Schumer joins push for less jail time for crack cocaine traffickers, including nearly 7,800 inmates

Schumer joins push for less jail time for crack cocaine traffickers, including nearly 7,800 inmates. Here we go with the RINO bullshit again. They vote with the Democrats when they should be fighting everything the Democrats want. They all need to be primaried out of office.

The bill, which passed the House last year, is likely to get a vote in the Senate before the midterms given the support of Mr. Schumer and GOP lawmakers. At the moment, nine Republicans have signed on to the bill, including Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Lindsey Graham: ‘We May Be In A Position Where We Have To Rally Around Ted Cruz’

Lindsey Graham: ‘We May Be In A Position Where We Have To Rally Around Ted Cruz.’ Lindsey wants to stop Trump. There’s a video at the link.

NEWS FLASH: Lindsey Graham isn’t a total tool, supports Scott Walker

Lindsay Graham pointed out that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he was elected a mere four months ago.

South Carolina RINO Lindsey Graham guested on Meet the Press Sunday and actually said things – for once – that didn’t make conservatives hair stand on end.

Shocking, but true.

He pointed out that despite all the union goon signs calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a dictator and comparing him (unfavorably, we might add) to Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Hosni Mubarak, he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do when he was elected a mere four months ago.

In other words, he’s doing exactly the people of Wisconsin elected him to do.

Graham: In a democracy, when you run on something, you do have an obligation to fulfill your promise. He didn’t take anybody by surprise, he’s doing exactly what he said. There was a referendum on this issue and the unions lost, and the Democrats in Wisconsin should come back to Wisconsin to have votes.

Far be it from us to be cynical, but it appears that November’s elections have impacted politics in South Carolina as well as in Wisconsin.

Go, Alvin: Greene may run against Lindsey Graham in 2014

Believe it or not, Alvin Green got almost as many votes as victorious Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. So with his Democrat power base firmly established, Alvin is looking to his political future.

Believe it or not, Alvin Green got almost as many votes as victorious Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The final tally was Reid 361,655 and Greene 358,069. So with his Democrat power base firmly established, Alvin is looking to his political future.

Alvin Greene is our man in 2014

The Daily Caller has the details:

Though Senator Jim DeMint is projected to have won reelection by a long shot by the major news networks, Democratic challenger Alvin Greene has yet to give up hope on ballots that haven’t been counted yet.

“I don’t know,” Greene said in a phone interview with The Daily Caller. “They aren’t all in yet.”

Greene has also told TheDC he is mulling a possible run against Republican Lindsey Graham in 2014.

“I would have run against Graham three years ago if I wasn’t in the military,” Greene said. For a potential 2014 candidacy, Greene said, “I have to see where my priorities are.”

We’ll make you this pledge right now, Alvin:

If you decide to run against RINO Lindsey Graham, we’ll throw the full support of behind your campaign. You couldn’t be worse than Graham and you’d give us a lot more laughs.


Another blind sow, another acorn: Lindsey Grahamnesty wants to end automatic citizenship for children of illegals

South Carolina RINO Lindsey Graham must be reading the polls. He’s gone from amnesty advocate to a startling new position.

South Carolina RINO Lindsey Graham must be reading the polls. He’s gone from amnesty advocate to a startling new position. has the tale of a political turn-around:

Lindsey Graham reacts to polls that show overwhelming opposition to his former position on illegal aliens

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced Wednesday night that he is considering introducing a constitutional amendment that would change existing law to no longer grant citizenship to the children of immigrants born in the United States.

Currently, the 14th Amendment grants citizenship to any child born within the United States.

That interpretation is a relatively recent political phenomenon and whether it’s correct will eventually be addressed by the cours, but let’s not get into that argument at this point:

But with 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, Graham said it may be time to restrict the ability of immigrants to have children who become citizens just because they are born within the country.

“I may introduce a constitutional amendment that changes the rules if you have a child here,” Graham said during an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. “Birthright citizenship I think is a mistake, that we should change our Constitution and say if you come here illegally and you have a child, that child’s automatically not a citizen.”

Get the smelling salts. We think we’re about to pass out:
Continue reading “Another blind sow, another acorn: Lindsey Grahamnesty wants to end automatic citizenship for children of illegals”

Hmmm. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?

If you’ve ever wondered about the strange relationship between John McCain and Lindsey Graham, just think about Mr. Burns and Smithers on the Simpsons. Animated homoerotica at its finest and funniest.

mccain graham homoerotic

burns smithers homoerotic

If you’ve ever wondered about the strange relationship between John McCain and Lindsey Graham, just think about Mr. Burns and Smithers on the Simpsons. Animated homoerotica at its finest and funniest.

Any other questions?

Lindsey Graham thinks Democrats are drinking more than just the Kool-Aid

South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham thinks the Democrats are drunk. Or even worse. Here’s what the wobby Republican had to say about the Slaughter Strategy.

South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham thinks the Democrats are drunk. Or even worse. Here’s what the wobby Republican had to say about the Slaughter Strategy:

“They’re trying to use a process that is sleazy, it’s unfair, it’s a trick play. They’re trying to have a health care bill passed without voting on it. So my comments really reflect the fanaticism of the Democratic leadership, and I don’t know whether sake or moonshine, but no sober person would do this.”

The concept of drinking Democrats isn’t all that far-fetched as you can see here and here and here and here.

The Democrats obviously miss Teddy Kennedy’s unsteady hand. If they’re going to drink, he would have been their natural leader.

Source: Bluegrass Pundit

Lindsey Graham looks like a Republican, Attorney General looks like a fool

Well, what do you know? Lindsey Graham looks like a Republican, Attorney General Eric Holder looks like a fool.

Two reasons to love this video:

One – Lindsay Graham actually acts like a responsible Republican for once.

Two – Another member of the Obama administration comes off as an ignorant, clueless fool. This time it’s Attorney General Eric Holder.

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