full body cavity searches on the CEOs. But that’s subject to change without notification.

Source: Business Week

It’s frightening to know how little Henry Waxman knows

Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California, admitted last week that he knew almost nothing about his preposterously expensive cap-and-trade bill. In this video, he admits that he knows almost nothing about illegal drugs. Or legal drugs. Or much of anything else.

But the guy does know how to get re-elected. And isn’t that the most important thing to know in Washington, DC?

Source: Tim Blair/Sydney Dailey Telegraph

Democrat Waxman doesn’t know what’s in his own tax plan because he hasn’t read it

Democrats have a nasty habit of passing bills they don’t read, like the Stimulus boondoggle. In this instance, Henry Waxman (D-CA), Energy & Commerce Chairman and author of the National Energy Tax, is unclear on what’s actually in his own bill. But never mind that. Democrats voted it out of committee anyway, 33-25.

In this video, Waxman is questioned by Ranking Republican Member Joe Barton (R-TX) when he admits to ignorance of his own handiwork: “I certainly don’t claim to know everything that’s in this bill…I don’t know the details…”

Totaling over 930 pages, this bill is quite the packed sausage. If We the People are forced to pay for these things, is it too much to ask that lawmakers who supposedly write them at least be forced to read them?

Source: National Review

Are you suffering from global warming? Henry Waxman wants to pay you $75,000.

California Democrat Congressman Henry Waxman is at it again and the compliant mainstream media is doing its best to keep it under wraps.

A provision quietly inserted in a House climate bill would allow “victims” of global warming to sue the federal government and businesses.

Henry Waxman. Or maybe Quark the Ferengi from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We're not sure which it is.
Henry Waxman. Or maybe Quark the Ferengi from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We're not sure which it is.

The Washington Times says that Waxman and fellow Democrat Rep Edward Markey of Massachusetts slipped it into their climate bill.

The provision would set grounds for plaintiffs who have “suffered” or expect to suffer “harm” so that they can somehow blame on government inaction. “Harm” is defined as “any effect of air pollution (including climate change).” Each plaintiff could walk away with as much as $75,000 a year in government payouts. Ahhh, but don’t you worry your pretty little head. Waxman the Watchdog is watching out for you. His bill says no one can get more than $1.5 million in lifetime payouts.

Where do we sign up? We’re already expecting to suffer some harm from global warming. A starving polar bear could wander down from Alaska and ate our lunch.

Bingo. When can we expect the check?

Source: Washington Times via Fox News

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