UN Issues Warning Over Law Enforcement Response To Riots

UN Human Rights Council Members 2020

UN Issues Warning Over Law Enforcement Response To Riots. We’re supposed to listen to the UN? Look at the current members of the Human Rights Council and tell us if you GAF what they say? President Trump should defund them and evict them from the United States.

Now, someone else has had to open their pie-hole and express their opinion.

The United Nations human rights office has issued a stark warning to authorities in the US against using disproportional force against protesters and journalists involved in anti-systemic racism protests across the country.

Report says United Nations employs 3300 pedophiles

Report says United Nations employs “at least” 3,300 pedophiles. Remember, one of the four purposes of the UN is “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person…” Which, apparently, they have decided can be accomplished by raping children.

Chicago-Area County Commissioner Wants UN To Help Combat City’s Violence

Chicago-Area County Commissioner Wants UN To Help Combat City’s Violence. It looks like Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin wants the crime rate in Chicago to continue to rise. At least the blue helmets will make it easier to find the perps.

Laughing at the UN, not with it: North Korea chosen to chair UN disarmament conference

The United Nations again made itself an international laughing stock… by appointing North Korea chair of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament.

The UN is so daffy it would make news the day it didn’t say or do something stupid. Unfortunately, today is not that day. The Weekly Standard relates another “dog bites man” UN story:

"Slap me naked," Kim Jong Il said, "if the U.N. ever takes my country seriously."

… the United Nations again made itself an international laughing stock… by appointing North Korea chair of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament. Senator John Kerry [has said North Korea]…has “twice tested nuclear weapons…is developing missiles to carry them…has built facilities capable of producing highly enriched uranium for more nuclear weapons” and has defied a U.N. arms embargo by exporting weapons and sensitive technologies to rogue regimes. 

A UN idea so stupid even John Kerry noticed? Not quite.

Alas, Senator Kerry is also one of the lead champions of the United Nations in the Senate. According to the U.N., “The Conference is funded from the UN regular budget, reports to the General Assembly and receives guidance from it.”

If North Korea uses that kind of guidance in their missles, they’ll end up hitting Pyongyang.

The UN is composed of folks with funny names who eat expensive food, basically a bunch of Barack Obamas. There’s gotta be some fancy thinkin’ behind this, right?

North Korea assumes the Conference chairmanship by being the next state in the alphabetical rotation of the 65 members, which include five nuclear weapons states and 60 other countries such as Iran and Syria.

Great, stupidity is on auto-pilot at the UN. What else can go wrong?

…American taxpayers… foot 22 percent of the [UN’s] bill…

Budget hawks, here’s some dead meat to feed on.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: Weekly Standard

Perfect: Libya, a member of the U.N. Human Right Council, kills hundreds of protesters

Conservatives howled when Libya was placed on the UN Human Rights Commission, now Libya kills hundreds of their citizens.

The latest news reports say that Muammar Gaddafi’s military minions are now slaughtering people in the streets in an effort to keep the lunatic Libyan in power.

Let’s jump in Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine and see how the United Nations dealt with the Libyan dictator just last year:

LIBYA was elected overnight to the United Nations Human Rights Council despite numerous complaints that the country was unfit to serve on the international rights body… But the appeal fell on deaf ears, and a General Assembly secret ballot produced 155 votes in favor of adding Libya to the council, significantly more than the 97 votes needed.

Of course, conservatives howled at the time and said that putting Libya on the Human Rights Commission only proved that the United Nations concept is corrupt from top to bottom.

Liberals scoffed and said, “Rogue nations must be engaged. Putting Libya on the Human Rights Council will help them understand their role in the world.”

You might ask ordinary Libyans how that’s working out.

Global warming heating up the House: Republicans vote to kill funding for corrupt UN IPCC

Things got hot in the House of Representatives in the early hours of Saturday morning and it was all caused by global warming. Missouri Republican Blaine Luetkemeyer sponsored a “defund the IPCC amendment” and his Republican cohorts overwhelmed Democrat opposition in a 244-179 vote.

