Meathead: Prince Charles says Americans eat too much steak

Good news! Prince Charles has flown into Washington, DC aboard his private jet to lecture Americans because we eat too much meat.

Good news! Prince Charles has flown into Washington, DC aboard his private jet to lecture Americans about our wasteful lifestyles. This time the heir to the British throne is upset because we eat too much meat.

Princes William and Harry are hopeful that the defective gene will skip their generation

Credit the Telegraph UK for the details:

America’s appetite for beef is jeopardising the world’s water supply, the Prince of Wales said during a visit to the US.

In a speech in Washington, the Prince said that the need for vast amounts of irrigation in industrialised food production was threatening to deplete reserves of the “magical substance we have taken for granted for so long”.

“For every pound of beef produced in the industrial system, it takes two thousand gallons of water,” he told the Future of Food conference at Georgetown University.

“That is a lot of water and there is plenty of evidence that the Earth cannot keep up with the demand.”

Americans eat more than 41kg of beef a year on average, according to the UN, almost twice that consumed by Britons and four times the international average.

Back off, bub. Or should we say Prince Bub. We don’t need your kind coming to this country telling us what to eat and what not to eat. That’s Michelle Obama’s job.

We don’t often find ourselves supporting the monarchy, but in this case we pray that Queen Elizabeth live forever.

Pip, pip, cheerio. Back on the plane now.

Source: Telegraph UK

When lunchboxes are outlawed, only outlaws will have lunchboxes: Chicago school bans homemade lunches

“Put down that peanut butter sandwich,” the grade school Gestapo ordered, “and step away from your lunchbox.”

“Put down that peanut butter sandwich,” the grade school Gestapo ordered, “and step away from your lunchbox.”

We’ve officially gone from compassionate school officials offering lunch to underprivileged school children to over-zealous administrators outlawing homemade lunches and requiring that all school kids eat state-approved lunches.

Strike one: Davy Crockett is oppressing Mexican minorities. Strike two: Davy Crockett has a gun. Strike three: Davy Crockett adorns a lunchbox containing a homemade meal.

The Chicago Tribune reports that even the kids aren’t accepting the nanny state nuttiness without a fight:

Fernando Dominguez cut the figure of a young revolutionary leader during a recent lunch period at his elementary school.

“Who thinks the lunch is not good enough?” the seventh-grader shouted to his lunch mates in Spanish and English.

Dozens of hands flew in the air and fellow students shouted along: “We should bring our own lunch! We should bring our own lunch! We should bring our own lunch!”

Fernando waved his hand over the crowd and asked a visiting reporter: “Do you see the situation?”

At his public school, Little Village Academy on Chicago’s West Side, students are not allowed to pack lunches from home. Unless they have a medical excuse, they must eat the food served in the cafeteria.

Liberals must be terribly conflicted in this situation. Should they support this idiotic extension of the nanny state or support the little Che Guevara-ish rebels who are standing up against oppression?

Principal Elsa Carmona said her intention is to protect students from their own unhealthful food choices.

“Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,” Carmona said. “It’s about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It’s milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception.”

Carmona said she created the policy six years ago after watching students bring “bottles of soda and flaming hot chips” on field trips for their lunch. Although she would not name any other schools that employ such practices, she said it was fairly common.

Why don’t they just change the name of the school to Michelle Obama Elementary School and Re-Education Camp and get it over with.

Source: Chicago Tribune

Michelle Antoinette defends White House Super Bowl fat fest, says “Healthy eating is about moderation”

Yup. That’s what she said. Moderation. We’re pretty sure she sat Jay-Lo and her Hobbit husband down before the game and told them to ignore the cheeseburgers and deep dish pizza and have a salad instead.

Yup. That’s what she said. Moderation. Because, you know, everyone eats in moderation at Super Bowl parties. We’re pretty sure she sat Jay-Lo and her Hobbit husband down before the game and told them to ignore the cheeseburgers and deep dish pizza and have a salad instead.

