Wisconsin investigating doctors who handed out fraudulent sick notes during budget protests

Eight Wisconsin doctors wrote fraudulent “sick notes” for perfectly healthy protesters at the anti-Scott Walker rallies in Madison are being investigated.

Eight Wisconsin doctors are feeling a little sick to their stomachs today. They wrote fraudulent “sick notes” for perfectly healthy protesters at the anti-Scott Walker rallies in Madison and now they’re being investigated by the Wisconsin Department of Regularion and Licensing and the state’s Medical Examining Board.

…DRL identified 11 people who were asked to provide an explanation to the department about their activities at the Capitol. Based on the complaints and the information received by DRL, a screening panel consisting of three members of the MEB has decided to open investigations on eight individuals. Investigations were not opened as to the other three individuals because the panel concluded no violations had occurred.

Despite the fact that some of the eight were captured breaking the law on video and handing out sick notes willy nilly, the two medical boards will now go through the motions of determining if any laws were broken. After the investigation is complete, the panel will recommend what kind of disciplinary action should be taken.

Please allow us to make a prediction: Slap on the wrist.

Does anyone doubt that we’re right?

Source: WisPolitics.com

Illinoise: Scott Walker rejects Democrat’s offer to negotiate at the state border

In this clip, the Republican Governor makes it clear that Democrat leader Mark Miller’s offer to stage negotiations at the Wisconsin-Illinois state border is, perhaps, the dumbest idea of the year.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker does not sound like a man who’s about back down.

In this clip, the Republican Governor makes it clear that Democrat leader Mark Miller’s offer to stage negotiations at the Wisconsin-Illinois state border is, perhaps, the dumbest idea of the year.

We’re trying to picture how the negotiations would take place. Maybe Walker standing on one side of the border and Walker on the other? Passing papers back and forth? Maybe an intermediary handing offers from one side of the border to the other?

Walker’s right. Stupid idea.

Is this how it would work?


Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift on the McLaughlin Group “Since when does Scott Walker represent the people?”

This week the panel consisted of Pat Buchanan, Monica Crowley, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post and Eleanor Clift, who uttered one of the more remarkable lines EVER about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Much to our surprise, the McLaughlin Group is still on the air. We really thought it had ended its run sometime back in the 90s. But, no, it grinds on, irrelevant as ever.

This week the panel consisted of Pat Buchanan, Monica Crowley, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post and Eleanor Clift, who uttered one of the more remarkable lines EVER about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Buchanan: You’ve got to stop the, they call it collective bargaining. It is collusive bargaining. What you’ve got is a union puts enormous amounts of money in, they get their buddy in the governor’s chair, then they get together, they cut a deal, give them a sweetheart contract and give it to the taxpayers. What this Governor Walker is saying, “Those days are over. We’ve got somebody representing the people now, and this is going to be an adversary proceeding between you folks and us.”

Capehart: None of these deals are over unless you’re police or firefighters

Clift: Since when does Scott Walker represent the people? He’s representing…

Buchanan and Crowley: (Together) He got elected!

Clift: …the money interests that helped him get elected including…

McLaughlin: Let her finish.

Clift: …including lots of money from the Koch brothers.

Eleanor Clift puts the red in red herring. She demonstrates that Newsweek wasn’t even worth the $1 Sidney Harmon paid for it.

H/T: NewsBusters.org

NEWS FLASH: Lindsey Graham isn’t a total tool, supports Scott Walker

Lindsay Graham pointed out that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he was elected a mere four months ago.

South Carolina RINO Lindsey Graham guested on Meet the Press Sunday and actually said things – for once – that didn’t make conservatives hair stand on end.

Shocking, but true.

He pointed out that despite all the union goon signs calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a dictator and comparing him (unfavorably, we might add) to Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Hosni Mubarak, he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he was elected a mere four months ago.

In other words, he’s doing exactly the people of Wisconsin elected him to do.

Graham: In a democracy, when you run on something, you do have an obligation to fulfill your promise. He didn’t take anybody by surprise, he’s doing exactly what he said. There was a referendum on this issue and the unions lost, and the Democrats in Wisconsin should come back to Wisconsin to have votes.

Far be it from us to be cynical, but it appears that November’s elections have impacted politics in South Carolina as well as in Wisconsin.

Admitting the obvious: ABC says Obama condemned Scott Walker quicker, more forcefully than Hosni Mubarak

In Egypt you had ordinary citizens attempting to overthrow a despot. In Wisconsin you have union goons attempting to overthrow a democratically-elected governor doing what he was just elected to do.

In Egypt you had ordinary citizens attempting to overthrow a despot. In Wisconsin you have union goons attempting to overthrow a democratically-elected governor doing what he was just elected to do.

Was there really any question which side Obama would come down on in each case?

Nevertheless, it’s shocking to see ABC News attack President Obama:

“The President was quicker and more forceful of his denouncement of Gov. Scott Walker than he was of denouncing Hosni Mubarak,” [ABC Senior Political Correspondent Jon] Karl said. “Madison, Wisconsin – the state of Wisconsin — this is arguably ground zero for the 2012 presidential campaign. Look, this is a state if President Obama loses, he’s almost certainly going to not win re-election,” Karl explained.

This is no mystery. Obviously, President Obama was slower to attack Mubarak because he feels a certain respect for a man who is able to hold power for 30 years against the will of his people.

Hypocrisy on steroids: What liberals said then vs. what liberals say now

This is a great little video called “Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker’s Budget Repair Plan.” You may find this hard to believe, but the liberal tune has changed since November.

This is a great little video called “Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker’s Budget Repair Plan.”

You may find this hard to believe, but the liberal tune has changed since November.

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