Things got hot in the House of Representatives in the early hours of Saturday morning and it was all caused by global warming. Missouri Republican Blaine Luetkemeyer sponsored a “defund the IPCC amendment” and his Republican cohorts overwhelmed Democrat opposition in a 244-179 vote.

Luetkemeyer lead up to the vote by reading aloud from a 2009 U.S. Senate report by more than 700 dissenting scientists.

Republican Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer was hot about global warming funding

And we quote Luetkemeyer:

“Scientists manipulated climate data, suppressed legitimate arguments in peer-reviewed journals, and researchers were asked to destroy emails, so that a small number of climate alarmists could continue to advance their environmental agenda.

“Since then, more than 700 acclaimed international scientists have challenged the claims made by the IPCC, in this comprehensive 740-page report. These 700 scientists represent some of the most respected institutions at home and around the world, including the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense, U.S. Air Force and Navy, and even the Environmental Protection Agency.

“For example, famed Princeton University physicist Dr. Robert Austin, who has published 170 scientific papers and was elected a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Austin told a congressional committee that, unfortunately, climate has become a political science. It is tragic the some perhaps well-meaning but politically motivated scientists who should know better have whipped up a global frenzy about a phenomenon which is statistically questionable at best.

“Mr. Chairman, if the families in my district have been able to tighten their belts, surely the federal government can do the same and stop funding an organization that is fraught with waste and abuse. My amendment simply says that no funds in this bill can go to the IPCC. This would save taxpayers millions of dollars this year and millions of dollars in years to come. In fact, the President has requested an additional $13 million in his fiscal 2012 budget request.

“My constituents should not have to continue to foot the bill for an organization to keep producing corrupt findings that can be used as justification to impose a massive new energy tax on every American.”

Four words for the House of Representatives:

It. Is. About. Time.

Source: ClimateDepot.com

It’s about time: Proposed budget amendment would end aid to countries that oppose U.S. at the U.N.

A budget-cutting amendment proposed by Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, would base future aid on the positions other countries take at the U.N. Vote with us, you qualify for aid. Vote against us, sorry, Charlie.

A budget-cutting amendment proposed by Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, would base future aid on the positions other countries take at the U.N. Vote with us, you qualify for aid. Vote against us, sorry, Charlie.

Or we could follow the old policy of rewarding our enemies
CNSNews.com has the details:

According to the amendment, a U.N. member state would be ineligible for U.S. aid if it voted contrary to the U.S. stance more than 50 percent of the time during the most recent session of the U.N. General Assembly.

In 2009 – the latest figures available – 14 of the 15 biggest recipients of U.S. aid took opposing positions to those taken by the U.S. in U.N. votes more often than not. Israel was the exception, with a world-beating 97 percent voting coincidence with the U.S…

His United Nations Voting Accountability Act made provision for exemptions in two cases: If the president determined that an exemption was in the U.S. national interest, and if the secretary of state certified that a “fundamental change in the leadership and policies” of a particular government meant it would no longer oppose U.S. positions.

Send money to our friends, don’t send money to our enemies. What a concept!

Obviously, this will never pass. It makes far too much sense.

Source: CNSNews.com

U.N. courageously battling genocide in Darfur, war in Afghanistan and Twinkies in Des Moines

Good news! The United Nations is committed to solving all the world’s ills. Including, of course, the deadly plague of junk food. No problem too small for these corruptocrats.

Good news! The United Nations is committed to solving all the world’s ills. Including, of course, the deadly plague of junk food. No problem too small for these corruptocrats.

Please note that U.N. corruptocrats never put champagne and caviar on their list of banned junk foods

The Associated Press has the details:

The U.N. health agency says world leaders will discuss efforts to clamp down on junk food marketing to children when they meet in New York on Sept 19-20.

The World Health Organization says heads of state will use the U.N. General Assembly meeting to talk about limiting the number and type of ads that children are exposed to.

WHO says 43 million preschool children around the world are overweight or obese. Experts talk of a “fat tsunami” that is already causing millions of premature deaths each year.

