Young Scandinavians Are Sticking Nicotine Pouches Up Their Asses

Nicotine Pouch

Young Scandinavians Are Sticking Nicotine Pouches Up Their Asses. Bill Clinton’s going to love this, hell, he of invented it.

Young Danes are sticking nicotine pouches up their asses and inside their foreskins in a trend that’s left health experts concerned and baffled, according to Danish national broadcaster DR. 

DENMARK: 17-year-old girl who successfully fended off a would-be (Muslim?) rapist by using pepper spray is now facing criminal charges

DENMARK: 17-year-old girl who successfully fended off a would-be (Muslim?) rapist by using pepper spray is now facing criminal charges. Evidenty rape is OK but using pepper spray to stop it isn’t.

Danish City Makes Pork Mandatory On Municipal Menus, Including For Schools And Daycare Centers…

Danish City Makes Pork Mandatory On Municipal Menus, Including For Schools And Daycare Centers… In Randers, Denmark, it’s “Pork, the other white meat” for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Too bad the rest of Europe doesn’t follow suit and tell the Muslims to keep their culture to themselves or go back.

Singular solution to multiculturalism: Denmark buys back a border guardhouse so it can close its borders

The European Union’s grand experiment in open borders and multiculturalism has become a grand failure. Europe has suddenly rediscovered the old adage that says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

The European Union’s grand experiment in open borders and multiculturalism has become a grand failure. Europe has suddenly rediscovered the old adage that says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

We really hope the Danish People's Party made a nice profit on this real estate transaction

The New York Times almost chokes while reporting the story:

Ten years ago, as Denmark joined the European Union’s visa-free open travel zone, the outraged Danish People’s Party bought a decommissioned border guardhouse, vowing that one day it would be in use again. Back then, most Danes dismissed the move as a colorful publicity stunt by the newly formed right-wing party.

Ahhh, yes, in Europe, just as in the United States, leftists dismiss every right wing worry as uninformed at best and racist at worst.

But last month, the Danish People’s Party was doing a victory dance, offering to donate its picturesque brick guardhouse at the German border to the government. The party had achieved its goal: Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen had agreed to restore 24-hour customs control in exchange for support on a difficult budget package.

The deal set off an outcry in the European Union as tiny Denmark became the first member to seriously challenge the union’s crowning achievement: the free movement of goods and services across borders. Italy and France, wrangling over a huge influx of immigrants from North Africa, have been pushing for a lesser step — the ability to temporarily close borders in an emergency. This got the official nod of approval during a meeting of European leaders on Friday.

The Danes’ plan, on the other hand, has garnered a warning from the Eurocrats in Brussels who said the Scandinavian country’s plans are incompatible with its “obligations under European and international law.”

We think that’s what it said, but it’s difficult to tell because the Eurocrats’ warning was nearly illegible. But it’s not really their fault. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to write legibly while wearing blinders.

Source: New York Times

Immigration, terrorists, naked breasts. Ahhh, we knew that would get your attention.

A Danish politician has come up with a novel idea: Show all incoming immigrants images of naked breasts.

In a move designed to (a) reduce the number of Islamic terrorists entering the country, (b) increase the number of other tourists entering the country, or (c) both, a Danish politician has come up with a novel idea:

Leave it to the Danes to develop the world's most sophisticated terrorist detection system

Show all incoming immigrants images of naked breasts.

Al-Arabiya has the naked truth:

Want to immigrate to Denmark? Then you need to be able to handle to look at a pair of naked women’s breasts, at least if Peter Skaarup, foreign policy spokesman of the far-right Danish People’s party has his way.

According to Skaarup, a documentary film about Denmark that will be shown as part of an upcoming immigration test for foreigners needs to have a pair of breasts in it, to intimidate any extremists from attempting to enter the tiny Scandinavian country.

Because a topless woman on a beach would be a good example of the Danish open-mindedness, Skaarup points out.

This, he said, is mainly relevant for immigrants coming from fundamentalist societies where women are oppressed and are not allowed to display their sexuality or even their hair. On the other hand Danish women are allowed to wear –-or not wear— what they please, underlining that he is not trying to provoke anyone with his statements.

… Integration spokesman for the Conservative Party, one of two government parties, Naser Khader says “a pair of naked breasts is no protection against extremism.”

“It’s quite the opposite, fundamentalists are so obsessed with sex that they will be pouring in over the borders. Maybe we should try with naked pigs,” Khader writes on his page on social networking site Facebook.

He’s kidding. At least we think he’s kidding. But we also think that’s not the worst idea we’ve ever heard.

If either concept is instituted, it will no longer be the terrorists’ dynamite vests that explode, it’ll be their heads. And that’s a much better outcome.


Why didn’t we think of this: Denmark pays immigrants to go home

Denmark has increased by tenfold the amount of money offered to immigrants who return home permanently to 100,000 kroner ($20,000), officials said on Monday.

Don't like the famous Danish Mohammed cartoon? Go home, Farook.
Don't like the famous Danish Mohammed cartoon? Go home, Farook.

Hey, if we can’t build a wall to keep ‘em out, let’s pay ‘em to go home. It must be acceptable, because the socialist paradise of Denmark is doing it.

Denmark has increased by tenfold the amount of money offered to immigrants who return home permanently to 100,000 kroner ($20,000), officials said on Monday …

The scheme is aimed at immigrants from outside the European Union and Nordic countries, DPP deputy leader Peter Skaarup told AFP.

“It in practice targets those nationals from non-Western countries who are struggling to adapt to Danish society…”

The agreement also calls for 20 million kroner in aid to city councils in charge of integrating immigrants, to help them “motivate” foreigners to return home.

According to the refugee, immigrant and integration ministry, some 2,524 people have voluntarily left Denmark since 1997, when the repatriation programme was introduced. Most of them were from the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia and Turkey.

Far be it from us to think that Denmark may be profiling its immigrants, but “most of them were from the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia and Turkey.”

In other words, “Hey, Abdul, don’t the the door whack you on the ass on the way out.”

It hardly seems “fair,” but hell, give us $20,000 and we’d ship our grandparents back to the Netherlands. Even if they didn’t want to go.

Source: Andrew Bolt

Denmark proves wind power just a bunch of hot air

How to generate wind power when the wind doesn't blow.
How to generate wind power when the wind doesn't blow.

The global warming crowd constantly bleats that wind power is our salvation and to complete the analogy, that we should follow Denmark’s example like a bunch of sheep.

“Denmark’s wind generation industry already employs 9000 people,” said Australian Green leader Bob Brown, “will nicet (sic) 10% of electricity demand by 2000, and is growing at 20% per annum. It’s a major export earner.”

Not so fast. Turns out Denmark’s windmill miracle is more hot air than hot news. When the recalcitrant winds refuse to blow, the country draws its power from Sweden, Germany and Norway.

Uh-oh. Sweden and Germany generate their power with coal and nuclear.

Another uh-oh. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Denmark committed itself to a 29% reduction in green house gasses in the 2008-2012 period. Even with outsourcing their power production to other countries, the country’s 2006 emissions rose 1.7% above its base year emissions.

Of course, as you might expect, Danes pay the highest prices in all of Europe for their power.

This may not be scientific, but it looks like the only way this wind power thing is going to work is if Al Gore puckers up and blows.

Source: Andrew Bolt/NewsCorp

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