Christian terrorists arrested in North Carolina

This week the FBI arrested six men who organized terrorist ring right in the heart of conservative North Carolina. This dangerous group of Christian extremists were plotting to… What’s that? They weren’t Christians? They were actually homegrown Muslims?

Remember a couple months ago when Janet Napolitano issued a report warning about the dangers of “homegrown” terror and suggested that conservatives needed to be watched?

Well, damned if she wasn’t right. This week the FBI arrested six men who organized terrorist ring right in the heart of conservative North Carolina. This dangerous group of Christian extremists were plotting to…

What’s that? They weren’t Christians? They were actually homegrown Muslims?

Well, that certainly screws up this story.

Source: LittleGreenFootballs

Sure glad we got that dangerous religious zealot out of the White House. Wait. Not so fast.

Barack Obama talks to God for inspiration. He’s a religious fanatic. He’s worse than the Taliban. He’s turning the country over to dangerous religious elements.

The left has undergone a miraculous religious conversion since Barack Obama was inaugurated. Suddenly, it’s good again to be overtly religious.

Comments that would have driven the left to bemoan the blurring of the separation of church and state had Bush made them are now seen as proof of Obama’s humanity and humility.

Consider this exchange on Thursday’s Nightline:

Terry Moran: Last question. As you know, there’s a lot of curiosity about you and what you do and what you wear and all these things and where you worship. If I may ask, how have the responsibilities of the presidency affected your spiritual life, if at all.

Obama: Well, I had a habit of praying every night before I got to bed. I pray all the time now (laughs) because I have a lot of stuff on my plate and I need guidance all the time. We haven’t selected a permanent church home in DC….my Faith and Neighborhood Initiatives Director Joshua DeBois, he has a devotional that he sends to me on my Blackberry every day. That’s how I start my morning. It’s got a passage, a scripture, in some cases quotes from other faiths to reflect on. So look, when you’re in this job, I think every President who’s had it is constantly humbled by the degree to which there are a lot of issues out there and the notion that one person alone can solve all these problems…I think you’re cured of that illusion very quickly. You just hope that you’re aligning your work with His purposes and that you’re attuned to the needs of the people that you’re there to serve.

Good Lord (you’ll pardon he expression), the man talks to God for inspiration. He’s a religious fanatic. He’s worse than the Taliban. He’s turning the country over to dangerous religious elements.

Confused about what role religion should play in a president’s life? Keep the rule of thumb in mind:

Republican president prays, bad. Democrat president prays, good.

Bush tells reporter “United States is one of the largest Christian nations in the world”

Religious zealot George Bush thinks America is a Christian nation.
Religious zealot George Bush thinks America is a Christian nation.

That idiot, former President George Bush, showed his total disregard for the separation of church and state today when he told a French reporter that the United States was a Christian nation.

Here’s how the New York Times reported it:

“In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Bush noted that the United States also could be considered as ‘one of the largest Christian countries in the world.’”

“’And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Christian Americans, we’d be one of the largest Christian countries in the world,’ Mr. Bush said.”

Shocking, isn’t it. Except for one thing. We switched two words in the New York Times story. We substituted “Bush” for “Obama” and “Christian” for “Muslim.”

Even though the statement we attributed to Bush would have been true, just imagine the leftist howls of protest about the separation of church and state if he had actually said it.

Yet, instead of condemning Obama’s demonstrably false statement as a violation of church and state, the liberal media merely quibbles about his numbers.

In the words of King Barack, “l’État, c’est moi.” And in the words of the press, “l’État, c’est il.”

Reference: New York Times

The Young Conservative Anthem. This is cool.

Check out this conservative rap video. It’s quickly going viral and has already had 113,820 views at YouTube as of 3:40 p.m.,Monday, June 1.

“The Young Con Anthem,” was written and performed by David Rufful and Josh Riddle, students at Dartmouth. They say they have “a devout mission to spread the love and logic surrounding true conservatism.”

We love these guys.


Bill Maher’s latest offensive anti-Christian rant. Forgive him father, for he knows not how unfunny he is.

Has Bill Maher ever been funny? Even once in his career? Ever?

On Friday night’s HBO show, he continued his streak of mean-spirited (Oops. If you’re in a forgiving mood, please forgive our use that left wing terminology) unfunniness with this tasteless satire on Carrie Prejean.

Source: HBO via

Federal judge rules that Christian-bashing teacher violated First Amendment

A Federal judge has ruled that an Orange County high school teacher violated the First Amendment by disparaging Christians during a classroom lecture.

Here’s how the Orange County Register explains it:

James Corbett, a 20-year teacher at Capistrano Valley High School, referred to Creationism as “religious, superstitious nonsense” during a 2007 classroom lecture, denigrating his former Advanced Placement European history student, Chad Farnan.

The decision is the culmination of a 16-month legal battle between Corbett and Farnan – a conflict the judge said should remind teachers of their legal “boundaries” as public school employees.