Bjorn-Inge Larsen of the Norwegian Directorate of Health told reporters Friday that he expects voluntary measures limiting junk food advertising to eventually evolve into laws banning the practice in the same way that has occurred with tobacco.

“Mommy, mommy, I’d like a Twinkie in my lunch box.”

“Sorry, honey. Have this nutritious and United Nations-approved Ban Ki-Moon Pie instead.”

By the way, this is just a guess on our part, but we’re willing to bet they’d kill for some Twinkies and Snickers bars in Darfur right about now.

Source: Associated Press

Top 10 theories about what caused that horrible smell at the U.N.

What was that horrible smell at the U.N. this week? Whatever it was it closed down the U.N.’s New York headquarters today and — for a few hours at least — minimized the damage the organization was likely to cause had it stayed open.

What was that horrible smell at the U.N. last week? Whatever it was it closed down the U.N.’s New York headquarters and — for a few hours at least — minimized the damage the organization was likely to cause had it stayed open.

Reuters reports offensive olfactory ooziness:

From the look on Rosie O'Donnell's face, you'll know why she's Reason #10

The U.N. Security Council and General Assembly were evacuated on Tuesday due to a “suspicious odor,” a U.N. spokesman said.

… Spokesman Farhan Haq said the evacuation was a precautionary measure. “We are currently trying to identify the odor with local authorities,” he said.

Both the Security Council and the General Assembly had scheduled meetings on Tuesday, which were delayed by the evacuation.

Late reports say it may have been a broken sewer main, but we have ten other theories about the source of the odor:

  1. No big deal. It was the same stench of corruption always found at the U.N.
  2. Lingering odor left behind by Muammar Gaddafi’s camel
  3. After marathon BS session members of the UN Security Council discover that their shit does, in fact, stink.
  4. You know what they say about who “smelt it.”
  5. Sniff, sniff. Smells like another $2 billion being pissed away.
  6. Hugo Chavez said the smell is either the remnants of George W. Bush’s fiery rhetoric or a burrito he had last night at Chipotle.
  7. Badges? Kofi Annan don’t need to stinkin’ badges.
  8. The entire General Assembly was supposed to be hypnotized by secret agents into believing they were “Smart Fellers,” but the translators screwed up.
  9. Due to a translation problem, the Secretion Council held its meeting in the wrong room.
  10. In a totally unrelated story, Rosie O’Donnell had Mexican room service just two blocks away.

Source: Reuters

Cancún can’t: The failure of the global warming scam summed up in four quotes

We’re pretty confident that U.N. corruptocrats will fly home from Cancún and produce a stack of reports thick enough to kill off every tree in Bavaria, but all you really need to know can be found in the following four quotes.

We’re pretty confident that U.N. corruptocrats will fly home from Cancún and produce a stack of reports thick enough to kill off every tree in Bavaria, but all you really need to know can be found in the following four quotes.

Delegates at the UN's Cancun meeting experienced record low temperatures in the Mexican resort

Ben Webster in The Times UK:
The climate change conference in Cancún has ended with failure to set a target date for the reduction of carbon emissions. The Mexican hosts persuaded 192 out of 193 countries to accept the “Cancún agreement” by the simple trick of aiming for the lowest common denominator — the agreement was secured by deferring decisions on all of the most contentious issues.

Nitin Sethi in The Economic Times of India:
Under the new Cancun deal, each country will be allowed to offer whatever it wishes to pledge for emission reductions on its own volition. There shall be no cumulative target to reach. No one shall ask if the individual targets are collectively adequate or not. The new regime will only check if the pledges have been acted upon or not. Rich countries, including the US, will offer emission reduction targets and others, such as India, will offer their mitigation actions as part of a new deal which can be said to be defined by the bottoms up approach. Under the agreement India will get off easy. Because it let others off easy as well.

