Latest Democrat to run for president was part of her father’s campaign comparing homosexuality to incest and BEASTIALITY and arguing that ‘I can’t marry my sister!’

Latest Democrat to run for president was part of her father’s campaign comparing homosexuality to incest and BEASTIALITY and arguing that ‘I can’t marry my sister!’ Well this should go over well with the PC Democrat club.

  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard worked for her father’s anti-gay organization in early 2000s
  • His group supported gay conversion therapy and referred to homosexuality as ‘unhealthy, abnormal behavior that should not be promoted or accepted’
  • A young Tulsi Gabbard appeared in an ad for the group in the late 1990s that opposed gay marriage
  • However, her position on gay rights has evolved over time
  • She has apologized for her past stance
  • ‘Let me say I regret the positions I took in the past, and the things I said,’ she said

Democratic fundraiser Matthew Lieberman charged with racially motivated gun crime in St. Louis

Democratic fundraiser Matthew Lieberman charged with racially motivated gun crime in St. Louis. Yet another cray-cray Democrat going wild with a gun yelling racial slur and shooting at innocent people. Perhaps they should just have gun-control restrictions apply to Democrats.

REVEALED: Top Democrat Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accuser With $27K In Taxpayer Money

REVEALED: Top Democrat Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accuser With $27K In Taxpayer Money. Hey where’s CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and the rest who have been screaming about Judge Roy Moore? Hello? Bueller? Bueller?

The congressman, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, is described as a serial sexual harasser who would prey on his female staffers in sworn affidavits signed by four of his former staffers.

“One of my duties while working for Rep. Conyers was to keep a list of women that I assumed he was having affairs with and call them at his request and, if necessary, have them flown in using Congressional resources,” one affidavit states. Another staffer told BuzzFeed that Conyers, who is the longest-serving congressman, used taxpayer funds to fly women into see him.

Judge Sentences Ex-California Senator Leland Yee to Five Years for Racketeering

Judge Sentences Ex-California Senator Leland Yee to Five Years for Racketeering. Alternate headline: Clinton appointee lets Democrat corrupt criminal slide with a whopping 5 year sentence. Good thing for him he wasn’t a Republican.


This Democrat Says It Is Not ‘Sporting’ To Use Semi-Automatic Weapons For Self-Defense

This Democrat Says It Is Not ‘Sporting’ To Use Semi-Automatic Weapons For Self-Defense. Well there you have it. Self-defense is now a sport. I suppose next this a-hole will want  everyone to get a thug hunting licence and establish a bag limit.



REPORT: JIM WEBB FAMILY MEMBERS EARNED $100,000 FROM PAC. So really, what’s worse? Being a dumbass and addressing a glorified KKK meeting or ripping off donors for a hundred grand? And let’s not even get into what the Clinton’s probably rip off from their charity.

The party of the wealthy turns out to be (drumroll, please) the Democrats

The Democrats say Republicans are the party of the rich, and the party of the rednecks. Which means, apparently, that the ultimate Republican is a NASCAR fan with a Mercedes.

Nevertheless, there’s a fascinating article in the Weekly Standard that clearly demonstrates that, in reality, the Democrats are the part of the wealthy. Overwhelmingly so.

rich democrat zip codes

The Democrats have created two conflicting memes for Republicans. One is that it’s the party of the rich. The other is that it’s the party of the rednecks. Which means, apparently, that the ultimate Republican is a NASCAR fan with a Mercedes.

Nevertheless, there’s a fascinating article in the Weekly Standard that clearly demonstrates that, in reality, the Democrats are the part of the wealthy. Overwhelmingly so.

National Review’s The Corner breaks down the details:

Continue reading “The party of the wealthy turns out to be (drumroll, please) the Democrats”

Democrats’ political strategy based on Salem witch trials

Shrill accusations, false testimony, over-emotional bleating. Hey, wait a second. Are we describing the Salem Witch Trials or today’s political landscape?

salem witch trials
The inspiration for MSNBC

Shrill accusations, false testimony, over-emotional bleating. Hey, wait a second. Are we describing the Salem Witch Trials or today’s political landscape?

According to, “In January of 1692, the daughter and niece of Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village became ill. When they failed to improve, the village doctor, William Griggs, was called in. His diagnosis of bewitchment put into motion the forces that would ultimately result in the death by hanging of nineteen men and women. In addition, one man was crushed to death; seven others died in prison, and the lives of many were irrevocably changed.”

