Biden Condemns Gov. Abbott Over Relocating Migrants From Border to Sanctuary Cities. Abbott Responds

Biden Condemns Gov. Abbott Over Relocating Migrants From Border to Sanctuary Cities. Abbott Responds. Are Biden and his cronie crapheads really this out of touch, or are they bald-faced liars?

“The White House is full of a bunch of hypocrites, led by the Hypocrite-in-Chief,” Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze said in a statement, according to ABC News. “Instead of their hypocritical complaints about Texas providing much-needed relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities, President Biden and Border Czar Harris need to step up and do their jobs to secure the border — something they continue failing to do.”

The migrants “were processed and released by the federal government,” Eze said, saying that the relocation of migrants from the Texas border to sanctuary cities is “providing much-needed relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities.”

Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona

Border Wall Gap

Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona. It appears bussing illegal aliens to Washington, DC is having an effect. They should start bussing them to the hometowns of every Democrat in Congress, next.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says he is sending illegal aliens to the U.S. Capitol

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says he is sending illegal aliens to the U.S. Capitol: They will be dropped off at the steps of the U.S. Capitol. State officials say they are prepared to activate up to 900 buses, or “as many as needed”.

Gov. Abbott pledges to finish Trump’s border wall and use state troopers to arrest migrants

Gov. Abbott pledges to finish Trump’s border wall and use state troopers to arrest migrants. If they don’t stop this soon, they’ll soon be having the Battle of the Alamo again.

Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday said Texas state troopers will now begin arresting migrants crossing the southern border — a move that immigration experts say is legally dubious — and that the state will also pick up where former President Donald Trump left off building the border wall.

“Long term, only Congress and the president can fix our broken border. But in the meantime, Texas is going to do everything possible, including beginning to make arrests, to keep our communities safe,” Abbott said at an event billed as a border security summit in Del Rio. “We are going to do everything we can to secure the border and it begins immediately.”

OUT OF SCHOOL INTO PROTEST: Schools Use Kids To Push Leftist Politics

OUT OF SCHOOL INTO PROTEST: Schools Use Kids To Push Leftist Politics. This is how they use kids in San Francisco. The added bonus for the leftists is they’re indoctrinating them.

WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Bumbles Her Way Through Another Presser; Makes BIZARRE ‘Presidents Day’ Claim

WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Bumbles Her Way Through Another Presser; Makes BIZARRE ‘Presidents Day’ Claim. It’s beginning to look like she’s giving Porky Pig a run for his  money on stuttering. Th th th that’s all folks!

Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez claims “comprehensive immigration reform secures the border”

Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez claims “comprehensive immigration reform secures the border.” Alert! We now have a magic border! We guess this works by dusting it with unicorn farts.

Singular solution to multiculturalism: Denmark buys back a border guardhouse so it can close its borders

The European Union’s grand experiment in open borders and multiculturalism has become a grand failure. Europe has suddenly rediscovered the old adage that says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

The European Union’s grand experiment in open borders and multiculturalism has become a grand failure. Europe has suddenly rediscovered the old adage that says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

We really hope the Danish People's Party made a nice profit on this real estate transaction

The New York Times almost chokes while reporting the story:

Ten years ago, as Denmark joined the European Union’s visa-free open travel zone, the outraged Danish People’s Party bought a decommissioned border guardhouse, vowing that one day it would be in use again. Back then, most Danes dismissed the move as a colorful publicity stunt by the newly formed right-wing party.

Ahhh, yes, in Europe, just as in the United States, leftists dismiss every right wing worry as uninformed at best and racist at worst.

But last month, the Danish People’s Party was doing a victory dance, offering to donate its picturesque brick guardhouse at the German border to the government. The party had achieved its goal: Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen had agreed to restore 24-hour customs control in exchange for support on a difficult budget package.

The deal set off an outcry in the European Union as tiny Denmark became the first member to seriously challenge the union’s crowning achievement: the free movement of goods and services across borders. Italy and France, wrangling over a huge influx of immigrants from North Africa, have been pushing for a lesser step — the ability to temporarily close borders in an emergency. This got the official nod of approval during a meeting of European leaders on Friday.

The Danes’ plan, on the other hand, has garnered a warning from the Eurocrats in Brussels who said the Scandinavian country’s plans are incompatible with its “obligations under European and international law.”