Walter Russell Mead in The American Interest:
That is the big news out of Cancun; the green agenda has fallen into a UN black hole and for now at least it cannot get out. The “success” of Cancun is a best case scenario from the skeptic’s point of view. The cost of funding endless UN gabfests in exotic tourist locations (next up: South Africa in 2012) is trivial compared to the cost of any serious efforts to deal with carbon emissions on the scale current scientific theory suggests would be needed. Bureaucrats will dance, journalists will spin and carbon will spew, and the greens will be unable to escape this dysfunctional UN process for years and maybe decades to come.

Ronald Bailey in Reason Online:
The United Nation’s climate change conference here in Cancun came to an end at around 4 a.m. this morning. It would be cynical to call it a bribe, but the Cancun agreements were largely reached because the rich countries continued their vague promises to hand over $100 billion in climate aid annually to poor countries beginning in 2020.

Game. Set. Match. Let’s go sit in the shade and have a beer.

Or for those of you in Europe or the Midwest and eastern United States, stay inside, put another log on the fire, fix yourself a nice hot cocoa, then sit back and watch the snow fall.

H/T: Andrew Bolt

U.N. bureaucrat comes up with scariest global warming scenario ever

Yvo de Boer, a former United Nations corruptocrat and global warming scaremonger, has come up with a realistic scenario that will scare the bejeezus out of the delegates at the upcoming conference in Cancun.

Yvo de Boer, a former United Nations corruptocrat and global warming scaremonger, has come up with a realistic scenario that will scare the bejeezus out of the delegates at the upcoming conference in Cancun.

The Editor's grandmother's maiden name was de Boer. He loses sleep at night worrying that he may be somehow related to this U.N. corruptocrat.

The Associated Press reports:

De Boer said climate negotiators in Cancun should focus on “small steps” toward slowing climate change, warning that if there is another failure such as took place in Copenhagen last year, ”no one will take us seriously anymore.”


But let’s not quibble. The AP’s paraphrase was close enough.

Source: WTOP

No joke: United Nations approves killing gays

If there’s anyone – anyone – who still believes the United Nations still plays any positive role in the world, this story should dissuade them of that fantasy.

If there’s anyone – anyone – who still believes the United Nations still plays any positive role in the world, this story should dissuade them of that fantasy.

iran gay execution
How Iran defines the term "gay swingers"

The Huffington Post has the details, so let’s not have any of that “This is just another crazy conservative conspiracy” talk:

Last week, the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted on a special resolution addressing extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions. The resolution affirms the duties of member countries to protect the right to life of all people with a special emphasis on a call to investigate killings based on discriminatory grounds. The resolution highlights particular groups historically subject to executions including street children, human rights defenders, members of ethnic, religious, and linguistic minority communities, and, for the past 10 years, the resolution has included sexual orientation as a basis on which some individuals are targeted for death.

The tiny West African nation of Benin (on behalf of the UN’s African Group) proposed an amendment to strike sexual minorities from the resolution. The amendment was adopted with 79 votes in favor, 70 against, 17 abstentions and 26 absent …

All the usual suspects voted for the right to kill gays: Muslim nations (Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Eritrea, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen), an assortment of well-known human rights violators (China, Congo, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Vietnam and Zimbabwe), and an assortment of nations with surprisingly harsh anti-gay laws (Bahamas, Belize, Jamaica, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and South Africa).

None of them, apparently, believe the persecution and execution of gays is important enough to condemn or investigate.

Screw the United Nations. And I think you know where.

Source: Huffington Post

50 million refugees fleeing impact of global warming. What’s that? They’re not? Then just forget we said it.

Where the hell are they? Have you seen any global warming refugees on the evening news? Noticed any of them wandering around your neighborhood? Spied any of them hanging out down at Home Depot looking for day worker jobs?

The United Nations may not be good at much, but they are absolutely world class when it comes to issuing scary press releases. Unfortunately, they’re not quite as good at reality.

You have two options: Either take swimming lessons or take U.N. predictions with a grain of salt.

Andrew Bolt revisits one of the corrupt organization’s dire warnings from 2005:

Amid predictions that by 2010 the world will need to cope with as many as 50 million people escaping the effects of creeping environmental deterioration, United Nations University experts say the international community urgently needs to define, recognize and extend support to this new category of ‘refugee’.