Horrible, to be sure, but what was the burden of proof on the accusers? You couldn’t just yell “Witch!” and get someone you didn’t like killed. Or could you? Apparently the ‘proof’ was “Their names had been ‘cried out’ by tormented young girls as the cause of their pain.”

Well, there you have it.

Today’s political landscape sounds eerily similar, with Democrats filling the role of the tormented young girls. For example:

Democratic Congressman “Dick” Winder says “Palin Is Stoking Liberal Hate!!”

New York Times Columnist and MSNBC Talking Head Frank Rich says “Opposition to Obamacare is Racism”

Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson “Compares Republicans to Nazis”

The shrill accusations go on and on. In a thinly-veiled attempt to discredit the right and in a preview of what to expect in the upcoming mid-term elections, the left has launched an all-out media blitz crying “Witch, Witch, Witch!” and the media, hoping some real trials and maybe an actual death or two might result, provide wall-to-wall 24-hour a day coverage of the tormented young girls leftists.

All you need is a left wing sound bite and poof, instant witches ready for trial.

Good thing they didn’t have cable in Salem the death toll would have been considerably higher.

Source: Salem Witch Museum

Scientists claim they found missing link between man and apes

After watching Congressmen Hank Johnson and Phil Hare last week, we were pretty much convinced that evolution had reversed itself and that man was descending back to ape.

The odd-looking missing link will reportedly be dubbed homo nostrilitis

Despite the fact that we are highly-trained paleontologists and human evolutionary experts, we’re going to leave this story to the Telegraph UK:

The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week.

Scientists believe the almost-complete fossilised skeleton belonged to a previously-unknown type of early human ancestor that may have been a intermediate stage as ape-men evolved into the first species of advanced humans, Homo habilis.

Experts who have seen the skeleton say it shares characteristics with Homo habilis, whose emergence 2.5 million years ago is seen as a key stage in the evolution of our species.

The new discovery could help to rewrite the history of human evolution by filling in crucial gaps in the scientific knowledge.

Most fossilised hominid remains are little more than scattered fragments of bone, so the discovery of an almost-complete skeleton will allow scientists to answer key questions about what our early ancestors looked like and when they began walking upright on two legs.

Palaeontologists and human evolutionary experts behind the discovery have remained silent about the exact details of what they have uncovered, but the scientific community is already abuzz with anticipation of the announcement of the find when it is made on Thursday.

The skeleton was found by Professor Lee Berger, from the University of the Witwatersrand, while exploring cave systems in the Sterkfontein region of South Africa, near Johannesburg, an area known as “the Cradle of Humanity”.

This is excellent news. Because after watching Congressmen Hank Johnson and Phil Hare last week, we were pretty much convinced that evolution had reversed itself and that man was descending back to ape.

Source: Telegraph UK

The message Democrats should hear. From the left wing point of view.

Leftist publications must have been fully prepared for a Democrat loss in Massachusetts. Or they’re really fast typists. For example, Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter posted an article that sounded promising – “The Message Democrats Should Hear From Massachusetts.” Well, sounded promising is about as good as it got.

The message of Massachusetts is clearer to some people than to others. Leftist publications must have been fully prepared for a Democrat loss in Massachusetts. Or they’re really fast typists.

For example, Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter posted an article that sounded promising – “The Message Democrats Should Hear From Massachusetts.” Well, sounded promising is about as good as it got.

It started off fairly well, noting that “There’s no way for the Democrats to soft pedal the historic thumping that Republican Scott Brown delivered to Democrat Martha Coakley on Tuesday in the race to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat.”

But the article quickly went South from there.

Asking “Is this a wake up call for President Obama? Yes. Does he need to show that he is listening more? Sure. But should this election kill health care? Don’t be ridiculous. Who elected Massachusetts to decide for the rest of the country whether we move forward on the bill?”

Not sure that anyone elected Massachusetts to do that, but we are pretty sure that the nation spoke out pretty firmly in the last few weeks to say that we’d rather have swine flu than this bloated pig of a bill.

But Newsweek is apparently home to math-challenged individuals like Alter who consider 33% a majority.

Continue reading “The message Democrats should hear. From the left wing point of view.”

Democrats believe in ghosts, fortune tellers and psychics. Is it just a coincidence they still believe in Hope and Change?

This Pew survey goes a long way toward explaining why Democrats continue to believe in Hope and Change and ObamaCare and, for that matter, anything that comes out of this president’s mouth.

