Project Veritas: ‘Anarchist’ Middle School Teacher Wants to ‘Burn Down Entire System’ – ‘F*ck the Parents… I’m Your Parent Now’ (VIDEO)

Project Veritas: ‘Anarchist’ Middle School Teacher Wants to ‘Burn Down Entire System’ – ‘F*ck the Parents… I’m Your Parent Now.’ (VIDEO) We wonder how long before he loses his job and how long before some pissed-off parent gets to him?

What Is Up with All the Freaks in Our Schools?

What Is Up with All the Freaks in Our Schools? Schools appear to have become grooming grounds for pedophiles. We have some suggestions, starting with locking them up.

Whatever happened to English class, math class, history, foreign language, and the sciences? It was a simple day of learning from all those fields of study. Now, we have added all this gender crap into the mix. Little kids are holding Pride parades. We have these creepy TikToks from teachers in this community saying the quiet part out loud. Libs of Tik Tok has become indispensable in tracking and exposing these creeps. Right now, the left is all in a furor over Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The word “gay” is not mentioned, though that hasn’t stopped these folks from going indiscriminately insane. It should be called the “STFU and teach” bill because that’s what it does.

Parents outraged at explicit homework their kids brought home

Parents outraged at explicit homework their kids brought home. Just imagine the outrage if a white teacher sent kids home with ghetto slang homework. Or, is this the new Common Core English?

Wisconsin investigating doctors who handed out fraudulent sick notes during budget protests

Eight Wisconsin doctors wrote fraudulent “sick notes” for perfectly healthy protesters at the anti-Scott Walker rallies in Madison are being investigated.

Eight Wisconsin doctors are feeling a little sick to their stomachs today. They wrote fraudulent “sick notes” for perfectly healthy protesters at the anti-Scott Walker rallies in Madison and now they’re being investigated by the Wisconsin Department of Regularion and Licensing and the state’s Medical Examining Board.

…DRL identified 11 people who were asked to provide an explanation to the department about their activities at the Capitol. Based on the complaints and the information received by DRL, a screening panel consisting of three members of the MEB has decided to open investigations on eight individuals. Investigations were not opened as to the other three individuals because the panel concluded no violations had occurred.

Despite the fact that some of the eight were captured breaking the law on video and handing out sick notes willy nilly, the two medical boards will now go through the motions of determining if any laws were broken. After the investigation is complete, the panel will recommend what kind of disciplinary action should be taken.

Please allow us to make a prediction: Slap on the wrist.

Does anyone doubt that we’re right?


The new math: New York City schools get one teacher for the price of two

The Department of Education pays about 1,500 teachers for time they spend on union activities — and pays other teachers to replace them in the classroom.

To paraphrase Rod Serling, “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Teachers’ Union Zone!”

Take an apple to the union thug

The New York Post says things just don’t add up:

The Department of Education pays about 1,500 teachers for time they spend on union activities — and pays other teachers to replace them in the classroom.

It’s a sweetheart deal that costs taxpayers an extra $9 million a year to pay fill-ins for instructors who are sprung — at full pay — to carry out responsibilities for the United Federation of Teachers.

With Mayor Bloomberg calling for thousands of teacher layoffs to balance the 2012 budget, critics say it’s time to halt the extravagant benefit.

Why the hell does the Department of Education pay for union reps to do union business? Isn’t that an expense any reasonable person would say should be paid by the union?

Oh, wait. That’s the answer. The words reasonable and union should never be used in the same sentence.

H/T: Reader kb

Source: New York Post

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