Where the hell are they? Have you seen any global warming refugees on the evening news? Noticed any of them wandering around your neighborhood? Spied any of them hanging out down at Home Depot looking for day worker jobs?

Hmmmm. You don’t think the U.N. might have exaggerated this just a tad, do you?

H/T: Andrew Bolt

Follow the money. All the way through Africa and into some U.N. executives’ pockets.

How much clearer could it be? Global warming isn’t about saving the planet, it’s about redistributing the wealth. But the real question is who does it get redistributed to and who gets to do the redistribution?

The Global Warming Policy Foundation dug up an interview in Neue Zürcher Zeitung with German economist and IPCC official Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer.

As they said back at IPCC headquarters, “Ach, du Scheiße! Can’t Edenhofer keep his big mouth shut?”

"Ja wohl," Dr. Edenhofer said, "Each IPCC official is expected to get a stack of cash this big."

The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War … one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

How much clearer could it be? Global warming isn’t about saving the planet, it’s about redistributing the wealth. But the real question is who does it get redistributed to and who gets to do the redistribution? Luckily, Edenhofer continued shooting off his big mouth:

If global emission rights are distributed … then Africa will be the big winner, and huge amounts of money will flow there. This will have enormous implications for development policy. And it will raise the question if these countries can deal responsibly with so much money at all.

So the way we understand this, the rich countries must give up their wealth, yet the poor countries are incapable of dealing with the influx of all that wealth.

Oh, life on planet Earth would be perfect if only there were some international organization that could be in charge of it all.

And if only there were a few munificent executives within that organization who were willing to take on that assignment for the honor of skimming a little off the top.

Source: Global Warming Policy Foundation

The best idea from President Obama’s debt commission: Turn U.N. spending into unspending

Slashing funding for tin horn dictators and Islamic wackos seems like a no-brainer, but somehow you just know that liberals will object to this suggestion from the President’s debt commission.

Slashing funding for tin horn dictators and Islamic wackos seems like a no-brainer, but somehow you just know that liberals will object to this suggestion from the President’s debt commission.

The United States gives more than $6.3 billion (with a "b") to the United Nations every year

CNSnews.com covers the best idea of the week:

Cutting “voluntary” funding from the United Nations would trim $300 million off the federal deficit by 2015, according to a draft report from the president’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

“According to the Office of Management and Budget, the United States provided over $6.3 billion in taxpayer funds to the United Nations in FY2009. Less than half ($2.7 billion) of that total went to ‘assessed’ dues — payments that the United States is charged for being a member and for its share of peacekeeping operations around the world,” the draft report says.

“The United States is by far the largest donor to the United Nations in terms of assessed dues,” the draft continued. “However, the United States gives the United Nations more than $3.5 billion in ‘voluntary’ funds each year. This option allows the United States to remain a member in good standing of the United Nations by contributing the full dues that will be assessed, but reduces voluntary payments by 10 percent, which will save $300 million per year.”

How about if we cut the “voluntary” payments completely and save the full $3.5 billion? According to our preliminary calculations, that idea is about ten times better than the Debt Commission’s recomendation.

Source: CNSnews.com

Surprise: U.N. wants to outlaw weapons only the United States possesses

The United Nations wants to outlaw unmanned drones, weapons that only the United States possesses.

Based on the dictates of the United Nations, we may soon revert to jousting. Because apparently they consider hand-to-hand combat the only proper way to resolve a dispute.

drone predator
We always thought the concept of war was to kill as many of their guys as possible while losing as few of your guys as possible. Guess we were wrong.

Reuters has the somehow-not-too-surprising news:

A U.N. investigator called on the world body on Friday to set up a panel to study the ethics and legality of unmanned military weapons — an apparent reference to U.S. drones that strike suspected Islamist militants. In a report to the U.N. General Assembly human rights committee, Christof Heyns said such systems raised “serious concerns that have been almost entirely unexamined by human rights or humanitarian actors.”

