Germany Is Dismantling A Wind Farm To Make Way For A Coal Mine


Germany Is Dismantling A Wind Farm To Make Way For A Coal Mine. We don’t know whether to file this under “Immense Irony,” “Stupid Greentards,” “No Wonder Germany Lost WW2” or “Russia Russia Russia.” Regardless, they should have listened to Trump about not making deals with Vladimir Putin for natural gas.

A wind farm is being dismantled in western Germany to make way for an expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in a “paradoxical” situation highlighting the current prioritization of energy security over clean energy in Europe’s biggest economy.  

The dismantling of at least one wind turbine at the wind farm close to the German coal mine Garzweiler, operated by energy giant RWE, has already started. RWE says that lignite, or brown coal, has been mined from the Garzweiler coalfields for over 100 years.

RWE also said at the end of September that three of its lignite-fired coal units that were previously on standby would return to the electricity market on schedule in October.

European Union Votes to Classify Natural Gas and Nuclear as ‘Green Energy’

Nuclear Power Plant

European Union Votes to Classify Natural Gas and Nuclear as ‘Green Energy.’ How long before the liberal-green brain trust in Washington, DC follows suit? Someone send Vlad Putin a thank you note for waking these green boneheads up.

The European Union voted on Wednesday to keep some specific uses of natural gas and nuclear energy in its taxonomy of sustainable sources of energy.

Europe’s taxonomy is its classification system for defining “environmentally sustainable economic activities” for investors, policymakers and companies. This official opinion of the EU matters because it affects funding for projects as the region charts its path to address climate change. In theory, the taxonomy “aims to boost green investments and prevent ‘greenwashing,’” according to the EU’s parliament.

The vote on natural gas and nuclear energy follows one that was passed in February, which amounted to a referendum on what had been a particularly controversial piece of the ruling. Natural gas emits 58.5% as much carbon dioxide as coal, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association. Nuclear power does not generate any emissions, though it draws criticism surrounding the problem of storing radioactive waste.


Clinton’s link to Putin is the underreported ‘dossier’ bombshell

Clinton’s link to Putin is the underreported ‘dossier’ bombshell. Yes the MSM is hiding out and keep trying to blame Trump.

Here’s the bottom line: We have congressional testimony, under oath, that Clinton hired the same firm to smear Trump that Putin reportedly used to smear Magnitsky. Moreover, we also know that the Fusion GPS dossier relied on senior Russian government officials for much of the dirt it compiled, including “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure” and a “former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.” Together, those are bombshell revelations.

FBI Probe Of Paul Manafort Focuses On 13 “Suspicious” Wire Transfers

FBI Probe Of Paul Manafort Focuses On 13 “Suspicious” Wire Transfers. These were during Obama’s reign in 2012-2013. If this is the guy Mueller is indicting Monday it doesn’t appear to have anything to do with Trump.

FBI document cache sheds light on inner workings of Russia’s U.S. news (and propaganda) network

FBI document cache sheds light on inner workings of Russia’s U.S. news (and propaganda) network Well, some of this could be propaganda too but interesting read.

Newly Released Emails Show Hillary Invited Putin To Clinton Foundation Event

Newly Released Emails Show Hillary Invited Putin To Clinton Foundation Event. Perhaps she wanted to sell more uranium to the Russians.

Clinton Foundation director of foreign policy Amitabh Desai sent dozens of invitations to world leaders including then-Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, emails recently obtained by Judicial Watch revealed.

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