Admitting the obvious: ABC says Obama condemned Scott Walker quicker, more forcefully than Hosni Mubarak

In Egypt you had ordinary citizens attempting to overthrow a despot. In Wisconsin you have union goons attempting to overthrow a democratically-elected governor doing what he was just elected to do.

In Egypt you had ordinary citizens attempting to overthrow a despot. In Wisconsin you have union goons attempting to overthrow a democratically-elected governor doing what he was just elected to do.

Was there really any question which side Obama would come down on in each case?

Nevertheless, it’s shocking to see ABC News attack President Obama:

“The President was quicker and more forceful of his denouncement of Gov. Scott Walker than he was of denouncing Hosni Mubarak,” [ABC Senior Political Correspondent Jon] Karl said. “Madison, Wisconsin – the state of Wisconsin — this is arguably ground zero for the 2012 presidential campaign. Look, this is a state if President Obama loses, he’s almost certainly going to not win re-election,” Karl explained.

This is no mystery. Obviously, President Obama was slower to attack Mubarak because he feels a certain respect for a man who is able to hold power for 30 years against the will of his people.

Dueling quotes: Joe Biden on Egypt vs. Joe Biden on Egypt

You can count on Joe Biden for consistency. Well, maybe not consistency as much as stupidity. Let’s just let the Vice President explain in his own contradictory words.

You can count on Joe Biden for consistency. Well, maybe not consistency as much as stupidity. Let’s just let the Vice President explain in his own contradictory words.

joe biden on Hosni Mubarak
Joe "I Can See Both Sides of the Issue" Biden

Here’s Joe on January 27 when Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak looked like he might cling to power:

“I think the time has come for President Mubarak to begin to move in the direction that – to be more responsive to some of the – some – some of the needs of the people out there,” Biden said…. “Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things…. And I think that it would be – I would not refer to him as a dictator.”

And now let’s move forward to Joe on February 11 as soon as Mubarak resigned:

Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak “is a pivotal moment in history” and that it is America’s hope it will bring “a path toward democracy.”

Thanks, Joe. We always know we can count on you for the straight story.

Source:, Miami Herald

Headline of the Year: The New York Post on Mubarak

you can always count on the New York Post to come through with the best headlines on any story. Like this one on Hosni Mubarack.

When runs the front page of the New York Post, you can consider it just another demonstration of their lack of creativity. When we do it, you can consider it an exposé of their lack of creativity.

Either way, you can always count on the New York Post to come through with the best headlines on any story. Like this one:



Line drawn in the sands of the Sahara: Mubarak says, “Screw you, Obama.”

Hosni Mubarak, who was supposed to resign on Thursday night, didn’t. And he flipped a figurative middle finger at President Obama in his non-concession speech.

Hosni Mubarak, who was supposed to resign on Thursday night, didn’t. And he flipped a figurative middle finger at President Obama in his non-concession speech.

We know the guy’s a brutal dictator, but damn, how many times have you wished we had a president with balls instead of two First Ladies?

mubarak screw you obama
Hosni Mubarak works his way up to flipping his middle finger at President Obama

RadioPatriot quotes Mubarak:

During the meeting with the Military Council Mubarak made the following statement:

“We are brothers, soldiers, we have bled together for Egypt, we have shed blood together. Today, we are faced by an enemy who demands we hand Egypt over to our enemies. The people of Egypt have been silenced by these insurgents and we have been more than patient. Will we all sit here and obey the Obama regime? Will we not once again, with honor stand up to our enemies? Will we not continue to stand for Egypt with honor?

Brothers, would you have me crawl away at the command of Obama? Would any of you crawl away like a dog that has been kicked? Would any of you bow down to the fools he has chosen to take our nation from us?

I leave to you, men of honor, the fate of Egypt, the honor of Egypt and in so doing, I know you will decide that which is right and honorable. We have known each other all our lives, we grew to be men together, we have eaten bread in each others houses and honored each others families. Will we now throw all that away for political expediency?”

Translation: “Screw you. I am a warrior, not a community organizer. Now shut the hell up and leave me alone.”

H/T: RadioPatriot

Orders from headquarters: Saudi King Abdullah told Obama to lay off Mubarak

Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt.

Looks like President Obama’s bow to the king of Saudi Arabia only convinced the former that the latter considers himself subservient. Because now the King has issued orders to the President.

President Obama moves in close to hear his latest orders from Saudi King Abdullah

The London Times reports:

Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt.

In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually.

America’s closest ally in the Gulf made clear that the Egyptian President must be allowed to stay on to oversee the transition towards peaceful democracy and then leave with dignity.

“Mubarak and King Abdullah are not just allies, they are close friends, and the King is not about to see his friend cast aside and humiliated,” a senior source in the Saudi capital told The Times.

Two sources confirmed details of the King’s call, made four days after the people of Egypt took to the streets. The revelation of Saudi concerns sheds new light on America’s apparent diplomatic paralysis and lays bare the biggest rift between the nations since the oil price shock of 1973…

“With Egypt in chaos, the kingdom is Washington’s only major ally left in the Arab world and the Saudis want the Americans to remember that,” said a source in Riyadh.

Well, that’s where the Saudis are wrong. They apparently haven’t heard about President Obama’s magnificent Cairo speech. You know, the one that convinced everyone in the Muslim world to love us. From what we hear it was very effective and we are universally adored in the region.

So put that in your hookah and smoke it, Abdullah.

Source: Times of London

The Egyptian crisis: Analysis by anagram

The wisdom of the universe is revealed through anagrams. We went to the Oracle of Anagrams and asked her to share her wisdom about the Egyptian situation.

The wisdom of the universe is revealed through anagrams. We went to the Oracle of Anagrams and asked her to share her wisdom about the Egyptian situation.

Ponder care soon









Why are those crazy Egyptians so upset? Joe Biden says Mubarak’s not a dictator.

Well, that settles it. Here we thought Hosni Mubarak was a brutal dictator who had clung to power for 30 years through the use of brute power.

Well, that settles it. Here we thought Hosni Mubarak was a brutal dictator who had clung to power for 30 years through the use of brute power.

That’s why we’re grateful that a man like Joe Biden is around to correct our misconceptions and fill in the gaps in our knowledge.

Here’s the garrulous Veep on the PBS News Hour with the surprising news that Mubarak is not a dictator and shouldn’t step aside.

Lehrer: Has the time come for President Mubarak of Egypt to go, to stand aside?
Biden: No, I think the time has come for President Mubarak to begin to move in the direction that—to be more responsive to some of the needs of the people out there…
Lehrer: The word—the word to describe the leadership of Mubarak and Egypt and also in Tunisia before was dictator. Should Mubarak be seen as a dictator?
Biden: Look, Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things and he’s been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interests in the region: Middle East peace efforts, the actions Egypt has taken relative to normalizing the relationship with Israel. And I think that it would be—I would not refer to him as a dictator.

Yeah, right, Joe. He’s been elected by acclamation by the Egyptian people for the last 30 years.

You know what? Dan Quayle may have been funny dumb, but this guy is dangerous dumb.

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