“The international community urgently needs to address the legal, political, ethical and moral implications of the development of lethal robotic technologies,” said Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.

It was the second time this year U.N. experts tackled the issue. In June, Heyns’ predecessor, Philip Alston, called for a halt to CIA-directed drone strikes on al Qaeda and Taliban suspects in Afghanistan and Pakistan, saying killings ordered far from the battlefield could lead to a “Playstation” mentality.

A couple thoughts:

First, “a Playstation mentality?” Cool. How about if we call the game “Kill the Friggin’ Muslim Terrorists.” It would sell millions. Use the profits to build more drones.

Second, we didn’t know what the hell a “rapporteur” was, so we looked it up. According to Princeton.edu, a rapporteur is “a recorder appointed by a committee to prepare reports of the meetings.” In other words, a secretary. Nothing against secretaries, but go sit on your boss’s lap and shut the hell up, secretary boy.

Source: Reuters

Break out the balloons and confetti: It’s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer

Oh, we know how grateful you are. If it weren’t for us, you would have missed International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

Oh, we know how grateful you are. If it weren’t for us, you would have missed International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

It’s an official celebration created by those eco-party animals at the United Nations Environmental Programme.

ozone layer preservation day
Green is the new red. And those greens know how to party.

While celebrating, please remember this year’s catchy, promotable party theme:

“Ozone layer protection: governance and compliance at their best.”

In the words of the late, great Jack Paar, “We kid you not.” You can look it up on the UNEP website.

H/T: Tim Blair

Arizona sheriff says, “I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin”

Dever is sheriff of Cochise County, which lies along the Mexican border. He told CNSNews.com that he’s not happy that the U.S. State Department recently reported Arizona to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Not happy at all.

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever knows vermin when he sees 'em

We’d say Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever is giving the U.N. more respect than it deserves, but far be it from us to let our personal opinions color our 100% impartial presentation of the news.

Dever is sheriff of Cochise County, which lies along the Mexican border. He told CNSNews.com that he’s not happy that the U.S. State Department recently reported Arizona to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Not happy at all.

“Well, it’s just amazing to me,” Dever said. “Course, I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin that hides in the rocks around my house here and reaches out and tries to bite me every now and then.”

President Bush blew off the U.N. Human Rights Council as a joke because its members included consistent human rights violators like China, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Russia, Cuba, Pakistan, Tunisia and Egypt.

But the Obama administration, in its infinite wisdom, couldn’t wait to join up, claiming that U.S. efforts could improve the organization.

Instead, we’re now ignoring those nations human rights violations and making up human rights violations our own states are supposedly committing.

Of course, they’re vermin. But as the scorpion said to the turtle in the punch line of that old joke, “You knew what I was when you found me.”

Source: CNSnews.com

Obama reports Arizona to the UN Human Rights Council, Arizona governor responds

The Obama administration submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council last week and among the many American sins for which it apologized was Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law.

china human rights
Chinese official having a spirited civil rights debate with Chinese citizen

The temptation to openly laugh at the United States must be getting stronger and stronger.

The Obama administration submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council last week and among the many American sins for which it apologized was Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law.

Keep in mind that the beacons of brotherhood who sit on the UN Human Rights Council include Angola, Egypt, South Africa, Bangladesh, China, Jordan, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and believe it or not, Cuba.

Let’s just say that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is less than pleased. She wrote an angry letter to the President condemning the report, demanding its withdrawl and calling it “downright offensive”.

The Associated Press has the details:

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer demanded Friday that a reference to the state’s controversial immigration law be removed from a State Department report to the United Nations’ human rights commissioner.

The U.S. included its legal challenge to the law on a list of ways the federal government is protecting human rights.

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Brewer says it is “downright offensive” that a state law would be included in the report, which was drafted as part of a UN review of human rights in all member nations every four years.

“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,” Brewer wrote.

Of course, the members of the Human Rights Commission listed above are confused by the concept of building a wall to keep people out. Their human rights records are all they need to do the job.