"Did Bill Ayers really write the President's books? Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Where was the President born? Will ObamaCare bankrupt us?"
"Did Bill Ayers really write the President's books? Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Where was the President born? Will ObamaCare bankrupt us?"

Break out the Ouija Board and find out if they believe in the tooth fairy, unicorns and Santa Claus (no, no Santa Claus. He’s a symbol of Christmas, that racist, sexist, homophobic holiday celebrated by intolerant Christians).

Here’s the story of a new Pew Research study from Byron York in the Washington Examiner:

“Conservatives and Republicans report fewer experiences than liberals or Democrats communicating with the dead, seeing ghosts and consulting fortunetellers or psychics,” the Pew study says. For example, 21 percent of Republicans report that they have been in touch with someone who is dead, while 36 percent of Democrats say they have done so. Eleven percent of Republicans say they have seen a ghost, while 21 percent of Democrats say so. And nine percent of Republicans say they have consulted a fortuneteller, while 22 percent of Democrats have.

There’s more. Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in reincarnation, while 30 percent of Democrats do. Fourteen percent of Republicans say they believe in astrology, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Fifteen percent of Republicans say they view yoga as a spiritual practice, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in spiritual energy, while 30 percent of Democrats do.

Have you ever been to Taos, New Mexico? They’ve built up this phony marketing mystique about how “spiritual” the place is. The tour guides say things like, “You can just feeeeeeel the spiritual nature of the land.”

Want to know what we felt when we were there? Cold. Freezing ass cold. And the spirit guide wanted us to stand around outside in the freezing ass spiritual cold when we wanted to go inside and get a steaming hot cup of real world joe.

Sorry, we got off point.

The point was, this Pew survey goes a long way toward explaining why Democrats continue to believe in Hope and Change and ObamaCare and, for that matter, anything that comes out of this president’s mouth.

Source: Byron York/Washington Examiner

Research confirms that Democrats aren’t dumb, just ignorant

In news that will surely shock liberals across the fruited plain, Democrats are ignorant.


In news that will surely shock liberals across the fruited plain, Democrats are ignorant.

According to a new Pew Research study, they know far less about political matters than Republicans and Independents.

This, of course, runs contrary to everything you’ve ever read or heard from the liberal media. You are stupid. Too stupid to vote. Possibly too stupid to breathe. You move your lips when you read. If you read at all, that is.

And yet, you know more than Democrats.

Source: Pew Research

Video: John Murtha demonstrates the difference between democracy and Democrats

John “Earmark” Murtha is the poster boy for corruption in Washington, DC. And this video demonstrates that he is quite willing to ignore Republicans, common courtesy and the Constitution.

John “Earmark” Murtha is the poster boy for corruption in Washington, DC. And this video demonstrates that he is quite willing to ignore Republicans, common courtesy and the Constitution.

Source: Jammie Wearing Fool

Scientists discover huge black blobs in ocean off Alaska, on beach in Caribbean


Scientists say the huge black blob lying off the coast of Alaska has now been identified as common algae. Political scientists say the huge black blob lying in the Caribbean is an even lower form of life, Democrat Congressman Charles Rangel.

Source: Anchorage Daily News

One more comment on the Democrats-as-whores concept

These are either mug shots of women arrested for prostitution in St Paul, Minnesota or Democrat members of congress. Tough to tell the difference.

These are either mug shots of women arrested for prostitution in St Paul, Minnesota or Democrat members of congress. Tough to tell the difference.
These are either mug shots of women arrested for prostitution in St Paul, Minnesota or Democrat members of congress. Tough to tell the difference.

To review’s story that Democrats prove they’re not only whores, but cheap whores one more time:

Three House Democratic leaders who were whipping members on the climate change bill gave tens of thousands in campaign cash to party moderates around the time of the 219-212 vote on June 26, according to Federal Election Commission records.

It’s impossible to tell if that torrent of cash was an attempt to schmear wavering Democrats — or just part of the usual cash dump made by leaders on the eve of the June 30 quarterly fundraising deadline.

Are you wondering what the hell the word “schmear” mean? Well, the Merrian-Webster online dictionary defines it as “an aggregate of related things.”

As in the sentence, “We have a whole schmear of cheap Democrat whores in congress.”

Source:, Merriam-Webster

Former Pennsylvania lawmaker gets five years in prison, his party remains a mystery

Former Sen. Vincent Fumo misappropriated millions from New Jersey and two nonprofits. But his democrat party affiliation is not mentioned until end of article.