Barack Obama showing moderation

Michelle’s hometown Chicago Sun-Times reports:

First Lady Michelle Obama, discussing healthy eating the day before the first anniversary of her “Let’s Move” anti-obesity campaign, defended the White House Super Bowl menu which included bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers
 and deep dish pizza.

The point is balance, not deprivation, Mrs. Obama said at Tuesday lunch with reporters who cover her East Wing. “I like to talk about my obsession with French fries because I don’t want people to think that “Let’s Move” is about complete, utter deprivation. It is about moderation and real life changes and ideas that really work for families, today’s families too.”

During the year of her “Let’s Move” healthy eating and exercise drive, Mrs. Obama has never said people should quit junk food–just don’t eat it all the time.
“I think I’ve always been very consistent on that front because that’s how I live my life. “I mean, It’s about balance. It’s always about balance. I felt As a mother if somebody came and said ‘you can never have a hot dog’ or serve your child a slice of pizza, we’d never get a handle on this issue cause I think that’s sometimes how people feel, that’s it’s all or nothing.

C’mon, Michelle, Super Bowl Sunday is about eating yourself sick, stuffing your gut with junk until you wish you’d worn sweatpants with an elastic waistband because your belly’s so full. What it’s not about is moderation and balance.

But if you’re truly concerned about moderation, Michelle, perhaps she could do us all a favor and ask your husband to moderate his attempt to socialize the economy of the United States.

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

White House Super Bowl menu: Good for me, but not for thee

After President Obama finished his softball interview with Bill O’Reilly yesterday, he went back to doing what he does every other day of the year: The opposite of what he tells ordinary Americans to do.

After President Obama finished his softball interview with Bill O’Reilly yesterday, he went back to doing what he does every other day of the year: The opposite of what he tells ordinary Americans to do.

On Super Bowl Sunday, that means eating all the fatty, sugary, delicious foods he and his wife tell us not to eat.

obama eating
President Obama had a big ol' hypocrite sandwich on Super Bowl Sunday

The Daily Caller reports the White House Super Bowl menu:

President Obama and his guests will be eating bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, deep-dish (i.e. Chicago style) pizza, German potato salad, twice-baked potatoes, and assorted snacks. Despite the cold Washington weather, ice cream will also be served.

In an attempt at bipartisanship, both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania beers will be available, according to The New York Times.

Somewhat ironically, the news comes just one week after the federal government issued new nutrition guidelines urging Americans to cut back on fatty foods such as pizza, sausage, cheeseburgers…well, just about everything the president is eating this evening.

And we’re pretty sure that while the President and his wife were eating pizza and cheeseburgers and twice-baked potatoes and ice cream, they forced Malia and Sasha to eat salads in an effort to go along with the First Lady’s dictates on children’s diets.

Yeah, right.

Source: Daily Caller


U.N. courageously battling genocide in Darfur, war in Afghanistan and Twinkies in Des Moines

Good news! The United Nations is committed to solving all the world’s ills. Including, of course, the deadly plague of junk food. No problem too small for these corruptocrats.

Good news! The United Nations is committed to solving all the world’s ills. Including, of course, the deadly plague of junk food. No problem too small for these corruptocrats.

Please note that U.N. corruptocrats never put champagne and caviar on their list of banned junk foods

The Associated Press has the details:

The U.N. health agency says world leaders will discuss efforts to clamp down on junk food marketing to children when they meet in New York on Sept 19-20.

The World Health Organization says heads of state will use the U.N. General Assembly meeting to talk about limiting the number and type of ads that children are exposed to.

WHO says 43 million preschool children around the world are overweight or obese. Experts talk of a “fat tsunami” that is already causing millions of premature deaths each year.

Bjorn-Inge Larsen of the Norwegian Directorate of Health told reporters Friday that he expects voluntary measures limiting junk food advertising to eventually evolve into laws banning the practice in the same way that has occurred with tobacco.