Source: Associated Press

Latest U.N. actions would be laughable if they weren’t so contemptible

Remember that old bumper sticker that said, “Get US out of the U.N.?” Someone needs to print up a batch of new ones. Andrew Bolt highlights the latest from New York’s vile, puss-filled gang of so-called “peace keepers”.

united nations corruption
The puss-filled sac of corruption also known as the United Nations

Remember that old bumper sticker that said, “Get US out of the U.N.?” Someone needs to print up a batch of new ones.

Andrew Bolt highlights the latest from New York’s vile, puss-filled gang of so-called “peace keepers.”

Last week:

LIBYA was elected overnight to the United Nations Human Rights Council despite numerous complaints that the country was unfit to serve on the international rights body.,, But the appeal fell on deaf ears, and a General Assembly secret ballot produced 155 votes in favor of adding Libya to the council, significantly more than the 97 votes needed.

And last month:

Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged “immodest.”

The United Nations has become everything it was designed to fight. We’d say it’s become a joke, but there’s nothing funny about this corrupt gaggle of tin horn dictators and theocratic thugs.

Get US out of the U.N. and its corollary, get the U.N. out of the U.S.


H/T: Andrew Bolt

United Nations Environmental Ambassador building a 20,000 square foot mansion

“What kind of U.N. environmental ambassador builds a 20,000 square-foot home with a six-car garage, an elevator and a lagoon?” But we ask a different question: What kind of boneheads hire a jetsetting supermodel as an environmental ambassador and actually expect her to act like something other than a jetsetting supermodel?

That new 20,000 square foot house is only the second most impressive structure in Tom Brady's life

The Boston Herald asks, “What kind of U.N. environmental ambassador builds a 20,000 square-foot home with a six-car garage, an elevator and a lagoon?”

But we ask a different question: What kind of boneheads hire a jetsetting supermodel as an environmental ambassador and actually expect her to act like something other than a jetsetting supermodel?

Turns out the boneheads are the United Nations and the supermodel is Gisele Bundchen.

Bundchen and New England Patriots quarterback husband Tom Brady’s new home in Brentwood, California has greens seeing red.

The Herald reports the environmental fumble:

Continue reading “United Nations Environmental Ambassador building a 20,000 square foot mansion”

Love ClimateGate means never having to say
you’re sorry

The Guardian UK has the story of Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, which got caught flat out lying about the fate of the world’s glaciers

Rajendra Pachauri
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC and congenital liar

The make believe world of global warming doesn’t work like the rest of the world. Not at all.

In the real world, you get fired from your job if it’s discovered that all the reports you’ve written are nonsense. But in the FantasyLand of global warming, you keep your job and attack those who reveal your perfidy.

The Guardian UK has the story of Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, which got caught flat out lying about the fate of the world’s glaciers:

The embattled chief of the UN’s climate change body has hit out at his critics and refused to resign or apologise for a damaging mistake in a landmark 2007 report on global warming.

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said it would be hypocritical to apologise for the false claim that ­Himalayan glaciers could melt away by 2035, because he was not personally responsible for that part of the report. “You can’t expect me to be personally responsible for every word in a 3,000 page report,” he said.

The IPCC issued a statement that expressed regret for the mistake, but Pachauri said a personal apology would be a “populist” step.

“I don’t do too many populist things, that’s why I’m so unpopular with a certain section of society,” he said.

Of course, that “certain section of society” to which Pachauri refers includes all honest people who aren’t ripping off the world’s taxpayers for billions of dollars.

Source: Guardian UK

U.N. global warming guru has hot, steamy hobby

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the UN’s climate change chief, is doing something other climate scientists are not: writing smutty novels. In the midst of the Climategate scandal Pachauri has found time to write a romance novel. A novel that features sex. A lot of sex. And breasts. A lot of breasts.

Rajendra Pachauri, U.N. climate guru and budding romance novelist. Is there no end to the man's talent?

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the UN’s climate change chief, is doing something other climate scientists are not: writing smutty novels.