We think that’s what it said, but it’s difficult to tell because the Eurocrats’ warning was nearly illegible. But it’s not really their fault. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to write legibly while wearing blinders.

Source: New York Times

Sherlock Napolitano has lost track of 6 million illegal aliens

Seriously, does Janet Napolitano give you any sense of confidence that the border is being protected and that America is being kept safe? If so, you’re reading the situation completely wrong.

“Well, damn it, where’d they go?” the Director of Homeland Security said. “They were here just a minute ago.”

Seriously, does Janet Napolitano give you any sense of confidence that the border is being protected and that America is being kept safe? If so, you’re reading the situation completely wrong.

Illegal alien playing peek-a-boo with Janet Napolitano

Judicial Watch has the details:

…nearly half of the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants actually entered the U.S. legally but overstayed their visa, according to a new federal report. That’s because the agency responsible for keeping the nation safe—the Department of Homeland Security—can’t keep track of immigrants who remain in the U.S. after their visas expire.

This clearly creates a huge national security issue because terrorists can plot more attacks from within. In fact, dozens of foreigners convicted of terrorism since the 2001 attacks had overstayed their visas, according to the report, which was published by the investigative arm of Congress known as the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Pssst. Hey, Janet. Check outside any Home Depot. We pretty sure you’ll be able to find about 5 million of them.

Source: Judicial Watch

Arizona governor throws down the gauntlet: Tells Obama to stop the jokes, secure the border

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is pissed off. Really pissed off. And the object of her pissoffedness is President Obama.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is pissed off. Really pissed off. And the object of her pissoffedness is President Obama.

She invited the Commander in Chief to come to Arizona and visit the Mexican border nearly a year ago, but he’s been very busy bankrupting the country and hasn’t been able to work it into his schedule. He did find time, however, to have the federal government sue Arizona for doing what the federal government wouldn’t – protect the border.

Brewer has huevos grandes, something this President is sorely lacking, so she put together this new commercial that challenges Obama to get off his duff, to stop making juvenile jokes about illegal aliens, and to perform his constitutionally mandated duties.

Hey, it’s a mandate, President Obama. You should love it.

Build it and they won’t come: Arizona governor authorizes state to erect a border fence

The good people of Arizona seem to understand a simple truth: If the federal government won’t do its job, the state will have to do it for them. In this case, the job in question is that of protecting the border against an invasion.

The good people of Arizona seem to understand a simple truth: If the federal government won’t do its job, the state will have to do it for them. In this case, the job in question is that of protecting the border against an invasion.

We haven't seen a glare like that since Dirty Harry said, "Feelin' lucky today, punk?"

CBS News has wall-to-wall coverage of the new wall:

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona’s portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.
The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Brewer recently asked President Barack Obama to extend the deployment of National Guard troops along the border and for more substantial border fences to block smugglers.

Our advice? Make it a do-it-yourself project, Jan. Send out a call for volunteers with hammers and nails and you’ll probably have about a million volunteers to help build that fence in no time at all.

Source: CBS News

Good news: Napolitano says America’s “safest communities” are on the Mexican border

And we quote the Director of Homeland Security when we say, “The border’s not out of control.” Whether it is or isn’t, we’re pretty sure Janet Napolitano is out of control.

And we quote the Director of Homeland Security when we say, “The border’s not out of control.”

Whether it is or isn’t, we’re pretty sure Janet Napolitano is out of control.

So let’s just ignore those murders, drug dealing, beheadings, kidnappings, shootings, thefts and areas that the government has already declared unsafe for American citizens. Because if Janet Napolitano says the border area is safe, then by god, the border area is safe.

Now let’s sit back for a moment and imagine Napolitano playing the Jack Nicholson role in “A Few Good Men” and screaming, “You can’t handle the truth.”

L.A. Mayor doesn’t believe in a border fence, but now wants a security wall around his mansion

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who doesn’t believe in walling off the Mexican border and who led LA City efforts against Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law, isn’t quite so forgiving when it comes to protecting his own property.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who doesn’t believe in walling off the Mexican border and who led LA City efforts against Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law, isn’t quite so forgiving when it comes to protecting his own property.

los angeles mayor house
If you were a resident of Los Angeles, you would know that a fence around the mayor's mansion would keep the bad elements inside

CBS Los Angeles has the details:

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has asked for approval for a six-foot-wall around the Getty House, the mayor’s official residence in Windsor Square, according to city documents.