“Mommy, mommy, I’d like a Twinkie in my lunch box.”

“Sorry, honey. Have this nutritious and United Nations-approved Ban Ki-Moon Pie instead.”

By the way, this is just a guess on our part, but we’re willing to bet they’d kill for some Twinkies and Snickers bars in Darfur right about now.

Source: Associated Press

Michelle Antoinette vs. Governor Moonbeam: California bans trans fats everywhere except public school cafeterias

Upon closer examination it looks like California AB97 bans those pesky trans fats everywhere except public school cafeterias.

First Lady Michelle Antoinette is on the warpath against trans fats. She wants to spend billions of dollars building salad bars in more than 6,000 public schools. Of course, she’s doing it for the chiiiiiildren.

ab 97 exemptions
"Mmmmmm. I'd like a big plate of AB-97 exemptions for lunch."

The First Lady should be pleased to know that a new California bill, AB-97, that went into effect on January 1 bans trans fats throughout the state.

Whoa. Wait just a minute, Michelle. Upon closer examination it looks like AB97 bans those pesky trans fats everywhere except public school cafeterias.

The only other exemption is pre-packaged foods. You know, like Twinkies and Doritos and those tasty fruit pies and stuff sold in vending machines, which, if we’re not mistaken, account for a high percentage of the foods sold in public school cafeterias that aren’t served by old ladies wearing hairnets.

This could lead to a smackdown between the First Lady and Governor Moonbeam. And as California residents we can say with a high degree of certainty that we’re pretty sure the First Lady can kick the Governor’s ass.

Of course, we’re also pretty confident that the old ladies in the hairnets can also kick the Governor’s ass.

Here’s AB97 for your reading and dining pleasure. Chow down, kids! Trans fats for everyone!

AB97 school trans fat bill mendoza

Michelle Obama’s wacky plan to build 6,000 salad bars in public schools

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Ding Dongs are out. Arugula and balsamic vinaigrette are in.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Ding Dongs are out. Arugula and balsamic vinaigrette are in.

Fat kid posing awkwardly with food he'll never eat in front of Michelle Obama's salad bar has the details of the White House’s latest meddling in your life:

Michelle Obama paid a friendly visit to Riverside Elementary School in Little Havana, Fla. today. While there, she announced a plan to bring 6,000 salad bars into public schools across the country through the campaign “Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools.” Riverside is the first school to enjoy an open bar — salad bar that is.

The First Lady met with students this afternoon and complimented them on the garden from which they’ve been harvesting tomatoes, eggplant and kale. She explained that it’s important to eat vegetables because they improve brain function and learning.

It’s certainly not easy to make kids think veggies are cool, but if anyone can, Mrs. O has a good shot.

Absolutely. Because Mrs. O is the coolest person in the world other than her husband and kids in Little Havana can’t wait to obey her every word.

“There are studies that show that kids who are eating their fruits and vegetables on a regular basis actually do better in school,” she told students. “Did you all know that? So that’s one of the reasons why all of this is important and why we need to make vegetables interesting to you guys … We have here this beautiful salad bar, because what we’ve also found is that if you take vegetables and you organize them in a pretty, delicious way, kids like you may actually eat them more — because it looks kind of cool, doesn’t it?,” she said, according to the White House.

Seriously? Have you seen the size of the First Lady’s ass? A few more salads couldn’t hurt that situation. And we’re pretty confident that the only thing bigger than the woman’s ass is her ego.

Don’t look now, Michelle, but if you organized some Ding Dongs and Cheetos in a pretty, delicious way right next to those vegetables, there’d still be a big pile of vegetables left at the end of the day.

We’ve told this story before, but it’s worth repeating. Mrs Editor teaches at a public school. Every day the cafeteria ladies load up the kids’ plates with free, healthy food. The kids immediately walk over to the trash cans and dump it. Before the lunch period is over, the cans are overflowing with that free, healthy food.

But, of course, Mrs Editor’s school doesn’t have a fancy, government-supplied salad bar.

