Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds

Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds. They also targeted Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Well, in our opinion, if they don’t want the FEDs there then they shouldn’t want our money there.

“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” Barr said in a statement set to be released Monday.

“We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance,’’ the AG added.

Oregon Poll: Majority Say Protests Violent; Trump Tops Local Leaders in Approval

Oregon Poll: Majority Say Protests Violent; Trump Tops Local Leaders in Approval. This is what happens when Democrat leaders let riots, chaos, looting, and burning go on practically unabated.

A poll of Oregon voters released late last week revealed that a majority disapprove of the Black Lives Matter protests in the state, and that President Donald Trump has higher approval than Governor Kate Brown or Portland Mayor Ted Wheele

It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient


It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient. Antifa or plain old arsonists? Here’s another one. There are several more pending investigations.

Portland companies are fleeing downtown area because of Black Lives Matter riots

No Sale

Portland companies are fleeing downtown area because of Black Lives Matter riots. 83 days of “no sale” on the cash register would make us leave, too. We hope Mayor Wheeler enjoys wondering where all the tax money went.

“Businesses are leaving,” Andrew Hoan, president and CEO of the Portland Business Alliance (PBA), told KATU.

“The financial consequences to the downtown corridor are a running calculation that is almost impossible to wrap your mind around,” he added, going on to say that one company already has said that the riots have cost $20 million in damage and lost business.

UN Issues Warning Over Law Enforcement Response To Riots

UN Human Rights Council Members 2020

UN Issues Warning Over Law Enforcement Response To Riots. We’re supposed to listen to the UN? Look at the current members of the Human Rights Council and tell us if you GAF what they say? President Trump should defund them and evict them from the United States.

Now, someone else has had to open their pie-hole and express their opinion.

The United Nations human rights office has issued a stark warning to authorities in the US against using disproportional force against protesters and journalists involved in anti-systemic racism protests across the country.

18 Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weeknight Protests at Federal Courthouse in Portland

18 Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weeknight Protests at Federal Courthouse in Portland. Book ’em Danno, then throw the key away.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams announced today that 18 people have been arrested and are facing federal charges this week for their roles in recent weeknight protests at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland.

According to court documents, since May 26, 2020, protests in downtown Portland have been followed by nightly criminal activity including assaults on law enforcement officers, destruction of property, looting, arson, and vandalism. The Hatfield Federal Courthouse has been a nightly target of vandalism during evening protests and riots, sustaining extensive damage.

Portland Mayor Joins Violent ‘Protest’; Booed by Protesters, Tear Gassed by Feds

Portland Mayor Joins Violent ‘Protest’; Booed by Protesters, Tear Gassed by Feds. If Mayor Antifa was there when they lit the Federal Courthouse on fire he should be indicted for arson and arrested.

Trump Overrules Pelosi, Will Continue To Arrest Rioters Around Country Over Dem Objections

Trump Overrules Pelosi, Will Continue To Arrest Rioters Around Country Over Dem Objections. Suprise Nancy! You’re not the Queen. Neither is Schumer (we think).

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting. Post shooting lying and coverup by other agents is alleged. Below is synched video of inside their truck and the FBI vidieo. The shooting starts just past the 5:00 minute mark.


OREGON RANCHER WAS SHOT NINE TIMES, APPEARS STOLEN 9MM PLANTED ON HIM AFTER THE FACT. Someone needs to seriously investigate this. High-res video, dash cams, sound, testimony from everyone under oath.

Ammon Bundy arrested; LaVoy Finicum killed

Ammon Bundy arrested; LaVoy Finicum killed. Still nothing on who shot first.

All eight people arrested face a federal felony charge relating to their occupation of the refuge: conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats, authorities said.


4 ARRESTED NEAR OREGON WILDLIFE REFUGE; SHOTS FIRED. No details yet. Ammon Bundy and 3 others arrested.

Update: “Ryan Payne, one of the occupation leaders, suffered multiple gunshots in the shooting, according to The Oregonian reporter Les Zaitz, who cited a local government official. Harney District Hospital in Burns is on lockdown and St. Charles Medical Center – Bend confirmed it had dispatched an air ambulance, though it provided no other details.”

Update: Now being reported 8 in custody and one dead, but nothing on who.

Update: All charged with federal felony – conspiracy to impede a federal officer by force.

Oregon Governor Who Wouldn’t Call Feds To Remove Occupy From Parks, Calls On Them To Remove Protesters At Wildlife Refuge

Oregon Governor Who Wouldn’t Call Feds To Remove Occupy From Parks, Calls On Them To Remove Protesters At Wildlife Refuge. Guess she can’t make her mind up. She likes chicks and dicks, too.

Full Story on What’s Going on In Oregon – Militia Take Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Protest to Hammond Family Persecution…

Full Story on What’s Going on In Oregon – Militia Take Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Protest to Hammond Family Persecution This is part of a long-running scheme by the Federal Government to drive people off their lands and claim them as their own. The Hammonds were railroaded, along with others.

Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns

Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns. Is Bundy II about to happen? In our opinion it seems the Federal Government is getting very high-handed these days. When we were young you generally didn’t see this type of animosity, the government was there to help you, not screw you over.

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order. This is what happens when liberals take over. They just love confiscating guns, money, property and most of all constitutional rights.

Eugene, Oregon city council: Let’s not have any of that subversive Pledge of Allegiance stuff in our town

Surely no one who’s ever attended the University of Oregon was surprised to see that the Eugene city council has come out against the Pledge of Allegiance.