“Corbett states an unequivocal belief that Creationism is ‘superstitious nonsense,'” U.S. District Court Judge James Selna said in a 37-page ruling released from his Santa Ana courtroom. “The court cannot discern a legitimate secular purpose in this statement, even when considered in context.”

In a December 2007 lawsuit, Farnan, then a sophomore, accused Corbett of repeatedly promoting hostility toward Christians in class and advocating “irreligion over religion” in violation of the First Amendment’s establishment clause.

We favor prayer in school. Lord knows we frequently needed divine intervention to get through high school.

Source: Orange County Register

Left wing bloggers try to embarrass Miss California with “dirty” photos

Dirty. Sexy. Risque. Semi-nude. Harlot. (Yawn. Wake us up when the left digs up something worth talking about.)
Dirty. Sexy. Risque. Semi-nude. Harlot. (Yawn. Wake us up when the left digs up something worth talking about.)
Miss California, Carrie Prejean, doesn’t deserve to live. She actually had the effrontery to express the opinion of the majority of people in her state and in the nation.

Now the left is out to do anything they can to destroy this young woman. She’s a stupid bitch. She’s had breast implants. And now, now, now the left thinks they’ve hit the scandal goldmine.

“Dirty” photos.

Sadly for the left, the photos are about as dirty as the Sears catalog. In fact, they may actually have been in a Sear’s catalog.

“I am a Christian, and I am a model,” Prejean said. “Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith. I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be.”

The best they can do so far is photo that shows Prejean wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Her breasts are completely covered by her arm.

Yet media bias reared its ugly head when NBC’s Today Show refused to air the photos because they were too racy.

Hah! They’re about as racy as Katie Couric. Ooh, we take that back. We don’t even want to think about that. God, we wish we could wipe that thought from our minds.

Source: JammieWearingFool

Obama’s grandmother to make pilgrimage to Mecca, ultimate Muslim religious experience

Soon Obama will be wearing a T-shirt that says, "My grandma went to Mecca and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."
Soon Obama will be wearing a T-shirt that says, "My grandma went to Mecca and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

Looks like 2009 is going to be a big, big year for Sarah Obama, the President’s grandmother.

First she attended her definitely, positively, absolutely non-Muslim grandson’s Presidential inauguration in January. Now it’s been announced that she will attend the hajj. According to, “at least once in a lifetime a Muslim is expected to make a religious journey to Mecca and the Kaaba; for a Muslim the hajj is the ultimate act of worship…”

The Daily Times of Pakistan reports:

US President Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother, Sara Obama, will perform haj this year along with her son Syed Obama, a private TV channel reported on Saturday. According to the channel, Sara and Syed will also visit Dubai before going to Saudi Arabia for performing haj. Sara (85) is an active participant in welfare and charity programmes. The channel said performing haj is one of the most desired wishes of the US president’s grandmother. daily times monitor.

Grandma’s trip is being paid for by Kenyan property tycoon Dr Sulaiman Al Fahim, who will also accompany her on the Hajj.

A few weeks ago, we reported that Kenya’s Christians and Muslims were battling for the soul of Sarah Obama.

Looks like the Muslims won.

Source: Pakistan Daily Times,

Kenya’s Muslims and Christians battling for the soul of Barack Obama’s grandmother

Seventh Day Adventist terrorists are causing trouble for President Obama's grandmother in Kenya.
Seventh Day Adventist terrorists are causing trouble for President Obama's grandmother in Kenya.

Oh, my! We have a battle going in Kenya. Muslims claim Christians are trying to convert Sarah Obama, who just happens to be the president’s grannie.

Mrs Obama, who’s been basking in her grandson’s aura since he became the most powerful man in the world, was recently stopped from going to a Seventh Day Adventist Church by local Muslims who feared she might convert to Christianity.

Not to worry, say the Seventh Day Adventists. They say she had merely been invited to attend one of their events.

“We had invited her to grace our meeting in Kisumu which was to mark the end of a three-week convention, but although she had prepared, she did not attend,” said Lewis Ondiek, a senior church figure.

Hey, Reverend Wright. Get your butt on a plane bound for Kenya. You may have lost one Obama, but it looks like there’s another one ripe for conversion.

Source: Ecumenical News International via Telegraph UK

When do religious broadcasters want the Fairness Doctrine? When hell freezes over.

Christian Broadcaster Pat Roberson
Christian Broadcaster Pat Roberson

Chalk up another vote against the Fairness Doctrine – this one from religious broadcasters.

“If I happen to say declaratively that the Bible tells me that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by Him,” said Christian talk show host Janet Parshall, “I am not interested in giving equal time to Buddha, Hinduism, or L. Ron Hubbard.”

We generally think political speech is the target of the Fairness Doctrine, but the only broadcast license that’s ever been revoked belonged to a Christian station. In 1964, a Pennsylvania Christian station carried a program on which the Reverend Billy James Hargis criticized author Fred Cook. When Cook was refused a chance to respond, he reported the station to the FCC. The station’s license was eventually revoked.

Can’t wait to hear Teddy Kennedy’s response to the Ten Commandments.

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