Surely, that’ll make the kids want arugula.


Michelle Obama has a hangover

This is not a story about Michelle’s reported drinking problem. It’s a story about her belly hanging over the edge of the table in this Newsweek cover photo.

This is not a story about Michelle’s reported drinking problem. It’s a story about her belly hanging over the edge of the table in this Newsweek cover photo.

OK, so maybe we’re nitpicking. But if she’s going to continue lecturing us about childhood obesity and the evils of fast food, maybe she should remember that old saying about glass houses.


No more Cheetos: Effete liberal snobs want your kids to eat effete liberal lunches

Grist who calls itself “the most recognizable voice in environmental journalism,” reports that Slow Food USA will launch a new Time for Lunch campaign with a series of “Eat-Ins” across the fruited plain.

Cheetos contain all four major food groups: grease, salt, food coloring, and artificial flavoring
Cheetos contain all four major food groups: grease, salt, food coloring, and artificial flavoring

Grist calls itself “the most recognizable voice in environmental journalism.” They might want to add “the most recognizable voice in crisis creation.” But that might be redundant.

It reports that Slow Food USA will launch a new Time for Lunch campaign with a series of “Eat-Ins” across the fruited plain.

All you need to know about this effort can be found in the names of the participating organizations – Sustainable Table, The Center for Ecoliteracy, Roots of Change, and Edible Communities among others.

What’s the goal? Exactly what you thought – to muscle Congress into doubling the federal contribution to school lunches from $1 to $2 per meal.

“Modeled on the sit-ins of the 60s,” Grist reports, “these Eat-Ins are potluck picnics to raise awareness. They are a call to action for our kids, alongside Slow Food’s signature celebration of local, sustainable, traditional food. Here’s a simple salad that’s delicious and ample enough to bring to an Eat-In near you.

Anchovy, Goat Cheese and Romaine Salad

8 cloves garlic

1 teaspoon kosher salt

40 anchovy fillets—rinsed and chopped

6 ounces red wine vinegar

1 cup olive oil

1 teaspoon black pepper

6 heads romaine lettuce—rinsed and coarsely chopped

12 ounces fresh goat cheese—crumbled

1 cup red onion—minced

Place garlic, salt, and anchovy fillets in food processor; pulse until chopped. Add red wine vinegar, and then puree. Slowly add in olive oil while motor is running. Add black pepper. Toss greens with vinaigrette. Garnish with goat cheese and red onion.

Mmmmmm. Looks like next Tuesday is Anchovy, Goat Cheese and Romaine Salad day in the cafeteria.

Can’t wait to see the kids line up for that one.


Do as Barack Obama says, not as Barack Obama does

Obama tells you what not to smoke, what not to drink, and what not to eat, but is no role model. He smokes, drinks and eats the wrong things.

Obama 2008

In another blatant example of the Obama administration’s “Do as I say, not as I do” Policy, the President wants to give the government a central role in determining your diet. We call it butting in where the government doesn’t belong, but health experts call it a new era of activism.

According to the Politico:


The president is filling top posts at Health and Human Services with officials who, in their previous jobs, outlawed trans fats, banned public smoking or required restaurants to provide a calorie count with that slice of banana cream pie. 

Even Congress is getting into the act, giving serious consideration to taxing sugary drinks and alcohol to help pay for the overhaul.

To some, it smacks of a “nanny state on steroids” — but for others who fret that America is turning into one big Overeaters Anonymous meeting, Obama’s prescription is like a low-fat dream come true.

“He has expressed more interest in preventing diseases and promoting health than any previous president. It is not a breath of fresh air. It is a tornado,” said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “That contrast is breathtaking. This is really a rare opportunity to make progress on so many issues.”

obama_beerSo when they tell you what not to smoke, what not to drink, and what not to eat, keep these photos in mind.

Then smoke what you want, drink what you want, eat what you want. And in 2010, vote for what you want.


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