So why can’t we go to church in California? Huh?

So why can’t we go to church in California? Huh? Well, because Governor Hair Gel has it listed as verboten.

Supreme Court allows religious exemption for employers opposed to contraceptives Rough Rider Studded Condoms 100-Pack: Health & Personal Care

Supreme Court allows religious exemption for employers opposed to contraceptives. Buy your own condoms.

The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Wednesday that nonprofit employers with religious or moral objections do not have to help provide insurance coverage for contraceptives.

The ruling brings to a close a longstanding battle by the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious groups that wanted nothing to do with providing birth control coverage. The court’s decision upholds a Trump administration policy allowing for both religious and moral exemptions.

United Church of Canada keeps atheist pastor

United Church of Canada keeps atheist pastor. This is pretty much the definition of apathy and the perfect example of why mainline Christian denominations are failing. The United Church of Canada knows having an atheist pastor in a Christian church is wrong, they already decided she should be fired, but when push came to shove and she refused to leave quietly, they folded like a cheap tent.

New survey discovers that Egyptians are schizophrenic

The situation in Egypt is confusing and the Egyptian people are confused. Very confused. Two recent surveys from Pew highlight exactly what we mean.

The situation in Egypt is confusing and the Egyptian people are confused. Very confused. Two recent surveys from Pew highlight exactly what we mean:

sphinx egypt
The Sphinx' lesson for the Egyptian people: Do not cut off your nose to spite your face

…the Pew researchers found that 84 percent of Egyptians favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion.

In another survey, Pew found that 90 percent of Egyptians say they believe in freedom of religion.

Our interpretation? Egyptians believe you should have the freedom to become a Muslim, but not the freedom to un-become one.

Part II: Egyptians protestors are schizophrenic

Source: Washington Examiner

Life imitates Seinfeld: California jail agrees to recognize prisoner’s Seinfeldian religious beliefs

What the hell. If people believe nonsense like Kwanzaa and Scientology and that crap Reverend Wright spews, why not Festivus?

What the hell. If people believe nonsense like Kwanzaa and Scientology and that crap Reverend Wright spews, why not Festivus?

The San Jose Mercury News has the religious revelations:

An Orange County inmate who disliked salami got special meals after declaring his religious belief in the Festivus holiday celebrated on the television show “Seinfeld.”

The Orange County Register reports Monday that 38-year-old convicted drug dealer Malcolm Alarmo King asked for kosher meals at the Theo Lacy jail to maintain his healthy physique.

But sheriff’s officials reserve kosher meals for inmates with a religious need.
Judge Derek G. Johnson demanded a religious reason for King to receive the meals and defense attorney Fred Thiagarajah cited his client’s devotion to Festivus — a holiday celebrated on “Seinfeld” with an aluminum pole and the airing of grievances.

Yeah, Festivus. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Source: San Jose Mercury News

It’s your fault the Obamas had to go to church, you miserable bigot

Ben Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” If he were alive today, he’d have to add “And Sally Quinn saying something remarkably stupid in every TV appearance.”

Ben Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” If he were alive today, he’d have to add “And Sally Quinn saying something remarkably stupid in every TV appearance.”

The Washington Post religion writer didn’t disappoint on Monday’s O’Reilly show when she explained that the reason Barack Obama and the First Family went to church last weekend is because America’s just filled to the brim with “prejudice and bigotry.”

Got that? Our Most Christian President Ever wouldn’t have had to go to church nor, we assume, even have wanted to go to church if you weren’t such a bigot.

Bill Press is an idiot, says talking about God is inappropriate at a “sacred” spot

Yes, while discussing Glenn Beck’s Washington, DC rally, the former head of the California Democratic Party and current unsuccessful talk show host, Bill Press, actually said that it’s inappropriate to talk about God in a sacred spot.

If it weren’t Bill Press, we would say this quote is so mind-numbingly stupid that it couldn’t possibly be accurate. Well, that and the fact that it’s been memorialized on video.

Yes, while discussing Glenn Beck’s Washington, DC rally, the former head of the California Democratic Party and current unsuccessful talk show host actually said that it’s inappropriate to talk about God in a sacred spot.

Somebody want to get Press a dictionary so he can look up the meaning of the word “sacred”?

New York Times writer confesses that Obama chooses golf over God

New York Times writer Jeff Zeleney guested on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown” to discuss the issue and he exposed the president as a part time holy roller, with more of his Sunday mornings spent tending to putting than praying.

A new Pew Research poll shows that an increasing number of Americans (one in five) now believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. (NOTE: A Time poll also released Thursday says 24% of voters believe the President is a Muslim.)

