Maybe the problem is that President Obama just isn’t very good at math

Is it possible that President Obama failed math? That would answer a lot of questions.
Is it possible that President Obama failed math? That would answer a lot of questions.

We heard a joke today. It’s a sick joke, but it goes to prove a point. It goes like this:

Rahm Emanuel heard about the Brazilian plane crash, ran into the Oval Office and said, “Mr. President, we just lost 200 Brazilians.”

Obama looks concerned and says, “How many trillion in a brazillion?”

Point is, this guy proves over and over that he has no grasp of basic math.

Obviously, the projected deficits prove that trillions are meaningless to him. But now it appears that he has no grasp of millions, either.

As it was reported in the New York Times, “In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as ‘one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.’”

“’And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,’ Mr. Obama said.”

That’s nonsense. According to, the United States ranks just 34th in the world with approximately 6,000,000 Muslims. That puts us right behind tiny nations like Tajikistan, Burkina Faso, Kazakhstan, Azerbiajan, and the President’s own Kenya. Many authorities think that 6,000,000 number is vastly inflated.

Obviously, Obama has trouble with complex numbers. He’s baffled by millions, billions and trillions. In fact, the only number he’s really concerned with is The One.

Source: New York Times,

Bush tells reporter “United States is one of the largest Christian nations in the world”

Religious zealot George Bush thinks America is a Christian nation.
Religious zealot George Bush thinks America is a Christian nation.

That idiot, former President George Bush, showed his total disregard for the separation of church and state today when he told a French reporter that the United States was a Christian nation.

Here’s how the New York Times reported it:

“In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Bush noted that the United States also could be considered as ‘one of the largest Christian countries in the world.’”

“’And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Christian Americans, we’d be one of the largest Christian countries in the world,’ Mr. Bush said.”

Shocking, isn’t it. Except for one thing. We switched two words in the New York Times story. We substituted “Bush” for “Obama” and “Christian” for “Muslim.”

Even though the statement we attributed to Bush would have been true, just imagine the leftist howls of protest about the separation of church and state if he had actually said it.

Yet, instead of condemning Obama’s demonstrably false statement as a violation of church and state, the liberal media merely quibbles about his numbers.

In the words of King Barack, “l’État, c’est moi.” And in the words of the press, “l’État, c’est il.”

Reference: New York Times

Geithner says China’s American investments are safe, students burst out laughing

Audience member reacts as Tim Geithner quips, "I just flew in from Washington, DC. And boy, are my arms tired."
Audience member reacts as Tim Geithner quips, "I just flew in from Washington, DC. And boy, are my arms tired."

Poor Tim Geithner. He gave a speech at a Chinese university and attempted to reassure the students that their government’s immense dollar-denominated assets are safe.

“We believe in a strong dollar,” Geithner told the students at Peking University. “Chinese financial assets are very safe.”

The students laughed. Out loud.

Can’t blame them. You have to admit that it’s one of the funniest things you’ve ever heard.


Obama wins another election, U.S. voted onto vile U.N. Human Rights Council

Are we the only ones who find it odd that all members of the U.N. Human Rights Council run unopposed?
Are we the only ones who find it odd that all members of the U.N. Human Rights Council run unopposed?

Why that Barack Obama guy is unstoppable. First he gets elected President of the United States, then he gets the United States elected to the most corrupt organization within the remarkably corrupt United Nations.

You’ll be proud to know that the United States now sits on the U.N. Human Rights Council. Right alongside such notable human rights advocates as Cuba, China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.

We’ve boycotted the commission in the past because it served primarily as a venue to bash Israel.

Here’s how Associated Press reported this milestone achievement for President Obama:

Former President George W. Bush’s administration boycotted the council over its repeated criticism of Israel and its refusal to cite flagrant rights abuses in Sudan and elsewhere.

But the U.S. announced in late March that it would seek to join the council to help make it more effective, reflecting President Barack Obama’s desire to create a “new era of engagement” with the international community.

Even though the U.S. did not face competition in its regional group for a seat on the 47-member council, it needed to get at least 97 votes — a majority of the 192 U.N. member states — in a secret ballot. It did far better, winning 167 votes.

“We received 90 percent of the valid votes cast,” U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice pointed out after the vote. “And we’re gratified by the strong showing of encouragement for the United States to again play a meaningful leadership role in multilateral organizations including the United Nations on the very vitally important set of issues relating to human rights and democracy.”

Let’s review: We ran for this obscene council unopposed and got 90% of the vote.

On one hand, the 90% figure is so high that it sounds suspiciously like the election results announced in a country like North Korea or Cuba. On the other hand, we ran unopposed and still couldn’t get one out of ten countries to vote for us.

We don’t know which is worse.

Source: Associated Press via

37% say U.S. has been arrogant and dismissive of Europe. We say, “Who cares?”

22% of Americans want us to be more like Europe. We'll pass.
22% of Americans want us to be more like Europe. We'll pass.
Rasmussen Reports conducts some interesting surveys. One of their new national telephone surveys shows that 37% “of American voters agree that in dealing with its European allies over the years, the United States has shown arrogance, been dismissive, and even derisive.”

Luckily, the same survey found that 47% disagree with that statement. 16% are not sure. (We suspect that the answer to this question is not all they’re unsure of.)

The best part of the survey is that 54% of American voters think the world would be better off if Europe became more like the United States. 22% think the world would better off it we became more like Europe.

If that 22% is talking about topless beaches, we’re with ’em. But if they’re talking about lederhosen, forget it.

Source: RasmussenReports

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