Praise be to Allah: Dutch officially abandon multiculturalism

The liberal media “missed” this story about the Netherlands officially abandoning that most cherished of crackpot liberal schemes, multiculturalism.

Every once in a while – far more often than can be called mere coincidence – the mainstream American media miss a story of great import. Of course, the thread that ties all those missing stories together is that they contain news that runs counter to liberal dogma.

Like this story about the Netherlands officially abandoning that most cherished of crackpot liberal schemes, multiculturalism.

After an absence of several years, sanity is returning to the Netherlands

The mainstream media won’t cover it, so we have to depend on a podunk publication like Hudson New York:

A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: “The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society.”

The letter continues: “A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens. It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands. The integration will not be tailored to different groups.”

From now on, more will be expected of immigrants to the Netherlands. They’ll have to learn the Dutch language and obey Dutch laws and adopt Dutch values.

And best of all, no more extra subsidies for Muslim immigrants, no more burqas, no more forced marriages.

In other words, no more lunacy.

Source: Hudson New York

One down, one to go: Dutch politician Geert Wilders acquitted of hate speech

A Dutch court acquited populist politician Geert Wilders on Thursday. He had been accused of inciting hatred of Muslims by telling the truth.

You may find this hard to believe, but the world isn’t completely insane. A Dutch court acquited populist politician Geert Wilders on Thursday. He had been accused of inciting hatred of Muslims by telling the truth.

geert wilders
Speech is a little freer in the Netherlands now that Geert Wilders is free

Reuters has the report:

The case was seen by some as a test of free speech in a country which has a long tradition of tolerance and blunt talk, but where opposition to immigration, particularly from Muslim or predominantly Muslim countries, is on the rise.

Instantly recognizable by his mane of dyed blond hair, Wilders, 47, is one of the most outspoken critics of Islam and immigration in the Netherlands.

His Freedom Party is now the third-largest in parliament, a measure of support for its anti-immigrant stance, and is the minority government’s chief ally. But many of Wilders’ comments — such as likening Islam to Nazism — are socially divisive.

andrew bolt aborigines
A selection of the Australian aborigines who are suing blogger Andrew Bolt

Really nice impartial work, Reuters. You didn’t even attempt to disguise your editorializing by saying, “Some people say his comments are socially divisive.” You went straight to they are socially divisive.

Unfortunately, the Wilders case isn’t an isolated incident. Australian newspaper columnist, blogger and TV star Andrew Bolt  is currently being tried under his nation’s Racial Discrimination Act.

His offense? Suggesting in a series of columns that some light or white-skinned Aussies who identify themselves as aboriginal may have motives that are less than pure. The overly-sensitive “aboriginal” plaintiffs say they were offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by Bolt’s articles.

One day at a time. Wilders today, Bolt tomorrow.

Source: Reuters

Dutch TV show finds Osama bin Laden “Not Guilty.” finds the Dutch “Not Rational.”

The Dutch should stick to what they know. Tulips. Windmills. Wooden shoes. Marijuana. Sex shops.
The Dutch should stick to what they know. Tulips. Windmills. Wooden shoes. Marijuana. Sex shops.
The Dutch are generally pretty rational. What the hell happened here?

The Netherlands public TV network runs a show called “Devil’s Advocate.” On its Wednesday night show, a five-member jury and the studio audience listened to all the evidence and concluded that there wasn’t enough proof to convict bin Laden of being the brains behind the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. This, of course, is despite the fact that bin Laden has repeatedly, proudly taken credit for the attacks.

The show features famed Dutch defense attorney Gerard Spong defending some of the world’s worst criminals. The silver-tongued Spong convinced the jury that bin Laden’s connection to Sept. 11 was merely “Western propaganda.”

While they were at it, the jury also concluded that there was insufficient evidence to prove bin Laden is the top dog in al-Qaida.

Next week on Devil’s Advocate, the jury will decide that black is white, up is down, and global warming causes global cooling.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

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