Vincent Fumo is going to prison, where his party may be able to establish a quorum
Vincent Fumo is going to prison, where his party may be able to establish a quorum

This is an ugly, ugly story of corruption in – would you believe it – New Jersey. And an even uglier story of the media burying that politician’s political party.

A former Pennsylvania lawmaker who prosecutors said became “drunk with power” in his many years in the state Senate was sentenced Tuesday to less than five years in prison, a steep departure down from what the judge was asked to impose for the corruption conviction.

Former Sen. Vincent Fumo misappropriated millions from the state and two nonprofits. A jury found he used their coffers to clean his mansion, charter yachts, and spy on an ex-girlfriend and political foes.

“Maybe I should not have asked my staff to do the favors I did,” an ashen-faced Fumo said before he was sentenced. “Judge, I never intended to steal. The last thing on my mind was taking money from anybody. I’ve never done that.”

Remarkably, we don’t learn which political party Fumo was affiliated until the 17th paragraph of this story and even then it’s only mentioned peripherally:

Gov. Ed Rendell, a spying target and sometime rival, called his fellow Democrat “ruthless” but told the judge in a letter that Fumo nonetheless “has a deep sense of social responsibility.”

Which news source buried Fumo’s Democrat affiliation? If you guessed CBS, you’d be wrong. If you guessed NBC, you’d be wrong. If you guessed Associated Press, you’d be wrong. If you guessed MSNBC, you’d be wrong.

The offending news organization turns out to be those dastardly conservatives at Fox News.

Don’t look now, Keith Olbermann, but this looks suspiciously fair and balanced.


Republican chart shows bureaucratic nightmare of ObamaCare

Republican Chart of Healthcare showing the bureaucratic nightmare of ObamaCare, the House Democrats healthcare plan, was revealed today. Pray to God you never get sick again.

House Democrats Healthcare Chart (CLICK TO ENLARGE IMAGE)


Welcome to ObamaCare, ladies and gentlemen. This is where the separation of church and state will fall apart, because you’re going to pray to God you never get sick again.

PDF available here.


2003: Democrats insist Medicare can’t be cut.
2009: Democrats insist Medicare must be cut.

2003: Democrats insist Medicare can’t be cut. Democrats insist Medicare must be cut.

When that cold-hearted son of a bitch George Bush wanted to make relatively modest cuts in Medicare, Democrats had a hissy fit. They said he was trying to to kill old people.

Now that The Greatest President In the History of The Universe wants to cut $622 billion from Medicare and Medicaid, Republicans are still cold-hearted sons a bitches. But now it’s for some reason we really can’t fathom.


James Carville said Democrats would rule for 40 more years. He may have been off by about 38.

This is the the kind of "change" the Obama administration hoped for.
This is not the kind of "change" the Obama administration hoped for.

“Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues, including the top issue of the economy.”

Must have been a whole lot ‘o hyperventilatin’ goin’ on over at MSNBC when they read that Rasmussen Reports summary of its latest national telephone survey.

Rasmussen found that 45% of likely voters now have more confidence in Republicans’ ability to handle economic issues. Only 39% favor Democrats. And to twist the knife a little more, independent voters now trust the GOP by a two-to-one margin.

This is the first time in more than two years that Republicans have come out on top.

“The latest survey was taken just after General Motors announced it was going into bankruptcy as part of a deal brokered by the Obama administration that gives the government majority ownership of the failing automaker,” Rasmussen continued.

Unemployment is skyrocketing. The national debt is exploding. The dollar is collapsing. Interest rates are rising. Inflation is rearing its ugly head. We’re just surprised it took this long for the voters to figure out these guys don’t know what they’re doing.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

Republicans want to give you control of GM

GM stock may not be worth the paper it's printed on, but it's better off in your hands than in the government's
GM stock may not be worth the paper it's printed on, but it's better off in your hands than in the government's

Two Republican senators, Lamar Alexander and Robert Bennett, want the government to give its stake in General Motors to American taxpayers. The plan makes so much sense that it’s almost impossible to believe it was generated in Washington, DC.

Under the plan, the government would divvy up its newly-minted General Motors shares among the 154 million Americans who pay federal taxes. If you don’t pay taxes, you don’t get the stock. The senators said taxpayers financed the government’s $60 billion investment in GM, so they deserve to own the stock.

