California Guard members feared fighter jet would be ordered to frighten protesters

F 15 Eagle Firing AIM 7 Sparrow Medium Range Air to Air Missile

California Guard members feared fighter jet would be ordered to frighten protesters. In our opinion, Gavin Newsom is more dangerous and crazed than Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. This is pure insanity. If you can’t beat them, strafe them.

But then came an unusual order: The air branch of the Guard was told to place an F-15C fighter jet on an alert status for a possible domestic mission, according to four Guard sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

Portland Mayor Joins Violent ‘Protest’; Booed by Protesters, Tear Gassed by Feds

Portland Mayor Joins Violent ‘Protest’; Booed by Protesters, Tear Gassed by Feds. If Mayor Antifa was there when they lit the Federal Courthouse on fire he should be indicted for arson and arrested.

OUT OF SCHOOL INTO PROTEST: Schools Use Kids To Push Leftist Politics

OUT OF SCHOOL INTO PROTEST: Schools Use Kids To Push Leftist Politics. This is how they use kids in San Francisco. The added bonus for the leftists is they’re indoctrinating them.

Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month

Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month. We can all guess who this traces back to. You can bet their pledges and rules are just plausible deniability for when they start breaking shit and injuring people.

  1. We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.
  2. We will maintain an attitude of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions.
  3. We will not destroy or damage any property.
  4. We will carry no weapons or any means of physical defense, including shields.
  5. We will not wear masks or otherwise conceal our faces or identities.
  6. We will exercise personal and collective responsibility to ensure that all participants adhere to this agreement.
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