In the midst of the Climategate scandal Pachauri has found time to write a romance novel. A novel that features sex. A lot of sex. And breasts. A lot of breasts.

The Telegraph reports:

In breathless prose that risks making Dr Pachauri, who will be 70 this year, a laughing stock among the serious, high-minded scientists and world leaders with whom he mixes, he details sexual encounter after sexual encounter.

A smutty novel’s going to make him a laughing stock among serious scientists? Hell, if ClimateGate hasn’t already done that, nothing will.

Of course, Pachauri is known around the world for his series of IPCC reports. So this is not his first work of fiction.

But putting that aside, if most characters reflect the writers themselves, what do passages like this say about the 2007 Nobel Price winner wiener?

“Sanjay saw a shapely dark-skinned girl lying on Vinay’s bed. He was overcome by a lust that he had never known before … He removed his clothes and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts.”

“He enjoyed the sensation of gently pushing Susan’s shoulders back a few inches, an action that served to lift her breasts even higher. He was excited by the sight of her heaving breasts, as she breathed in and out deeply.”

“Afterwards she held him close. ‘Sandy, I’ve learned something for the first time today. You are absolutely superb after meditation. Why don’t we make love every time immediately after you have meditated?’”

Whew! Is it getting hot in here? Or is it just global warming?

Source: Telegraph UK

Written by Chase Fleming of Communication Studies

Shocker: Authoritarian Chinese government complains that IPCC censors are too authoritarian

“Amid controversy surrounding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on melting glaciers, Xie Zhenhua, Vice-Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, today urged the UN panel to make the fifth assessment report comprehensive by also citing contrarian views.”

Call this one another nail in the coffin of global warming. The Chinese government, never known for endorsing open communication, has called on the UN’s IPCC to show more tolerance for dissent.

Business Standard reports the duplicitious details:

“Amid controversy surrounding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on melting glaciers, Xie Zhenhua, Vice-Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, today urged the UN panel to make the fifth assessment report comprehensive by also citing contrarian views.”

Alright, class, what does it tell us when an authoritarian dictatorship known for denying its citizens the right to open communications is appalled by the censorship of the IPCC?

Is it hypocrisy? Or honesty? Or both?

Source: BusinessStandard.com via Tim Blair

IPCC says, “Hey, just because we’re wrong doesn’t mean we’re not right.”

The U.N.’s leading panel on climate change has apologized for misleading data published in a 2007 report that warned Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.

More weird science from the U.N. global warming scientists.

Apparently the new battle cry for global warming activists goes something like “Even if the data’s wrong, the overall theory is right.”

This idea was reinforced in a CNN report that said, “The U.N.’s leading panel on climate change has apologized for misleading data published in a 2007 report that warned Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.” Apparently those facts guesses were “poorly substantiated” and “well-established standards of evidence were not applied properly.”

Now in the old fashioned days of real science even a high school science paper required that facts be “substantiated” and “applied properly” or you had to start all over again from scratch. Not so in today’s U.N. mad scientist “we don’t need no stinking facts” world.

The CNN story continued: “Despite the admission, the IPCC reiterated its concern about the dangers melting glaciers present in a region that is home to more than one-sixth of the world’s population.” And then the spin on facts begins. “Speaking at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi Wednesday, the IPCC chairman, Rajendra Pachauri admitted errors had been made but said it was not an excuse to question the legitimacy of all global warming science.”

“Theoretically, let’s say we slipped up on one number, I don’t think it takes anything away from the overwhelming scientific evidence of what’s happening with the climate of this earth,” he said, according to Agence France-Presse.”

Apparently the controversy began because “The IPCC statement on Himalayan glaciers, which was based on information from a 2005 report by the World Wildlife Fund, was in turn gleaned from an article that appeared in the popular UK science journal, The New Scientist in June 1999.”

We are guessing that it left out the part were “The New Scientist” heard it from this scientist at a bar, who heard it from a guy he knew at work, who read it somewhere on the Internet.

Let’s just say the IPCC is full of crap. And we don’t mean theoretically.

Source: CNN

– Written by Patrick Michael

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