New York Times writer Jeff Zeleney guested on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown” to discuss the issue and he exposed the president as a part time holy roller, with more of his Sunday mornings spent tending to putting than praying.

No surprise to the American public there, but it was astounding to hear what the White House’s solution to the poll will be. Zeleney advised host Chuck Todd that Obama will now switch to campaign mode (at the 4:09 mark of the video).

“What does the president do almost every Sunday?” Zeleney asked. “He plays golf. I think now you’ll be seeing Obama go to church more, white churches, black churches, you name it churches, to show he is Christian.”

So Obama will limit his golf outings to attend Sunday services, not to pray and worship, but to make political hay. The president’s handicap isn’t nineteen, it’s his pandering.

Co-host Savannah Guthrie attempted to end the segment by reminding viewers that the poll was taken before the President’s remarks on the Ground Zero mosque, implying that the numbers might even be worse now. But cohost and White House water boy Todd couldn’t let the segment close on a negative note so he interrupted to tell viewers “The President gets a daily Bible verse sent to his Blackberry. Every. Single. Day.”

But tell us, Chuck, does he also get passages from the Koran? And which does he delete, which does he read?

– Written by Sonny Palermo

Congresswoman wants to crack down dangerous religious extremists

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, a Democrat from California, says the government needs to wake up and take a close look at the dangerous religious extremists who live among us. Catholics?

You can sleep soundly tonight, America, secure in the knowledge that Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey is out to get the evil Catholics
You can sleep soundly tonight, America, secure in the knowledge that Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey is out to get the evil Catholics

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, a Democrat from California, says the government needs to wake up and take a close look at the dangerous religious extremists who live among us.

Congratulations, Congresswomen Woolsey. It’s about time someone challenges those murderous Muslims.

What’s that? Woolsey wasn’t talking about murderous Muslims? She was talking about Catholics?

Yes, sir and yes, maam. Woolsey wants the IRS to investigate the possibility that the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops did something – anything, really – during the ObamaCare debate that might threaten its tax-exempt status. In a direct violation of the separation of church and state, Woolsey is almost praying that the IRS can dig up some dirt.

Job well done, Congresswoman Woolsey. We, too, have had our eye on those Catholics for a long time and we say it’s about time someone else catches on to them.

Those Saturday night bingo games are obviously terrorist fundraisers. And who really knows what the St. Vincent DePaul Society is doing with those old shirts we gave them.

Shape up, Catholics. Uncle Sam knows what you’re up to.

Source: National Review

Sure glad we got that dangerous religious zealot out of the White House. Wait. Not so fast.

Barack Obama talks to God for inspiration. He’s a religious fanatic. He’s worse than the Taliban. He’s turning the country over to dangerous religious elements.

The left has undergone a miraculous religious conversion since Barack Obama was inaugurated. Suddenly, it’s good again to be overtly religious.

Comments that would have driven the left to bemoan the blurring of the separation of church and state had Bush made them are now seen as proof of Obama’s humanity and humility.

Consider this exchange on Thursday’s Nightline:

Terry Moran: Last question. As you know, there’s a lot of curiosity about you and what you do and what you wear and all these things and where you worship. If I may ask, how have the responsibilities of the presidency affected your spiritual life, if at all.

Obama: Well, I had a habit of praying every night before I got to bed. I pray all the time now (laughs) because I have a lot of stuff on my plate and I need guidance all the time. We haven’t selected a permanent church home in DC….my Faith and Neighborhood Initiatives Director Joshua DeBois, he has a devotional that he sends to me on my Blackberry every day. That’s how I start my morning. It’s got a passage, a scripture, in some cases quotes from other faiths to reflect on. So look, when you’re in this job, I think every President who’s had it is constantly humbled by the degree to which there are a lot of issues out there and the notion that one person alone can solve all these problems…I think you’re cured of that illusion very quickly. You just hope that you’re aligning your work with His purposes and that you’re attuned to the needs of the people that you’re there to serve.

Good Lord (you’ll pardon he expression), the man talks to God for inspiration. He’s a religious fanatic. He’s worse than the Taliban. He’s turning the country over to dangerous religious elements.

Confused about what role religion should play in a president’s life? Keep the rule of thumb in mind:

Republican president prays, bad. Democrat president prays, good.

Liberal prayer breakfast beseeches the Lord to end secret ballots

Over the lips, through over the gums, watch out hypocrisy, here it comes. Amen.
Over the lips, through the gums, watch out hypocrisy, here it comes. Amen.

This is one of the most worst stories we’ve ever read. Really. One of the worst.

