Austria election RESULTS: Eurosceptics poised to celebrate in nightmare for Brussels

Austria election RESULTS: Eurosceptics poised to celebrate in nightmare for Brussels. Time for another Brexit? People are getting tired of the EU and Herr Merkel running their lives and importing Muslims.

Someone in Europe gets it: Austrian politician goes off on Turkish ambassador

Ewald Stadler, a member of the Austrian Parliament, clearly sees what political correctness and insurgent Muslim immigrants have done to his country and its culture. Let’s just say he doesn’t like it.

This is one of those “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moments. Except it’s in German.

Ewald Stadler, a member of the Austrian Parliament, clearly sees what political correctness and insurgent Muslim immigrants have done to his country and its culture. Let’s just say he doesn’t like it.

In this video clip, Stadler goes off on the Turkish ambassador, who made the mistake of complaining that Turkish Muslims are now allowed to integrate into Austrian society.

We could use a few more Ewald Stadler’s in the world. Correction: We need a lot more Ewald Stadler’s in the world.


And in Australia, they speak Australian Barack Obama did his best Dan Quayle impression on Sunday when he announced in a Strasbourg speech that Austrians speak a language known as Austrian.

“It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There’s a lot of — I don’t know what the term is in Austrian — wheeling and dealing — and, you know, people are pursuing their interests, and everybody has their own particular issues and their own particular politics.”

President Obama will announce later today that in Australia they speak Australian, in Brazil they speak Brazilian, and in Taiwan they speak Taiwanese.


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