A personal note from the Editor: I’m a Duck. I graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism back when devices known as “typewriters” were still state of the art.

When I arrived in Eugene a stinky haze hung over the city. Locals blamed it on the local pulp mills, but what I smelled was actually the stench of liberalism.

Surely no one who’s ever attended the University of Oregon was surprised to see that the Eugene city council has come out against the Pledge of Allegiance.

One fine member of the council compared it to the Communist Manifesto. Not to be outdone, another wacko announced that she couldn’t pledge allegiance to the United States because she’s a citizen of the world.

She didn’t specify which world, but we assume she meant the third world into which we are rapidly descending.


Source: Breitbart

Eugene is a hate-free zone. And also an irony free zone.

Sarah Palin gave a speech in Eugene, Oregon a couple days ago and was greeted by the city’s official welcoming committee.

As you can see, the pink sign in the foreground indicates that Eugene is a hate free zone. The sign directly behind it proves that it’s an irony free zone.

Notice that the pink sign is in the shape of a hand. A hand, get it. It’s supposed to be like notes written on the palm of a hand. Hahahahahahaha. Oh, god, that sophisticated left wing wit just cracks us up.

The editor of IHateTheMedia.com is a graduate of the University of Oregon (yeah, that journalism degree is really paying off now). He assures us that Eugene was full of left wing lunatics when he lived there and that it’s even worse now.

Screw you, Gene. (See, that was a clever way of saying Screw Eugene. Those lefty protestors aren’t the only ones who understand how to use that sophisticated wit stuff).

H/T: Hot Air

Democrats get you going and coming: propose taxes on toilet paper and every mile you drive

A few weeks ago Blumenauer proposed a tax on toilet paper. Now he’s introduced a bill that to study vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a supplement or possible replacement for the current per-gallon fuel tax.

Earl Blumenauer has figured out how to get around his mileage tax, but still hasn't figure out how to get around the toilet paper tax
Earl Blumenauer has figured out how to get around his mileage tax, but still hasn't figure out how to get around the toilet paper tax

You have to give Oregon Democrat Earl Blumenauer credit for being creative. He’s introducing tax concepts that no one else in Washington, DC has the guts or stupidity to propose.

A few weeks ago Blumenauer proposed a tax on toilet paper. Now he’s introduced a bill that to study vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a supplement or possible replacement for the current per-gallon fuel tax.

Of course, the bill doesn’t specify what happens to the existing fuel tax if a VMT program were adopted. But we’re willing to go out on a limb here and guess that the VMT will somehow end up as an additional tax, not a replacement tax.

Not everyone is enamored with the idea. In fact, we’d guess that most people hate it. For example:

“The current system of levying federal taxes on trucks is as discriminatory as it can be to small business, and harmful, but there are lots of unanswered questions with a VMT. And those questions need to be resolved before we start launching down that path,” said Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) Executive VP Todd Spencer said.
Continue reading “Democrats get you going and coming: propose taxes on toilet paper and every mile you drive”

Oregon spends $176 million in stimulus funds to create jobs that only last one week

Oregon spent $176 million to supplement federal stimulus funds. Democrats are taking credit for a remarkable feat: creating 3,236 new jobs in the program’s first three months. But those jobs lasted on average only 35 hours, or about one work week.

Add the three, carry the six, divide by 52. Yes, the answer is 3,000,000.
Add the three, carry the six, divide by 52. Yes, the answer is 3,000,000.

It’s been widely reported that the Obama aministration says its going to create or save 3,000,000 jobs.

Now,thanks to the Associated Press, we know how it’s going to be done:

“Oregon spent $176 million to supplement federal stimulus funds. Democrats are taking credit for a remarkable feat: creating 3,236 new jobs in the program’s first three months. But those jobs lasted on average only 35 hours, or about one work week. After that, those workers were effectively back unemployed, according to an Associated Press analysis of state spending and hiring data. By the state’s accounting, a job is a job, whether it lasts three hours, three days, three months, or a lifetime. “Sometimes some work for an individual is better than no work,” said Oregon’s Senate president, Peter Courtney.

Apparently, Obama didn’t mean he was going to create or save 3,000,000 full-time jobs, just 3,000,000 one week jobs. Or 60,000 full-time jobs.

But based on Oregon’s experience, we can’t afford those jobs. The state spent $54,388 per job over that three month period. If the program were extended out over the course of a year, each job would cost the state an average of $217,472.

This from the same band of geniuses who want to take over your healthcare.

Source: Associated Press

Parents in Oregon aren’t laughing at comedian Steve Martin

steve martin picasso at the lapin agileSteve Martin once played “The Jerk.” Now some Oregon parents think he’s being one in real life.

Here’s the situation: A high school production of Martin’s play, “Picasso at the Lapin Agile,” was canceled when parents objected to its adult content.

Martin said in a letter to a newspaper that he wants to keep the play, conducted in other high schools without controversy, “from acquiring a reputation it does not deserve.”

Martin said he could understand how some parents might object to their 16- or 17-year-olds delivering some lines, and he said whether the play should be presented at the high school itself “remains something to be determined by the community.”

Then, in what can only be described as stunning hypocrisy, the comedian said he would ante up the money to have the same play produced with the same actors off-campus.

When Martin said it was “something to be determined by the community,” no one knew the community he was referring to was Hollywood.

Source: Associated Press/WTOP

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