James Carville thinks we may have riots in the streets

He told Don Imus that he’s worried that extended unemployment may cause civil unrest, which is merely a euphemism for riots in the streets.

James Carville is the Democrat political strategist who coined the phrase “It’s the economy, stupid.”

When he gets that Cajun accent going we only understand about half of what he says. But we understood every word when he told Don Imus that he’s worried that extended unemployment may cause civil unrest, which is merely a euphemism for riots in the streets. And that, he says, may have a destabilizing effect on American politics.

Of course, it might be wise to keep in mind that when Carville speaks of destabilization of American politics, he means Democrats may get voted out of office.

“It is going to be very difficult,” Carville said. “But the country, if that is what we are doing, this is gruesome on people. This unemployment rate for this long is humanitarian crisis of the first magnitude. This financial crisis, people have studied this by the way, they know that the things take this long to work their way through. The aftermath of these things — kind of an academic book that is dry entitled ‘This Time is Different.’ What it concluded it is not different this time. They studied it, the aftermath of the financial crisis. What we are going through is imminently predictable. But this is a terrible thing that has happened to people’s lives. I think the president at one level understands that, you know. But he is limited in what he can do. So we’ll just have to see. But it’s going to be hard. If 54,000 jobs is the new norm – this is going to be very, very tough. Some people say it just might be one more thing. We don’t know.”

But Carville said the consequences aren’t limited to politics alone. He warned of heighten risk of civil unrest with the bleak economic picture.

“You know, look – this is a humanitarian — you know, you’re smart enough to see this,” Carville said. “People, you know, if it continues, we’re going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to that, but I think it’s [eminently] possible.”

Translation: Riot all you want when Republicans are in office. But hell’s bells, people, don’t do it when a Democrat is sitting in the Oval Office.

H/T: Daily Caller

Mystery: Why did Don Imus get fired for saying “nappy headed ho,” but not for this?

How could Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel and the NAACP go after Don Imus for his “nappy-headed ho” comment after ignoring more offensive comments in the past?

The mystery is, why did Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Charlie Rangel and the NAACP the rest of the racemongers decide to go after Don Imus for his “nappy-headed ho” comment after ignoring far more offensive comments in the past?

Like this one, for example. It’s called “The Black Beatles.”

We honestly don’t know what year this clip ran, but since Imus hasn’t been funny in at least 20 or 30 years, we have to assume it’s from back in the 70s or 80s.

Anyone have a better guess?

Don Imus on Rachel Maddow, “She’s the worst kind of coward and gutless, sniveling worm”

Our advice: Don’t invite Don Imus and Rachel Maddow to the same dinner party. Or if you must, do yourself a favor and seat them at opposite ends of the table.

Our advice: Don’t invite Don Imus and Rachel Maddow to the same dinner party. Or if you must, do yourself a favor and seat them at opposite ends of the table.

Imus has a segment on his show called “Blonde On Blonde.” The blondes in question are Lis Wiehl and Imus’ wife Deirdre. (We tell you that because no one actually watches or listens to Imus unless its in clips like this one.) During the Wednesday morning Blonde On Blonde session, Imus went off on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow:

Having nothing to do with her politics, she is a gutless coward and I’ll tell you why. Because everybody knew what the situation was with Olbermann at MSNBC. We used to work there. Tom Bowman, who’s our producer, Elisha who’s one of our producers, they both worked with me at MSNBC. They left there to come with me, by the way, don’t look for any of Olbermann’s producers to go any place with him. However, so we all know people, we still know everybody who’s at MSNBC. So, everybody knew what was going on with Keith. Everybody knew what was going to happen to him. For this woman, who owed her job to him, she’s live there with Bill Maher, a lot of people watch that terribly influential program, not to offer a defense of Olbermann, in spite of what you think about Olbermann, is unconscionable.