“Union leaders, clergy and liberal members of Congress gathered in the mostly empty U.S. Capitol Visitors Center early Tuesday morning,” according to, “to hear multicultural choir music, speeches from religious leaders–and to pray for the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. The prayer breakfast was sponsored by Faith Leaders for Workplace Fairness–a coalition of liberal religious groups that was formed for the sole purpose of promoting the ‘card-check’ bill.”

Yes. You read that right. These people prayed for the end of the secret ballot in union elections.

Why stop there, you slackers? Why not pray for the end of democracy? Pray that Jimmy Carter will fly in to monitor all future American elections. Pray that Obama takes over every industry he hasn’t yet taken over. Pray that Joe Biden becomes intelligent.

Nah, even God couldn’t pull that one off.


Holy Moly! PBS to boot affiliates that air religious programs?

Religion is being squeezed off PBS but Obama worship will still be encouraged.
Religion is being squeezed off PBS but Obama worship will still be encouraged.

PBS likes religion about us much as Barack Obama likes auto executives.

A committee has recommended that PBS boot any affiliate stations that air “sectarian” programming.

The bottom line: Broadcast any religious programming and you’ll lose every PBS program. Sesame Street. The NewsHour. Nova. The Nightly Business Report. Everything.

Believe it or not, PBS has a fairness-and-balance policy, instituted twenty-four years ago, that says affiliates must be noncommercial, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian.

For example, WHUT has notified the Archdiocese of Washington that its “Mass for Shut-Ins” will be cancelled if the policy is approved. Oddly enough, WHUT’s general manager heads the committee that recommended the policy.

We’d have to say that this is noncommercial, nonpartisan, nonsectarian nonsense.


Kenya’s Muslims and Christians battling for the soul of Barack Obama’s grandmother

Seventh Day Adventist terrorists are causing trouble for President Obama's grandmother in Kenya.
Seventh Day Adventist terrorists are causing trouble for President Obama's grandmother in Kenya.

Oh, my! We have a battle going in Kenya. Muslims claim Christians are trying to convert Sarah Obama, who just happens to be the president’s grannie.

Mrs Obama, who’s been basking in her grandson’s aura since he became the most powerful man in the world, was recently stopped from going to a Seventh Day Adventist Church by local Muslims who feared she might convert to Christianity.

Not to worry, say the Seventh Day Adventists. They say she had merely been invited to attend one of their events.

“We had invited her to grace our meeting in Kisumu which was to mark the end of a three-week convention, but although she had prepared, she did not attend,” said Lewis Ondiek, a senior church figure.

Hey, Reverend Wright. Get your butt on a plane bound for Kenya. You may have lost one Obama, but it looks like there’s another one ripe for conversion.

Source: Ecumenical News International via Telegraph UK

UN’s Anti-Blasphemy Resolution restricts free speech, promotes Islam an U.N. Anti-Blasphemy Resolution is passed, it will outlaw criticism of Islam in any form. Even talking about the religion’s influence on terrorism could be a crime.

“A group of 57 Organization of Islamic Countries,” a February 25 Lou Dobbs report says, “the largest block at the United Nations, has been pushing it, out of concern, it says, for anti-Islamic behavior, saying, “This resolution is a major step towards sensitizing the international community on the serious impact of defamation of religions….”

“While appearing in name to promote tolerance, the implementation of this concept actually fosters intolerance and has served to justify restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Backers of the Anti-Blasphemy Resolution say their goal is simply to curtail speech that offends religion, specifically Islam. Religious groups and free speech advocates say the true goal is to extend the influence of Sharia law in the West.

The attached video is shocking. So shocking that you’ll immediately wonder why every major news organization hasn’t carried it. This measure is obviously in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution and a clear violation of free speech.

Lou Dobbs is outraged. Leftwing icon Christopher Hitchens is outraged. We’re outraged. You’ll undoubtedly be outraged, too.

Please view the video. Forward this story to your friends. Get the word out.

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When do religious broadcasters want the Fairness Doctrine? When hell freezes over.

Christian Broadcaster Pat Roberson
Christian Broadcaster Pat Roberson

Chalk up another vote against the Fairness Doctrine – this one from religious broadcasters.

“If I happen to say declaratively that the Bible tells me that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by Him,” said Christian talk show host Janet Parshall, “I am not interested in giving equal time to Buddha, Hinduism, or L. Ron Hubbard.”

We generally think political speech is the target of the Fairness Doctrine, but the only broadcast license that’s ever been revoked belonged to a Christian station. In 1964, a Pennsylvania Christian station carried a program on which the Reverend Billy James Hargis criticized author Fred Cook. When Cook was refused a chance to respond, he reported the station to the FCC. The station’s license was eventually revoked.

Can’t wait to hear Teddy Kennedy’s response to the Ten Commandments.

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