But at least one planning official was “caught off guard” by Villaraigosa’s request for increased security around the taxpayer-owned property.

The mayor’s office filed its request on Feb. 2 for a variance to city bylaws with plans to erect a security wall around the property at 605 S. Irving Blvd.

Officials say the wall’s design includes “embedded” security features that will save taxpayer money by cutting costs for security staffing.

Initially, the mayor proposed an eight-and-a-half-foot wall, which was quickly rejected by the Windsor Square Association.

Villaraigosa has scaled down his plans, but the new proposal still exceeds the permitted 42-inch height.

Please note that Villaraigosa’s mansion is located at 605 South Irving Boulevard in Los Angeles. Let’s all meet there at noon and have a picnic lunch on his front yard.

Make sure you leave your trash when you leave. We’ll all go inside the mansion like we own it and use his bathroom or if it’s being used we’ll just use the bushes. If any of us get hurt, we’ll go inside the house and demand that he give us medical care. And if any of us are short of money, we’ll demand that he Villaraigosa cut us each a check.

Anyone know how to say hypocrite in Spanish?

Source: CBS Los Angeles

Disorder at the border: Arizona Govenor Jan Brewer sues Feds over failure to enforce the law

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer went to court on Thursday. She filed suit against the Obama administration over its failure to notice that we have a freakin’ border between the United States and Mexico.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer went to court on Thursday. She filed suit against the Obama administration over its failure to notice that we have a freakin’ border between the United States and Mexico.

Greta Van Susteren was there with her notepad and pen and GretaWire has the details:

You don't need glasses to see the problem on the Mexican border

Governor Jan Brewer just announced . . . . on behalf of the State of Arizona, she is suing the Federal Government.

There are 5 counts . . . . and here is a summary (my notes) from the press conference.

1. failure to achieve operational control over the Mexico/Arizona border.

2. failure to protect Arizona from invasion and Arizona says invasion not just limited to other countries to invade but applies to people and secured border.

3. failure to enforce immigration laws . . . . and their failure causes national security risks . . . abuse of discretion that Fed only enforce the law they want to and they should enforce all.

4. declaratory relief about reimbursement for Fed govt’s failure to pay for incarceration of prisoners (illegal).

5. under 10th amendment . . . powers not delegated to the Fed, are reserved to the people and while control of border is fed responsibility, when criminals cross border illegally and commit crimes, it is a state responsibility and the Feds are interfering with the state to fulfill its responsibilities.

As highly-trained legal experts, we can see two huge problems with this lawsuit – problems that ordinary people who lack our extensive legal training would probably overlook.

First, it assumes that the Obama administration actually recognizes the existence of a border. And second, it assumes that they recognize the authority of the Constitution.

H/T: GretaWire

American and Israeli border fences, bad. Greek and Spanish border fence, not so bad. WTF?

Border fences are terrible things – racist things, really – when they’re built by the United States and Israel. But when they’re built by Greece and Spain, well, that’s a whole different kettle of racists.

Border fences are terrible things – racist things, really – when they’re built by the United States and Israel. But when they’re built by Greece and Spain, well, that’s a whole different kettle of racists.

Spanish Guardia Civil patrolling the border fence between Ceuta and Morocco

The BBC has the story of Greece’s new non-racist, really necessary border fence:

The proposed fence would cover a short section of the Greece-Turkey border in the Orestiada area of north-eastern Greece.

The area has become the main route into Greece for migrants from Africa and Asia with an average of 245 people crossing illegally every day in October 2010, according to Frontex, the EU’s border agency.

The European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmstroem, has said the numbers are “dramatic”.

In a statement, Mr Papoutsis said Greece could “no longer tolerate this”.
“Greek society has exceeded its limit in its capacity to accommodate illegal immigrants,” he said.

“This is the hard reality and we have an obligation to the Greek citizen to deal with it.”

He said the Greek coastguard would also be upgraded and modernised to tackle illegal migration.

But Greece, it turns out, isn’t the only European nation trying to keep the swarthy masses from its shores. Spain has also built fences to protect its African enclaves of Melilla and Cueta.