It’s like when I got fired, Sean Hannity, who works for Fox, was defending me, and I didn’t think I should be defended, but that’s irrelevant. He works for Fox, he was defending me getting fired by MSNBC. Mike Francesca and Chris Russo nearly lost their jobs ’cause they worked for CBS, along with me, defended me on CBS. They told them to stop doing it, they refused. No, she’s awful. She’s the worst kind of coward and gutless, sniveling worm. Oh God, horrible.

Be nice, Don. Maddow is a fine young man who deserves praise, not scorn.

H/T: NewsBusters.org

Imus says, “Chris Matthews is guilty of what he’s accusing the others of being”

Don Imus said of Chris Matthews, “He’s angry because he didn’t end up being Tim Russert.”

OK, well, it wasn’t actually Imus who said it, it was his sidekick Benard McGuirk. But Imus had plenty of other choice words for Matthews.

Such as “angry,” “vile,” “psycho,” “spittle-spewing,” “irrelevant,” and “Nobody takes Chris Matthews seriously.”

But he ended with the best one of all, “He’s angry because he didn’t end up being Tim Russert.”

We kind of wish he was a little more like Tim Russert, too. If you know what we mean.

FCC commissioner says free internet is a civil right for “every nappy-headed child”

“I can’t think of a more significant overarching civil rights issue than this,” Clyburn said, “that every nappy-headed child have the ability to connect worldwide.” We’re just not sure which part of this statement surprises us most…

Congratulations to Obama-appointed FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn. Preparing IHateTheMedia.com requires us to read a lot of crap in the course of a day and it takes a lot to surprise us anymore, but she’s done it.

“I can’t think of a more significant overarching civil rights issue than this,” Clyburn said, “that every nappy-headed child have the ability to connect worldwide.”

We’re just not sure which part of this statement surprises us most: the fact that she thinks free internet is a civil right or that she used the phrase “nappy-headed child.”

Oh, Ms. Clyburn, Don Imus on line three.

H/T: WeaselZippers.us

Imus loses it when Chris Dodd tries to blame Bush for oil spill

“Countrywide” Chris Dodd was discussing the Gulf oil spill with Don Imus. As soon as Dodd tried to defend Obama by uttering the words “The last eight years…”, Imus went ballistic. It went downhill from there.

“Countrywide” Chris Dodd was discussing the Gulf oil spill with Don Imus. As soon as Dodd tried to defend Obama by uttering the words “The last eight years…”, Imus went ballistic.

It went downhill from there.

By the way, we just read the other day that said Imus is now a syndication success story and is carried on more stations than ever. That may be true, but if the show were really successful, wouldn’t it be able to book far better guests than corrupt lame duck senators?

And so it begins: Fox Business Network gets first ratings win over CNBC thanks to Imus

Irrascable, almost unwatchable curmudgeon Don Imus has helped the Fox Business Network rack up its first ratings triumph over arch rival CNBC.

If there was ever been a face made for radio, it's the one belonging to Don Imus.
If there was ever been a face made for radio, it's the one belonging to Don Imus.

Irrascable, almost unwatchable curmudgeon Don Imus has helped the Fox Business Network rack up its first ratings triumph over arch rival CNBC.

Imus’ radio show, a simulcast of his radio show, averaged 148,000 viewers a day for the week of October 5. That allowed FBN to eke out its first narrow victory over CNBC since FBN fired up its transmitter two years ago.

The New York Daily News reports:

Imus retained about 75% of his audience for the period, and helped propel Fox Business to its highest overall ratings for a week.

Imus’ total viewership on Fox was several times the average of his last simulcast, on the RFD network, and a little less than half the number he averaged when he was on MSNBC.

Fox Business News or Joe Kernan and crew at CNBC? Joe Kernan and crew at CNBC or Fox Business News. We just can’t decide.

We admit it. We’re torn between two lovers, feelin’ like a fool. Lovin’ both of you is breakin’ all the rules.

Sorry, we momentarily channeled Maureen McGovern and her 1976 hit.

Source: New York Daily News

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