FEDS SPEND $429,220 TRACKING EYE MOVEMENTS OF LATINOS AT GROCERY STORES TO FIGHT OBESITY. They don’t want mamasita turning into big mama.

Harvard researchers: “Hey, fat boy! Pack your bags and say goodbye to your abusive parents!”

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian.

One never knows what kind of nonsense Ivy League researchers will come up with when they’re on the government payroll. Far as we can tell the rule of thumb seems to be, the more preposterous the better.

When fat is outlawed only outlaws will have fat

Consider, for example, this story from National Journal:

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian. In Britain yesterday, the government issued guidelines saying “children under the age of 5, including babies who can’t walk yet, should exercise every day.” Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children. They’re for real!

“The boy’s not fat, he just has heavy bones” won’t fly as an excuse when the nanny state takes over.

“Despite the discomfort posed by state intervention, it may sometimes be necessary to protect a child,” said Lindsey Murtagh, a lawyer and researcher at Harvard’s School of Public Health. The study’s co-author, David Ludwig, says taking away peoples’ children “ideally will support not just the child but the whole family, with the goal of reuniting child and family as soon as possible.” Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital, said his eureka moment was when a 90-pound, 3-year-old girl entered his obesity clinic a number of years ago,” reports Lindsey Tanner at the Associated Press.

Nanny state, yes! Fatty state, no! Chubby chasers are gathering outside the White House to protest this outrageous infringement of their rights.

Source: National Journal

The Michael Jackson Diet: You’ll not only lose weight, you’ll lose pigment

Apparently the makers of this product expect you to believe that it will turn you from a fat black woman to a slightly less fat white woman.

Let’s just call this weight loss ad what it is – the worst ad of the year. Apparently the makers of this product expect you to believe that it will turn you from a fat black woman to a slightly less fat white woman.


H/T: Buzzfeed

When Arizona kids get an “F” in school, it stands for Fat

Chubby elementary school children in Flagstaff, Ariz., have more than just bullies to worry about. If they’re too fat, their school will notify their parents.

This gives a whole new meaning to grading on the curve.

The Daily Caller has the latest skinny…uhhh…let’s change that to the fat facts:

Little Johnny just got an F+.

Chubby elementary school children in Flagstaff, Ariz., have more than just bullies to worry about. If they’re too fat, their school will notify their parents.

Starting in the fall, students in the Flagstaff district will be weighed and measured at school. Students who are found to be overweight, marginally overweight, or underweight will have a letter sent home to their parents, which will include graphs showing a range of appropriate weights for a given age and height.

This is just such nonsense. When the Editor’s wife, who is now a goddess, was in school she was a fat girl (do me a really big favor and don’t tell her I said that.) And when the Editor himself was in school, he was so damn skinny that he looked like a pipe cleaner with ears and yet he is now a golden bronzed Adonis whose lean, muscular body makes strong women swoon.

Kids grow. Kids change. Unfortunately, liberal nanny staters do neither.

Source: Daily Caller

Hypocrisy Alert: Michelle Obama campaigns against childhood obesity, sat on board of snack food company

In yet another “Do as I say, not as I do” moment, Michelle Obama presents herself as a valiant warrior against childhood obesity. But now Michelle Malkin reveals that the First Lady wasn’t quite such a warrior when she sat on the board of directors of a large snack food company.

michelle obama childhood obesity snack food
Cheetos, Ding Dongs and Badonkadonks for me, but not for thee

In yet another “Do as I say, not as I do” moment, Michelle Obama presents herself as a valiant warrior against childhood obesity. But now Michelle Malkin reveals that the First Lady wasn’t quite such a warrior when she sat on the board of directors of a large snack food company.

Take it away, Ms Malkin:

While she crusades for organic foods and puts government pressure on corporations to stop marketing fast food and junk food to children, Mrs. Obama herself profited from the very same processed food industry she now demonizes.

In June 2005, a few months after her husband was elected to the U.S. Senate, Mrs. Obama hustled a seat on the corporate Board of Directors of TreeHouse Foods, Inc. Despite zero experience, the food-processing company put her on its audit and nominating and corporate governance committees. For her on-the-job training and the privilege of putting her name and face on their literature, the company forked over $45,000 in 2005 and $51,200 in 2006 to Mrs. Obama — as well as 7,500 TreeHouse stock options worth more than $72,000 for each year.

Mmmmmm, processed foods dipped in a thick, rich coat of hypocrisy. Sounds delicious.

Source: Michelle Malkin

First Lady wants governors to cut fat from their budgets children

At a time when state budgets are in crisis, First Lady Michelle Obama is prodding the nation’s governors to spend more money to keep kids from packing on the pounds.

In the words of Fergie, "What you gon' do with all that junk? All that junk inside that trunk?"

At a time when state budgets are in crisis, First Lady Michelle Obama is prodding the nation’s governors to spend more money to keep kids from packing on the pounds. She doesn’t care if they avoid economic Armageddon, but she cares deeply that they avoid a Big Mac and fries.

Hey, wait just a darn second. Isn’t telling kids they’re fat supposed to be what causes eating disorders?

Fox News gives us the skinny:

“There’s no place for politics when it comes to fighting childhood obesity,” she told governors at their winter meeting.

The National Governor’s Association assembles in Washington every year to discuss issues that affect all of their states. This year’s main theme is health care — a topic at the heart of the first lady’s new campaign on obesity.

“If we think our health care costs are high now, just wait until 10 years from now,” she said. “Think about the many billions we’re going to be spending then. Think about how high those premiums are going to be when our kids are old enough to have families of their own and businesses of their own.”
Obama wanted to remind the state officials that childhood obesity was not a problem brought on by lazy children.

“Our kids didn’t do this to themselves,” she said. “Our kids didn’t decide whether there’s time for recess or gym class, or our kids don’t decide what’s served to them in the school cafeteria.”

Let us sum this up for you:

Spend money you don’t have to solve a problem that just causes another problem.

Liberalism in action.

Source: Fox News

Report: Fat people cause of global warming

gore_al_fat1 We’re talking about big, beefy butterballs. Citizens of the Blimpish Empire. Chunky folks. Corpulence incorporated. The elephantine. Hefty hombres. The euphemistically-fleshy. The terminally obese. Lard bottoms. Fatties. Moby Dickheads. The rolypoly, pudgy, paunchy, porcine, portly, potbbellied and the pudgy. Al Gore.

This is irony at its finest.

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

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