What’s that? You didn’t know that Spain still occupied land on the African continent? Neither did we until we began researching this story. Fact is, Spain has occupied Mellila and Ceuta, two cities sitting on the Mediterranean, but otherwise surrounded by Morroco, since the 1500s and refuses to give them up. Consider them the Spanish versions of Gibraltar.

As you might imagine, Spain quickly turns its back on socialism and the brotherhood of man when it comes to Melilla and Ceuta. Just won’t do, you know, to have those North African huddled masses yearning to be free entering Spain through its two African enclaves. So Spain has done what any rational nation would do – they built fences – fences topped with razor wire, which, as you might imagine, is razor sharp. Despite the fact that you’ve never heard a word about these fences, they were first built in the early 1990s and have been strengthened and improved since then in an attempt to restrict illegal immigration.

Yet no one except, perhaps, Morocco and Turkey, stands up at the U.N. to protest these border fences. No, those noisy protests are reserved for the evil, racist Israeli and American border fences and the equally evil, racist Israelis and Americans who deprive undocumented aliens of their rights by building them.

Why if we weren’t such firm believers in the sanctity of the United Nations, we might think there is a little selective outrange going on here.

Source: BBC,

Remember those troops Obama sent to the Mexican border? It was all bullshit.

The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows.

As if he hasn’t violated enough laws, President Obama is now violating Newton’s Third Law of Motion. That’s the one that says “to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

In February of this year the President announced that he was sending troops to the Mexican border.

"Do you see any troops, Estacio? I don't see any troops."

That action was accompanied by lots of hoopla in the media, but in a completely unequal reaction, the withdrawal of those troops has now been quietly announced in a letter to a Texas congressman.

The Washington Examiner has the details:

The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.

A letter sent to various members of the Texas Congressional delegation from Texas’ Gov. Rick Perry’s office says, “In February, 2011, the Texas, New Mexico, and California National Guard forces that were deployed to the border in September, 2010, under President’s Obama’s Southwest Border Augmentation Plan, will have 30 days to complete a total draw down of forces.”

The roughly 550 troops will have the month of February to redeploy back to their units, Texas Congressman Ted Poe told The Examiner. Troops would not be pulled off the Arizona border under the plan, and about 100 of the troops would re-deploy there from other states, officials said.

Poe received the letter today. His office confirmed with Department of Homeland Security officials that the plan came from the administration.

“I’m surprised the president would so quickly remove troops from Texas. They’re not supposed to leave until July,” said Poe.

Fact is, Obama withdrew those troops faster than the French front lines fleeing a battle.

Congressman Poe shouldn’t have been surprised. It doesn’t matter where the President sends troops – the Mexican border or Iraq or Afghanistan – he seems to be incapable of doing it without simultaneously announcing a date that they will be pulled out.

He just wishes he could surrender in Afghanistan as quickly as he surrendered on the Mexican border.

Source: Washington Examiner

Texas Congressman wants Obama to put 10,000 troops on Mexican border

If Congressman Ted Poe has his way, President Obama will be putting troops on the Mexican border. Lots of troops.

If Congressman Ted Poe has his way, President Obama will be putting troops on the Mexican border. Lots of troops. has the details:

ted poe
Congressman Ted Poe wants 10,000 troops stationed on our southern border. We, on the other hand, would like to be stationed on Bo Derek's southern border.

Texas Republican Rep. Ted Poe has introduced legislation that would force President Obama to put 10,000 troops on the Mexican border.

Rep. Ted Poe (R.-Texas), who served for 30 years as a Texas prosecutor and judge before being elected to Congress, introduced legislation last week designed to force President Barack Obama to deploy a minimum of 10,000 National Guard troops at the U.S. Mexico border for the specific purpose of patrolling the border and intercepting aliens and smugglers attempting to cross illegally into the United States.

The legislation would allow the president to deploy more than 10,000 National Guardsmen, but not fewer.

“The president could put more than that, but he must put 10,000,” Poe told “The uniqueness of this is they would be paid by the federal government, because everybody says it is the responsibility of the federal government to protect the border. So the federal government will use the resources it already has to pay for those 10,000 National Guard troops, but they will be supervised by the governors of the four states on the border.”

We love this idea, so don’t get us wrong. But we think the only way this bill will ever get passed is if the vote is held while Democrats are all struck dumb by the concept of actually defending our borders.


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