“Those shares might not be worth much now, but put them away and one day they might contribute something toward a college education,” Alexander said. “GM’s 610 million shares were only worth 75 cents just before bankruptcy, but they were worth $40 dollars per share two years ago.”

“This bill would be a tough one for Democrats to oppose,” one aide observed. “They would essentially say that they would rather have the government run and own an auto company than the American people.”

That poor deluded aide. Let us give you the Democrat response before they even make it:

“This outrageous plan is typical of good old boy Republican politics. It discriminates against the poor, people of color and hard-working undocumented aliens. Blah-blah-blah.”

Source: Reuters

Culture of Corruption Update: Democrats three times more cultured than Republicans

The face of corruption in Washington, DC. And a lovely face it is.
The face of corruption in Washington, DC. And a lovely face it is.

Funny thing. We’re not hearing the Democrats bang that culture of corruption drum much these days. Maybe it’s because they cleaned up all the corruption.

Just kidding.

It’s actually because the overwhelming number of politicians under investigation in Washington, DC these days are – drum roll, please – Democrats.

Fact is, there are now 12 active investigations looking into Democrats and only 4 looking into Republicans.

Democratic members of Congress under investigation: Sanford Bishop of Georgia, Jesse Jackson of Illinois, Allan Mollohan of West Virginia, John Murtha of Pennsylvania, Charlie Rangel of New York, Linda Sanchez of California, Loretta Sanchez of California, Pete Visclosky of Indiana.

Democratic Senators under investigation: Roland Burris of Illinois, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Bob Menendez of New Jersey.

Republican members of Congress under investigation: Jerry Lewis of California, Garry Miller of California, Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania, Don Young of Alaska.

Republican Senators under investigation: None.

Sad to say, we don’t attribute this to any great sense of honesty on the part of the Republicans. It’s more likely that they’re just so weak and ineffectual that they’re not worth trying to corrupt them anymore.


FBI investigates former North Carolina governor,
AP takes eight paragraphs to mention he’s a Democrat

Awkward moment between Democrat Governor Mike Easley and Democrat President Barack Obama (See how easy that was, AP?)
Awkward moment between Democrat Governor Mike Easley and Democrat President Barack Obama (See how easy that was, AP?)

Here’s a rule of thumb: If a newspaper story doesn’t mention the party of a politician who’s in trouble, bet your house it’s a Democrat.

AP proved the wisdom of that betting strategy again on Friday when it took eight paragraphs to identify the party of former North Carolina Governor Mike Easley.

Here’s how Associated Press framed the story:

Federal authorities revealed Friday that they are looking into who paid for flights former North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley and his family took on privately owned aircraft while he was in office.

The FBI subpoenaed the state Highway Patrol and a trooper who was the head of the governor’s personal security detail, seeking information about the travel, documents involving payments and any communication the agency had with the Easleys about those private flights.

The subpoenas also ask for public inquiries of the flights and the patrol’s policies on keeping records related to the Easleys’ trips.

Where do they mention the former governor’s party affiliation? Not for five more paragraphs.

Easley, a Democrat, didn’t immediately return a phone call at his law office in Raleigh.

If he’d been a Republican, the headline would have said, “Republican investigated by FBI.” Maybe even “Evil Racist Republican investigated by the FBI.” Possibly even “Evil Racist, Gun-Loving, Misogynist Republican investigated by the FBI. Dems demand immediate resignation.”


Source: Associated Press via Earthlink

Only in Washington does an organization get funded on Thursday after being indicted for 39 felonies on Monday

Alphonse of Capone, the patron saint of ACORN
Alphonse of Capone, the patron saint of ACORN

On Monday Nevada filed 39 felony criminal complaints against ACORN. On Thursday the House of Representatives voted to allow ACORN to receive federal funding under the “Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.”

The vote to make ACORN eligible for funding was 245-176. All Democrats on the side, all Republicans plus four honest Democrats on the other.

“There is no excuse this outrage. The only explanation for voting to give money to this racket is that House Democrats are deep in the pocket of ACORN,” said a statement from

As a result of the House vote, ACORN is eligible for more than $3 billion in “stimulus” money plus another $5.5 billion from the 2010 budget. The organization has already received at least $53 million from American taxpayers since 1994.

ACORN has also been investigated for voter fraud in state after state – including Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Missouri, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Michigan.

39 felony counts? What’s the big deal? Who among us hasn’t been charged with 39 felony counts at one time or another?


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